Eliseo Lugo III
By the end of class today, students will be able to: Distinguish between the two major groups of laws; criminal and civil. Define and explain the significance of specific legal terms such as: criminal law, civil law, felony, misdemeanor, civil action, defendant, plaintiff, prosecutor, beyond a reasonable doubt, and preponderance of the evidence. Describe the differences between misdemeanors and felonies by analyzing various cases.
Regulate public conduct and set out duties owed to society. Brought by the government against a person committing a crime 2 types of criminal laws: Felonies Misdemeanors CRIMINAL LAWS
Less severe than a felony. A misdemeanor in the United States of America is punishable by fines, probation, community service and up to twelve months incarceration. Conviction of a misdemeanor can lead to a prison term of up to a year. Persons convicted of misdemeanors retain certain rights lost by those convicted of felonies. Examples of misdemeanors include petty larceny, Simple battery, public intoxication, and trespass.
More severe crime than a misdemeanor. Persons convicted of felonies can be sentenced to terms in prison over a year in length. Persons convicted of felonies lose other privileges such as the right to vote, the right to hold government employment, and the right to carry firearms. Felonies are classified as either violent or non-violent. Examples of felonies include: murder, grand larceny, insider trading, racketeering and rape.
CIVIL LAWS Regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals Civil Action- lawsuit brought against one person by another person Regulate- marriage, divorce, contracts, real estate, insurance, consumer protection and negligence
The burden of proof in a criminal case is: Beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proof in a civil case is: By a preponderance of the evidence The OJ Simpson case is an excellent example that explains the differences between criminal and civil cases.
OJ Simpson was found NOT GUILTY in his Criminal Trial He was found LIABLE in his civil trial. How was this possible? Lets find out! The OJ Simpson Trial The OJ Simpson Trial