Influences of Revolutions Enlightenment Ideas led to the American Rev. American Rev. led to the French Rev. – LaFayette, Bastille, Reign of Terror Napoleon – Grand Army, Elba, Waterloo
Ideologies Conservatives – Return to before 1789 Monarchies and the old order (social hierarchy) Liberals – Gov’ts based on written constitution and separate powers Natural rights and against divine-right Nationalism – Common ground across borders Crimea
Congress of Vienna Conservatives group together – Concert of Europe to return to before Napoleon – Natural rights lead to chaos Prince Clemens von Metternich – Oppose free press, crush protests in their countries and abroad Put Louis XVIII back in France
Liberals Gov’t should protect freedoms Leaders should be freely elected – Republic or constitutional monarchy – Universal manhood suffrage Capitalists – Free-market (Adam Smith and David Ricardo) – Usually bourgeoisie and employers
Effects of the Congress of Vienna Balance of Power Doctrine Restoration of Monarchies to a time before French Revolution and Napoleon – New Political Map of Europe Nationalism, Secularism, Liberalism and Conservatism
Nationalism Serbia in the Balkans – Guerilla war against Ottomans (failed) – Russian assistance, 1815 (victory) Greece – 1820s, Britain, France and Russia support rebels – 1830, Independence with a German king Why is the German king a negative towards nationalism?
Nationalism Spain, Portugal and Italy – Crushed by foreign armies Socialism – Worker support for more equal property distribution – Revolution was not over, it just changed direction War to politics
French Revolution (again) What happens in France, does not stay in France Congress of Vienna – Louis XVIII to a constitutional monarchy Charles X – Strongly believes in absolutism – Suspends legislature in July, 1830
French Revolution (again) 1840s, Radicals and socialists wanted a republic and end of private property – Recession hit, people lost jobs when factories shut down. Poor harvests of grains cost bread price to rise. Gov’t was blamed in newspapers
French Revolution (again) June 1848, upper and middle class in charge – Shut down gov’t workshops helping poor Waste of money Peasants vs workers – Peasants thought socialists workers would take their land – Middle class feared/distrusted socialists – Workers hated bourgeoisie
Napoleon III Second Republic give suffrage to all males Louis Napoleon – Napoleon III in 1852 proclaims he is emperor – Plebiscite with 90% approval
Revolutions Successful Belgium – French bourgeoisie and Dutch King – Catholic vs Protestant – Manufacturing vs Trade 1831, Independence Failed Hungarian, Czech, Italian and German – Rebels win power for a brief moment – Monarchs win control back
Review Would nationalist or liberalist revolutions be able to take hold today?