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Presentation transcript:


Introduction to health Human Resource Management CHAPTER 1+2 2

Introduction to health Human Resource Management TextBook: Byars, L. and Rue, L., “Human Resource Management”, 9 th, McGraw Hill, (2008). 3

Chapter One - Learning Objective 1. Define human resource management. 2. Describe the functions of human resource management 3. Summarize the types of assistance the human resource department provides 4

Chapter One- Learning Objective 4. Explain the desired relationship between human resource managers and operating managers 5. Identify several challenges today’s human resource managers currently face 6. Outline several potential challenges and contributions that an increasingly diverse workforce presents 5

Chapter One- Learning Objective 7.Discuss the role of human resource managers in the future 8. Explain how human resource managers can affect organizational performance 6

Human Resource Management  Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on  1) recruitment  2)management  3) providing direction for the people who work in the organization. 7

8 Recruitment ) تجنيد ( Management ) إدارة ( Direction اتجاه Organization ) التنظيم (


Human Resource Functions وظائف الموارد البشرية 1. Human Resource planning ( تخطيط ), recruitment استقطاب تعيين, and selection( اختيار ). 2. Human Resource development( تنمية ). 10

Human Resource Functions 3. Compensations( تعويضات and benefits( مصلحة ). 4. Safety ( سلامة and Health ( الصحة ) 5. Employee عامل and labor relations. عمل علاقة 6. Human resource research. بحث 11

Functions of Human Resource Management 1.Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Selection.  Conducting job analyses( تحليل الوظائف )to establish the specific requirements ( مطلب )of individual jobs( وظيفة )within the organization.  Forecasting( التنبؤ )the human resource requirements the organization needs to achieve its objectives( هدف ). 12

Human Resource Functions  Developing النامية and implementing تنفيذ a plan خطة to meet these requirements.  Recruiting the human resource the organization requires to achieve its objectives هدف.  Selecting and hiring ( تأجير )human resources to fill( شغل )specific jobs within the organization. 13

Human Resource Functions 2. Human Resource Development. تنمية الموارد البشرية  Orienting ( توجيه )and training ( توجيه )employees.  Designing( تصميم ) and implementing( تنفيذ ) management and organizational development programs( برنامج ).  Building effective( فعال ) teams( فريق ) within the organizational structure. 14

Human Resource Functions  Designing( تصميم ) systems( نظام ) for appraising ( تقييم )the performance( أداء ) of individual ( فرد ) employees.  Assisting( مساعدة ) employees in developing career( مهنة ) plans( خطة ). 15

Human Resource Functions مصلحة 3. Compensation and Benefits.  Designing( تصميم ) and implementing( تنفيذ ) compensation and benefit systems for all employees.  Ensuring( ضمان ) that compensation and Benefits are fair( عادل ) and consistent( متسق ). 16

Human Resource Functions 4. Safety and Health.  Designing( تصميم ) and implementing( تنفيذ ) programs( برنامج ) to ensure employee health and safety.  Providing( توفير ) assistance with personal problems that influence their work performance( أداء ). 17

Human Resource Functions 5. Employee and Labor Relations.  Serving as an intermediary( وسيط ) between the organization and its union(s)( الاتحاد ).  Designing( تصميم ) discipline( تصميم ) and grievance( شكوى ) handling( معالجة ) systems. 18

Human Resource Functions 6. Human Resource Research. ( بحث )  Providing( توفير ) a Human Resource information( معلومات ) base.  Designing and implementing employee communication( اتصالات ) systems. 19

Who Performs the Human Resource Functions ? In General terms, the HR department( قسم ) managers provides 3 types of assistance: 1) Operating ( التشغيل )Managers: In small Organization, most( معظم ) HR functions performed by the owner or by operating managers. These managers perform the HR functions in addition( إضافة ) to their normal( طبيعي ) managerial activities. 20

Who Performs the Human Resource Functions ? 2) Human resource generalist ( عام ): Person who devotes a majority of working time to human resource issues, but does not specialize ( متخصصون )in any specific areas. Many medium(​​ متوسط )-size and even some large Organizations use human resource generalists. 21

Who Performs the Human Resource Functions ? 3) Human resource specialist: ( متخصص ) Person specially trained in one or more areas of human resource management (e,g, labor relations specialist, wage and salary specialist). large organization usually have HR department, that involve HR specialist who responsible for directing the human resource functions, In addition to one or more HR Generalist. 22

