The War at Home Ms. Ha Chapter 11 Section 3
I. The War at Home A. WWI 1. Major conflict 2. U.S. economy focused on war 3. Government helped transition
B. Government expansion 1. Congress grants powers to President Wilson a. Fix prices b. Regulate certain war-related industries
C. War Industries Board (WIB) 1. Encouraged companies: mass produce 2. Eliminate waste a) Standardized products b) Limit types of products c) WIB: set quotas and regulated raw resources
3. WIB: 20% production increase 4. Corporate prices soared a) Chemicals b) Meatpacking c) Oil d) Steel
5. Federal agency regulations a) Railroads b) Coal supplies monitored c) Rationed gasoline d) Rationed heating oil e) Created “daylight savings time”
C. War Economy 1. Wages increased a) Meatpacking b) Shipbuilding c) Metal trades
D. National War Labor Board (1918) 1. Disputes between labor and management 2. “Work or Fight” 3. Board improved factory conditions a) 8 hour work day b) Safety inspections c) No child labor
E. Food Administration 1. “Gospel of a clean plate” 2. “meatless day” / “sweetless” 3. “wheatless day”/ “porkless day” 4. Troops would have more food
II. Selling the War A. Government goals: 1. Raising money for war 2. Gain public support
B. War Financing 1. U.S. spent $35.5 billion on war a) 1/3 through taxes b) taxes on tobacco, liquor and luxury items
c. Sold bonds 1) “Liberty Loan” 2) “Victory Loan” 3) Use your money, you earn interest it
C. Committee on Public Information (CPI) 1. Propaganda a) Biased information b) Influence people’s thoughts and actions
2. George Creel ran CPI a) Speaking b) Writing c) Hired 75,000 people d) VERY EFFECTIVE
George Creel