Asking for Things
Compliments Review ■Why are compliments important? ■In your teams: ■What did you learn? ■What were your experiences giving compliments ■Pick a person to share with the class
Asking for Things ■For one minute, write as many requests as you can think of in your Lumity Journal
In Your Teams ■What kinds of things did you ask for? ■What did you notice?
What do you think? ■Hey good friend of mine. How are you? Good, good. You got a minute? Cool. Yeah, so how's life? Mine's pretty good, too. By the way, are you busy this weekend? Maybe? Well, if you're not I could use some help. I have a project. It's really nice. You should check it out. You'd like it. Basically, I need help with it. Any time you could give would be great. I'm just so bad at design, and you're so creative. Do you have any time to help me?
What can you ask for? ■1. Support ■2. Advice ■3. Introductions to new people -MKOs ■4. Letters of recommendation ■5. Material goods ■6. Someone to change a behavior
Elements of a Good Request ■Be CLEAR about what you want ■Be in DIRECT in your request ■What exactly do you want ■Be specific ■include times ■ task ■duration (how long?) ■effort involved, etc. ■Don’t assume people can read your mind
Rewrite this Request ■Hey good friend of mine. How are you? Good, good. You got a minute? Cool. Yeah, so how's life? Mine's pretty good, too. By the way, are you busy this weekend? Maybe? Well, if you're not I could use some help. I have a project. It's really nice. You should check it out. You'd like it. Basically, I need help with it. Any time you could give would be great. I'm just so bad at design, and you're so creative. Do you have any time to help me?
Responding to a No ■What are the beliefs you have about hearing “no”? ■Avoid going into the request assuming no ■Assume good will ■Notice your feelings. ■Graciously accept their no
Practice Hearing “No” ■Find a partner. ■A– make a request ■B– say no ■A– respond
Homework! ■Ask for as many things as you can from as many people as you can. ■Are you scared to ask for anything? ▪Ask for little things to start small and flex your muscle. ■Are you scared of being told no? ▪Ask for really big things that are guaranteed to get a no to get used to hearing the answer. ■Notice your feelings as they come up. ■Use CAVE to evaluate your asks.
Homework! ■COMIC STRIP Write a story about ■1. GIVING and/or RECEIVING COMPLIMENTS ■2. ASKING FOR THINGS ■Or a combination of the lessons ■Be creative – Base it on your own life! ■Use correct spelling and grammar ■Add colorful illustrations ■Due on Friday – worth 50 points