مساعدة Types of Assistance the HR Department Provides 23 Human Resource Department Specific Services Advice Coordination Operating manager

Types of Assistance the HR Department Provides Specific Services: Maintaining employee records ( السجلات ) Handling initial phases of employee. Orientation Advice( نصيحة ): Disciplinary( تأديبية ) matters Equal( متساو ) employment Opportunity( فرصة ) matters 24

Types of Assistance the HR Department Provides Coordination( تنسيق ): Performance appraisals( تقييم الأداء ) Compensation matters Operating ( التشغيل ) manager: Person who manages people directly involved with the production of an organization's production or services (e.g loan manager in a bank). 25

Challenges for Today’s Human Resource Managers -Challenges) التحديات ( 1. Diversity of Workforce ) تنوع ( 2. Regulatory Changes (Government Regulation) التغييرات التنظيمية 3. Structural Changes to Organizations الهيكلية 4. Technological and Managerial Changes Within Organizations. 26

Human Resource Management Tomorrow To Meet the Challenges of the future, human resource departments must possess different competencies( الكفاءات ) and be much more sophisticated( متطور ) than their predecessors( أسلاف ) by :  Know the Company strategy and business plan( خطة ).  Know the industry( صناعة ). 27

Human Resource Management Tomorrow  Support( دعم ) business needs( الاحتياجات ).  Spend more( أكثر ) time with the line People.  Keep your hand on the pulse of the organization.  Learn( تعلم ) to calculate( حساب ) costs( كلفة ) and solutions( الحلول ) in hard numbers. 28

Questions for Understanding( فهم ) the Organization’s Business Strategy  What are the goals( هدف ) of the Organization over the next year( عام ), 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years?  How would you describe( وصف ) the organization’s core( لب ) business?  How does your organization compare( قارن ) with competitors( المنافسين ) in market share( حصة ) and customer service( خدمة الزبائن )? 29

Questions for Understanding the Organization’s Business Strategy  Will( سوف ) the company be growing( تنمو ) via merger and acquisition( عمليات الدمج والتملك ) or from internal( داخلي ) growth?  Will growth be local( محلي ), national( وطني ), or global( عالمي )?  Will growth be from expansion( توسع ) of current ( الحالية ) business or from an expansion( توسع ) in scope? 30

Questions for Understanding the Organization’s Business Strategy  Instead( بدلا من ) of growth( نمو ), will there be downsizing( تقليص ) and if so, why?  What are the organization’s revenue ( دخل ) objectives( الأهداف ) over the short( قصير ) and long( طويل ) terms? 31

Organizational Performance And The Human Resource Manager Human Resource Managers can have a direct( مباشرة ) impact( تأثير ) on organizational performance in a number of specific ways: 1) Reducing( تقليص ) unnecessary( غير ضرور ) over expenses( المصروفات ) by increasing( متزايد ) productivity( المنتجة ) during a normal day 2) Staying on top of absenteeism( غائب ) and instituting programs designed to reduce money spent for time not worked. 32

Organizational Performance And The Human Resource Manager 3) Eliminating wasted( اهدر ) time by employees through sound job design. 4) Minimizing employee turnover and unemployment ( بطالة ) benefit costs by practicing sound human relations and creating a work atmosphere that promotes يشجع job satisfaction. 5) Installing and monitoring effective safety and health programs to reduce lost-time accidents and keep medical and workers’ compensations costs low. 33

Organizational Performance And The Human Resource Manager 6) Properly( مناسب ) training( تدريب ) and developing all employees so they can improve their value to the company and do a better job of producing and selling high-quality products and services at the lowest possible cost. 7) Decreasing( تقليل ) costly( مكلف ) material( مادة ) waste( النفايات ) by eliminating bad( سيئة ) work habits and attitudes and poor( الفقراء ) working( عامل ) conditions( الشروط ) that lead to carelessness and mistakes. 34

Organizational Performance And The Human Resource Manager 8) Hiring( تأجير ) the best people available at every level and avoiding overstaffing. 9) Maintaining competitive pay practices and benefit programs to foster يعزز a motivational climate for employees. 10) Encouraging( مشجع ) employees, who probably know more about their job. 11) Installing ( تثبيت )human resource information systems to streamline يبسط and automate many human resource functions. 35

