Suggested procedure 1.Reading the source text 2.Headings to pgs. 3.Grouping pgs. into larger parts 4.Notes? 5.Turning notes into full sentences 6.Rereading 7.Spellcheck
Requirements for a good summary introduction:main topic + the source concise(as brief as possible) clear (clear sentences and clear structure) objective(only the author’s ideas, no personal views) accurate (true and precise information on essential ideas) complete(all key ideas) coherent (ideas logically follow from each other) cohesion(the text runs smoothly, with well-connected sentences) rephrasing(avoid copying, rewrite in your own words if possible)
Typical mistakes Lack of... Concision →redundant words, unnecessary details (e.g. dates) Clarity →China’s long-term strategies (?)...(unexplained) Completeness→missing information e.g. obstacles to Ch’s further development, division of US jobs -link with the topic? Accuracy → mixing author’s opinion/conjecturing with general truth e.g. Talent is not equally distributed across races, gender,... Reservation necessary! Talent may not be..., Some authors think..., It appears that... Coherence → unconnected ideas Test: Would any reader understand the text as a whole? Cohesion→ unconnected sentences Test : Sounds good? Advice: Reread it for yourself!
Remember! STRUCTURE Clear paragraphing (one general idea per pg) Topic sentences (reflecting the general idea of the pg) Use connectors where necessary to emphasise the text structure TECHNICALITIES Avoid one-sentence paragraphs Avoid contracted forms (shouldn’t → should not) Avoid incomplete sentences (e.g. First, organic food.)
...(TOPIC SENTENCE )There are good reasons to doubt the claims about three most popular varieties of, i.e. organic, Fairtrade and local food. To start with, organic food is made without man-made pesticides and fertilizers and is assumed to be more environmentally-friendly than conventional intensive farming with more chemical inputs. However, environmentally-friendly farming, since humans took it up 11,000 years ago, has resulted in massive deforestation. On the other hand, the greater use of fertilizers has tripled grain yields with very little increase in the area of land. Producing the world’s current agricultural output organically would therefore require almost seven times more land. Furthermore, Fairtrade food is designed to raise poor farmers’ incomes. Yet, the Fairtrade system encourages farmers to produce more of one commodity rather than diversifying into other crops and therefore depresses prices. For most farmers, this thus leads to the exact opposite of what the initiative intends to do. Finally, the idea behind local food is that the producer is as close as possible to the consumer in order to minimize food miles and...