How to Summarize Nonfiction Articles
Pre-Read Survey the article. Examine the title, any headings, illustrations, or any information about the author that may help you focus your reading. Survey the article. Examine the title, any headings, illustrations, or any information about the author that may help you focus your reading.
Read! Read the entire article thoroughly. Read the entire article thoroughly. Do not write a summary as you are reading. Do not write a summary as you are reading. Reread the article to truly understand it. Reread the article to truly understand it. Annotate the text looking for key terms and main ideas. Annotate the text looking for key terms and main ideas. Attempt to give each paragraph a title. Attempt to give each paragraph a title. Play the believing game. Try to see topics only through the perspective of the author. Play the believing game. Try to see topics only through the perspective of the author.
Writing a Summary Use your own words that will put main ideas into your own understanding. Use your own words that will put main ideas into your own understanding. Be concise. Avoid fillers and details that are not important main ideas. Be concise. Avoid fillers and details that are not important main ideas. Make the summary clear and understandable to someone who has not read the original article. Your summary should stand on its own. Make the summary clear and understandable to someone who has not read the original article. Your summary should stand on its own. Add no new data and none of your own ideas. Add no new data and none of your own ideas.
Writing a Summary Unless the examples in the article are essential, do not include the examples in your summary. Unless the examples in the article are essential, do not include the examples in your summary. Avoid list summaries. Instead, focus details and organize them around the claim that the author is making. Avoid list summaries. Instead, focus details and organize them around the claim that the author is making. Here is an easy way to begin a summary: In "[name of article]" [author] states.... [State the main point of the article first.] Here is an easy way to begin a summary: In "[name of article]" [author] states.... [State the main point of the article first.]
Templates for Introducing Summaries and Quotations She advocates a radical revision of the juvenile justice system. She advocates a radical revision of the juvenile justice system. They celebrate the fact that ___. They celebrate the fact that ___. ___, he admits. ___, he admits.
Verbs for Making a Claim Argue▪ Remind us Argue▪ Remind us Assert▪ Report Assert▪ Report Believe▪ Suggest Believe▪ Suggest Claim Claim Emphasize Emphasize Insist Insist Observe Observe
Verbs for Expressing Argument Acknowledge Acknowledge Admire Admire Agree Agree Endorse Endorse Extol Extol Praise Praise Reaffirm Reaffirm Verify Verify
Verbs for Questioning or Disagreeing Complain▪ Refute Complain▪ Refute Complicate▪ Reject Complicate▪ Reject Contend▪ Renounce Contend▪ Renounce Contradict▪ Repudiate Contradict▪ Repudiate Deny Deny Deplore Deplore Qualify Qualify Question Question
Verbs for Making Recommendations Advocate Advocate Demand Demand Encourage Encourage Exhort Exhort Implore Implore Plead Plead Urge Urge Warn Warn
Example Wrong: This article covers the topic of measuring the extent of global deforestation. The article discusses reasons for concern, the technique, the results, and the project’s current goal. Wrong: This article covers the topic of measuring the extent of global deforestation. The article discusses reasons for concern, the technique, the results, and the project’s current goal.
Example Right: According to the author of “Seeing the Forest,” the extent of global deforestation was difficult to measure until satellite remote sensing techniques were applied. Measuring the extent of global deforestation is important because of concerns about global warming and species extinctions. The technique compares old infrared LANDSAT images with new images. The authors conclude the method is accurate and cost effective. Right: According to the author of “Seeing the Forest,” the extent of global deforestation was difficult to measure until satellite remote sensing techniques were applied. Measuring the extent of global deforestation is important because of concerns about global warming and species extinctions. The technique compares old infrared LANDSAT images with new images. The authors conclude the method is accurate and cost effective.
Your Assignment You are going to write two or three paragraphs based on one of your nonfiction articles. You are going to write two or three paragraphs based on one of your nonfiction articles. The first one or two paragraphs should successfully summarize the article based on the tips given to you. The first one or two paragraphs should successfully summarize the article based on the tips given to you. The second/last should connect the nonfiction text to one of the fictional novels you read. Make sure you provide insight into both the article and novel. What insights does one give you about the other? The second/last should connect the nonfiction text to one of the fictional novels you read. Make sure you provide insight into both the article and novel. What insights does one give you about the other?