Define Job analysis and Job design تصميم تحليل الوظائف CHAPTER

Chapter Learning Objective 1. Identify several problems frequently associated with job analysis. 2. Define job scope and job depth and explain their relationship to job design. 37

Chapter Learning Objective 3-Distinguish among the following types of alternative work schedules: flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, and condensed workweek. 4-Define the term contingent worker. 38

Define Job analysis and Job design تصميم تحليل الوظائف The first step in the process( عملية ) of acquiring( اكتساب ) the organization’s human resources is to be specific( معين ), by known what kind of work( عمل ) that needs( الاحتياجات ) to be done( فعل ) and how( كيف ) that work should( وينبغي ) be done. Job analysis and job design are the processes( العمليات ) used to determine( تحديد ) this. 39

>Job title المسمى الوظيفي >Work performed العمل المنجز >Equipment used معدات >Education required تعليم >experience required تجربة >Physical, mental and visual effort البدني والجهد الذهني والبصري required. كيف HOW الذي WHO WHERE 40

Define Job analysis and Job design Job analysis is the process( عملية ) of determining( تحديد ) and reporting( تقرير ) pertinent( ذات الصلة ) information relating( المتعلقة ) to the nature( طبيعة ) of a specific( معين ) job. It is the determination( تحديد ) of the tasks( المهام ) that comprise( تتألف ) the job and of the skills( المهارات ), knowledge, abilities( قدرات ), and responsibilities( المسؤوليات ) required of the holder العاملين for successful job performance( أداء ). 41

Define Job analysis and Job design Job Design( عمل تصميم ): is the process( عملية ) of structuring( الهيكلة ) work and designating( تعيين ) the specific( معين ) work activities( الأنشطة ) of an individual( فرد ) or group( مجموعة ) of individuals to achieve( تحقيق ) certain organizational objectives( هدف ). Job design addresses يبين the basic( الأساسية ) question of how the job is to be performed( تنفيذ ), who( الذي ) is to perform it, and where it is to be performed. 42

Basic Terminology( المصطلحات الأساسية ) Micro motion الحركة الجزئية : Simplest( أبسط ) unit( وحدة ) of work; involves very elementary ابتدائي movements حركة, such as reaching, grasping استيعاب, positing المواقف. Element( العنصر ): Aggregation( تجميع ) of two or more micro motion, an element is a complete entity, such as picking up تجميع or transporting an object. Task( مهمة ): Consisting of one or more elements; task one of the distinct مميز activities that constitute logical and necessary steps in the performance of work by an employee. 43

Basic Terminology Duties: One or more tasks performed تنجز in carrying out تنفيذ a job responsibility.( مسؤولية ) Responsibilities( التزام ): Obligations to perform لانجاز certain task and assume certain duties. Position الموقف : Collection تجميع of task and responsibilities constituting تشكل the total work assignment تصميم of a single employee. 44

Basic Terminology المصطلحات الرئيسية Job: Group of Position that are identical تتطابق with respect to their major اساسي or significant tasks and responsibilities. The different between a position and a job الفرق بين الموقع الوظيفي والوظيفة is that a job may be hold by more than one person, whereas a position cannot. Occupation( المهنة ): A grouping of similar( مماثل ) jobs or job classes فئة الوظيفة. 45

Micro motions Tasks اعمال Elements عنصر واجبات Duties موقع عمل Position s Jobs وظائف موقع عمل Occupations Responsibilities 46

Several Common Uses of Job analysis There are Several( عدة ) of most common uses( استخدم ) of job analysis Including : Job definition( تعريف ): A job analysis تحليل الوظيفة results in a description( وصف ) of the duties( وصف ) and responsibilities( المسؤوليات ) of the job. Job redesign( إعادة تصميم ): A job analysis often indicates( تشير ) when a job needs to be redesigned. 47

Several Common Uses of Job analysis Recruitment: توظيف process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen. Selection & Placement(): process of choosing from those available the individuals who are most likely to perform successfully in a job. Orientation: Introduction of new employees to the organization, work unit and job. 48

Several Common Uses of Job analysis Training: ( تدريب ) Learning( تعلم ) process that involves the acquisition الحصول of skills, concepts مفاهيم, rules قواعد, or attitudes سلوك to increase employee performance. Career counseling: ( الإرشاد الوظيفي )Managers and human resource specialists are in a much better position موقف to counsel يرشد employee about their careers وظائف. Employee safety: Focusing التركيز precisely بدقة on how a job is done usually uncovers غير مشمول any unsafe procedures. 49

