New NPDES Permits Changes to Phase 1 & Phase 2 Public Education & Outreach Requirements from 2007 permit Handout
BUILD AWARENESS S5.C.10 a. i. (1)S5.C.10 a. i. (2) Subject Area G eneral Public S chool age children B usinesses H ome-based businesses M obile businesses E ngineers C ontractors D evelopers P lanners, land use 1) General impacts of stormwater on surface waters. xxxxx 2) Impacts from impervious surfaces. xxxxx 3) Impacts of illicit discharges and how to report them. xxxxx 4) LID principles and LID BMPs. xxxxx 5) Opportunities to become involved in stewardship activities. xxxxx 6) Technical standards for stormwater site and erosion control plans. xxxx 7) LID principles and LID BMPs. xxxx 8) Stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities. xxxx
EFFECT BEHAVIOR CHANGE S5.C.10 a. ii. (1) S5.C.10 a. ii. (2) Subject Area G eneral Public S chool age children (optional) B usinesses H ome-based businesses M obile businesses R esidents L andscapers & property managers/owners 1) Use and storage of automotive chemicals, hazardous cleaning supplies, carwash soaps, and other hazardous materials. xxxxx 2) Equipment maintenance. xxxxx 3) Prevention of illicit discharges. xxxxx 4) Yard care techniques protective of water quality. xx 5) Use and storage of pesticides and fertilizers and other household chemicals. xx 6) Carpet cleaning and auto repair and maintenance. xx 7) Vehicle, equipment, and home/building maintenance. xx 8) Pet waste management and disposal. xx 9) LID principles and LID BMPs. xx 10) Stormwater facility maintenance. xx 11) Dumpster and trash compactor maintenance. xx
CREATE STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNITIES (aka FACILITATED ACTIONS) Each permittee shall create stewardship opportunities and/or partner with existing organizations to encourage residents to participate in activities such as stream teams, storm drain marking, volunteer monitoring, riparian plantings and education activities. MEASURE ADOPTION OF TARGETED BEHAVIORS - by Feb Each Permittee shall measure the understanding and adoption of the targeted behaviors for at least one targeted audience in at least one subject area. No later than February 2, 2016 Permittees shall use the resulting measurements to direct education and outreach resources most effectively as well as to evaluate changes in adoption of the targeted behaviors. Permittees may meet this requirement individually or as a member of a regional group.
SnoCo’s Use of the Matrix Assist with internal coordination (color coded) Scheduling/planning over the 5-year timeline Determining staffing needs & resources
Proposed Use of the Matrix Coordinate with other Phase 1s – Lead development and share new behavior change programs Phase 2 BMP selection this summer (diagram) Inform the development & structure of the STORM library
Phase 1 Permittees Discussion BMP Selection Meeting (for evaluating outreach) Prioritize BMPs STORM NPDES requirements NPDES requirementsEcology Science Science Toxic Studies Toxic StudiesPSP Science Panel Science Panel Surveys & Indices Surveys & Indices ECONet Proposed BMP Selection Process
Break Out Group Discussion 1.What catches your attention about the matrix? 2.What benefits might using this matrix collectively provide you and STORM? 3.Do you have any concerns about using the matrix? 4.Is there anything that should be changed? 5.What other things do we need to consider? 6.What questions do you still have? 7.Should we use this matrix as a STORM planning tool? 8.Should this matrix help inform the STORM library? If so, how?
Break Out Group Reports
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