Bell RingerDate: March 15 th, )Copy down the homework for this week, its due Tomorrow! 2) Think about this question before class… What rights do you think Women were denied in the mid 1800’s?
Fight Against Slavery Which state was the first to ban slavery in its Constitution? A)Oklahoma B)Pennsylvania C)Ohio D)New York
The Colonization Movement Briefly explain what was the Colonization movement.
The Temperance Movement Which definition best describes an Abolitionist… A)Reformers who wanted to end suffrage B)Reformers who wanted to end slavery C)Reformers who wanted to end Alcohol abuse D)Reformers who wanted to increase slavery
Fight Against Slavery Which person was a former slave who escape slavery, who later wrote about it. A)Doug Frederickson B)William Lloyd Garrison C)Harriet Tubman D)Frederick Douglass
The Underground Railroad Why was Harriet Tubman such a vital figure in American History?
Women’s Rights What sorts of rights do you think were DENIED to Women in the early 1800’s?
Quick Poll… Who in here supports women’s Suffrage? YesNo Did you know that Suffrage means…The RIGHT to VOTE in elections?
Textbook Time - Grab a textbook - Turn to page 427 We will read and discuss one page together and answer a few questions + discuss.
Quaker who worked in antislavery movements Organized convention for women at Seneca Falls Anti-Slavery Women’s Rights Convention
Textbook Time With your desk partner Directions: Continue to answer Chapter 12 Section 3 (pgs ) questions through the guided notes. *Hand this is in when you complete it.