Several Common Uses of Job analysis Performance appraisal: ( تقييم الأداء )The objective الهدف of performance appraisal is to evaluate( تقييم ) an individual employee’s performance on a job( وظيفة ). Compensation: تعويضات A proper( جيد ) job analysis( تحليل ) helps( مساعدة ) ensure( ضمان ) that employees receive( تلقى ) fair( عادل ) compensation( تعويضات ) for their( من ) jobs. 50

Job Description & Job Specification Job Description ( الوصف الوظيفي ) Concentrates( تركز ) on the job, it explains( يشرح ) what the job الوظيفة is and what the duties( الواجبات ), responsibilities( مسؤولية ), and general( عام ) working conditions( الشروط ) are. Job Specification ( مواصفات الوظيفة ) Concentrates( تركز ) on the characteristics( مميز ) needed( الحاجة ) to perform( نفذ ) the job. It describes( يصف ) the qualifications( المؤهل ) the incumbent الموظف must possess( يجب أن تمتلك ) to perform( نفذ ) the job. 51

What working conditions الشروط responsibilities مسؤولية what the duties( الواجبات qualifications المؤهل 52

Job Description & Job Specification Job Description Should Include( ينبغي أن تشمل ) the following( ما يلي ): Date( تاريخ ) written. Job status( الوضع الوظيفي )(full-time or part time; salary or wage). Position مسمى الوظيفة ). Job summary( ملخص ) ( a synopsis( موجز ) of the job responsibilities( مسؤولية )). Detailed( مفصل ) list( قائمة ) of duties( الواجبا ) and responsibilities. Supervision( إشراف ) received( يستقبل ) (to whom jobholder شاغل الوظيفة reports). 53

Job Description & Job Specification Supervision exercised( تمارين الرقابة ), if any(who reports to this employee). Principal( رئيسي ) contacts( اتصل ) (in and outside the organization). Related meeting to be position requirements. Competency( الكفاءات ) or Position requirements( مطلب ). Required education and experience( تجربة ). Career( مهنة ) mobility( التنقل ) (Position {s} for which jobholder may qualify next) 54

Job Analysis Methods There are Four of the most frequently الاكثر تكرار used methods( طرق ) of Job analysis. 1) Observation( مراقبة ) which include (Motion Study & Time Study) A) Motion Study ( دراسة الحركة ): Determining( تحديد ) the motions( الحركات ) and movements( التحرك ) necessary for performing a task انجاز المهمة or job and then designing( تصميم ) the most efficient methods for putting those motions and movements together( معا ). 55

Job Analysis Methods طرق تحليل الوظائف B) Time Study: job analysis methods( طرق ) that determines( تحديد ) the elements عنصر of work( عمل ) required to perform انجاز the job العمل, the order( التسلسل ) in which those elements occur( تحدث ), and the times( مرة ) required to perform them effectively. 2) Interviews( مقابلة ) The interview method requires that the person conducting( يجري ) the job analysis meet يقابل with and interview الموظف the job holder. 56

Job Analysis Methods 3) Questionnaires( الاستبيان ) Contain both Objective and open –ended questions 4) Functional( وظيفي ) Job Analysis Use as Standardize( معايير ) statements( بيان ) and terminology( مصطلحات ) to describe يصف the content of jobs. 57

Potential Problems with Job Analysis احتمالية ظهور مشاكل عند تحليل الوظائف  Top management( الإدارة العليا ) support( دعم ) is missing( مفقود ).  Only a single means and source( مصدر ) are used for gathering( جمع ) data( البيانات ).  the supervisor( مشرف ) and the jobholder do not participate( المشاركة ) in the design( تصميم ) of the job analysis procedure. 58

Potential Problems with Job Analysis  No training( تدريب ) or motivation( حافز ) exists for jobholders.  Employees are not( ليس ) allowed( سمح ) sufficient( كاف ) time( مرة ) to complete( كامل ) the analysis.  Activities( الأنشطة ) may be distorted( مشوه ).  Participants( المشاركو ) fail( فشل ) to critique( نقد ) the job. 59

