Southern Colonies The Mason-Dixon Line Separates The middle colonies from the southern Colonies
Maryland A safe haven for Catholics A. Lord Baltimore given land in Maryland in 1630’s (Catholic, but good friend of the King. B. We get the Baltimore Orioles from his name. C. Early years appointed council of advisors. Established- “Acts of Toleration” in Gave Religious Freedom to all Christians, as a way to help the colony grow.
Rebellion in 1676 Known as Bacon’s Rebellion Why? Wealthy tobacco owners took the best land on the coast. The Coast was known as the TIDEWATER. New settlers took western land from Indians Nathaniel Bacon asked:’t protection from Indians. 2.Raided Indian villages 3.Burned down Jamestown.
Tidewater Backcountry 1.More democratic 2.Small farms; people were helpful. 3.No seaports 4.Mountainous 5.Base if Appalachian mts. 6.Poorer 1.Many plantation owners lived in elegant homes 2.Slave labor 3.Tobacco and rice profitable 4.Seaports and cities 5.Fertile lands 6.Delivered goods from ports to cities.
The Carolinas 1663 King Charles II gave a group of 8 English nobles. Eventually became North Carolina 1.Had small tobacco farms 2.The story goes- poor Virginia farmers moved to N.C. thus it was the poorer of the Carolinas. Eventually became South Carolina 1.Had Large Plantations and plenty of slaves: Indigo was a big time crop. 2.Charles Town, S.C. was inhabited by well to do families from the Barbados thus they were rich.
Georgia a King George II: enlisted the help of General James Ogelthorpe. b.Help debtors in English Jails c.Savannah was their big city. d.Strict rules often discouraged settlers: No Slavery Only 500 acres per farm NO RUM!!! e. Rules became more liberal- colony grew as a result of it becoming the “Buffer Colony”
Control over trade… Navigation Acts England passed laws regarding trade and only allowing only English or Colonial ships to trade to and from the colonies. Some goods were only allowed to be traded between England and the Colonies: tobacco and cotton.
Mercantilism A policy England had in order to become Wealthy. Were forced to Sell it to Great Britain cheaply England would then Sell the manufactured goods to England. This would eventually increase the amount of gold England Would possess, thus get rich. Colonies were forced To produce raw Material: fur, timber, etc…
Triangular Trade and the middle passage