Job Scope And Job Depth Job scope and job depth are both dimensions of job design. A) Job scope( مدى ): refers to the number( عدد ) and variety( تشكيلة ) of tasks( مهمة ) performed( تنفيذ ) by the jobholder شاغل الوظيفة. B) Job depth( عمق ): refers to the freedom( حرية ) of jobholders to plan( خطة ) and organize( تنظم ) their own( الخاصة ) work, work at their own pace سرعة التقدم, and move around and communicate as desired. 60

Types Of Alternative work schedules انواع خيارات اداء العمل Flextime( الوقت المرن ): allows يسمح employees to choose( اختر ), within certain limits, when they start and end their workday. Telecommuting: Is the practice of working at home or while traveling( سفر ) and being able to interact with the office. 61

Types Of Alternative work schedules Job sharing ( مشاركة ): Is the practice whereby بواسطة two or more part- time Individuals perform a job that would normally be held by one full-time person. condensed ( مكثف )work week( أسبوع ): The number of hours( ساعة ) worked per day( يوميا ) is increased( زيادة ) and the number of days( أيام ) in the workweek is decreased( انخفضت ). 62

Types Of Alternative work schedules Contingent ( المشروط )worker( عامل ): Including Employee who are A) Independent contractors( المتعاقدين ) and on-call workers, who are called to work only when needed. B) Temporary( مؤقت ) or short-term workers. 63

Questions …. 64

Reference : Byars, L. and Rue, L., “Human Resource Management”, 9 th, McGraw Hill, (2008). 65

66 Human Resource Planning (HRP) تخطيط الموارد البشرية CH. 4+ 5

HRP : Process( عملية ) of determining( تحديد ) the human resource needs( حاجة ) of an organization and ensuring( ضمان ) that the organization has the right( حق ) number of qualified( المؤهلين ) people in the right jobs at the right time. Human Resource Planning تخطيط (HRP) 67


To be effective( فعال ), any( أي ) human resource plan must be derived( مستمد ) from the long( طويل )- range and operational( التشغيلية ) plans( خطة ) of the organization. In essence,( جوهر ) the success( نجاح ) of HRP depends largely on how closely( قرب ) human resource personal can integrate( دمج ) effective people planning with the organization's business planning( خطة ) process. How HRP Relates to organizational planning 69

To accomplish( إنجاز ) this, the planning process should provide:  A clear( واضح ) statement( بيان ) of the organization's mission( بعثة ).  A commitment( التزام ) staff members to the mission.  An explicit( صريح ) statement of assumptions( الافتراضات ).  A plan( خطة ) of action( عمل ) in light of available( متاح ) or acquirable( الامتلاك ) resources( مورد ), including trained( تدريب ) and talented( موهوب ) people. How HRP Relates to Organizational Planning 70

Strategy – Linked HRP is based on a close working relationship between human resource staff and line manager. Human resource manager serve as مستشار consultants to line managers concerning the people management implications اثر of business objective and strategies. Strategy –Linked HRP علاقة الاستراتيجية بالتخطيط للموارد البشرية

Line manager have a responsibility( مسؤولية ) to respond( يستجيب ) to the business implications( تاثير ) of human resource objectives( هدف ) and strategies( إستراتيجية ). Top management( الإدارة العليا ) must also be committed( ملتزم ) to the HRP process. Strategy –Linked HRP 72

HRP consist of Four basic steps( خطوات ): 1. Determining( تحديد ) the impact( تأثير ) of the organization’s objective( هدف ) on specific( معين ) organizational units( الوحدات ). 2. Defining( تعريف ) the skills( المهارات ), expertise( خبرة ), and total( مجموع ) number of employee (demand for human resource) required( مطلوب ) to achieve( تحقيق ) the organizational and departmental( الإدارات ) objectives Steps in the HRP Process خطوات التخطيط للموارد البشرية 73

3. Determining( تحديد ) the additional( إضافي ) (net) human resource requirements( مطلب ) in light على ضؤ of the organization's current( الحالية ) human resources. 4. Developing( النامية ) action( عمل ) plans( خطط ) to meet( اجتماع ) the anticipated( من المتوقع ) human resource needs( الاحتياجات ) Steps in the HRP Process 74

Steps in the HRP Process Determine the impact مدى اثر التتنظيم على وحدات التنظيم of organizational objectives on specific organizational units Defining the skills, expertise, and total number of employee (demand for تحديد المهارات والخبرات للموظفين human resource) Defining the skills, expertise, and total number of employee (demand for تحديد المهارات والخبرات للموظفين human resource) Determining the additional (net) human دراسة احتياجات الموارد البشرية resource requirements Determining the additional (net) human دراسة احتياجات الموارد البشرية resource requirements Developing action plans to meet the تطوير خطط تقابل احتياجات الموظفين anticipated human resource needs Developing action plans to meet the تطوير خطط تقابل احتياجات الموظفين anticipated human resource needs 75

Methods طرق : for forecasting human resource needs can be either Judgmentally or Mathematically based. 1.Judgmentally تقديرية method include managerial estimate, the Delphi technique, and scenario analysis.Delphi : طريقة في اتخاذ القرارات Mathematically include various statistical and modeling methods Methods of Forecasting Human Resource Needs طرق تنبأ احتياجات الموارد البشرية 76

Judgmentally تقديرية Methods A)managerial estimate( تقدير ): managers estimates( تقدير ) and determine( تحديد ) of future staffing needs. B)Delphi technique( تقنية ): judgmental Methods of Forecasting that uses a panel( مجموعة ) of experts( الخبراء ) to make initially( الأولي ) independent( مستقل ) estimates of future demand( الطلب ). C)Scenario( سيناريو ) analysis( تحليل ): Using workforce( القوى العامل ) environmental( بيئي ) scanning data( البيانات ) to develop( تطوير ) alternative( البديل ) workforce scenarios سيناريو. Methods of Forecasting Human Resource Needs 77

Mathematically( حسابيا ) include various statistical and modeling methods A. statistical( إحصائي ) method : use historical( تاريخي ) date( تاريخ ) in some manner( أسلوب ) to project( مشروع ) future demand( الطلب ). B.Modeling( النمذجة ) methods: usually( عادة ) provide( تقدم ) a simplified( مبسط ) abstraction( التجريد ) of the human resource demands throughout ( طوال )the organization. Methods of Forecasting Human Resource Needs 78

Skills Inventory( المهارات المتوفرة ): Consolidated( موحد ) list( قائمة ) of biographical سيناريو and other information on all employees in the organization. Which include seven broad categories( فئة ) of information : 1. Personal( الشخصية ) data: age, sex, marital status. 2. Skills( مهارة ): education, job experience, training. Determining تحديد Additional إضافي Human Resource Requirements 79

3. Special qualifications( التأهيل الخاصة ): membership( عضوية ) in professional( محترف ) groups( المجموعات ), special( خاص ) achievements( إنجاز ) 4. Salary and job history: Present and past salary, dates of raises( رفع ), various( مختلف ) job held. 5. Company data: benefit plan, retirement( تقاعد ) information, seniority( أقدمية ) Determining Additional Human Resource Requirements 80

6. Capacity( قدرة ) of individual: test scores on psychological( نفسي ) and other tests, health( الصحة ) information 7. Special( خاص ) preferences( تفضيل ) of individual: geographic( الجغرافي ) location, type( نوع ) of job, Determining Additional Human Resource Requirements 81

Management Inventory( إدارة المخزون ): contains brief assessments( تقدير ) of the manager’s past performance, strengths( قوة ), weaknesses( ضعف ), and potential( محتمل ) for advancement A management inventory is a specialized of skills inventory just for management. Determining Additional Human Resource Requirements 82

There are other frequently used tools to assist the human resource planning tools that include: Succession( خلافة ) planning: Technique that identifies( تحديد ) specific people to fill( شغل ) future openings in key( مهم ) positions throughout the organization. Tools & Techniques of HRP الأدوات والتقنيات 83

Commitment( التزام ) Manpower Planning: Systematic( منهجي ) approach( نهج ) to human resource planning designed to get managers and their subordinates thinking about and involved( المشاركة ) in human resource planning Tools & Techniques of HRP 84

Ratio Analysis( نسبة التحليل ): Tool used in human resource planning to measure the organization’s human resource vitality( حيوي ) as indicated( وأشارت ) by the presence وجود of promotable( للترقية ) personal and existing( موجود ) backups( احتياطية ) Organizational vitality index( مؤشر حيوية ) (OVI): Index that results( النتائج ) from ratio analysis, reflects( يعكس ) the organization’s human resource vitality as measured( تقاس ) by the presence( وجود ) of promotable ترقية persons Tools & Techniques of HRP 85

Question,,, WISH YOU ALL SUCCES امنياتي لكم جميعا التوفيق والنجاح د. حسن القضاة 86