Abundant opportunity Cloud Mobility Security Big data
The big picture is getting bigger every day Big Data
Data Revolution
Reacting in real time HP + NASCAR
BetterROI for sponsors IncreasedFANengagement for media broadcasters Increased media SALE S for NASCAR
Nothing is safe Security
$50 Million every year 378 Million victims every year 12 Victims per second
Security is more than building walls Security is more than building walls Addres s Disrup t Embe d
78 Million network connection attempts 800 New Viruses 35 Million spam messages per month HP + U.S. Navy
The office is everywhere and anywhere Mobility
End-to-end mobility Infrastructure Applications Hardware Services Software
73 Percent of global CIOs $700 Billion by XMalware this year Big Mobile
Old boundaries just don’t apply anymore Cloud
Cloud promised to transform IT
How do you get there from here? Infrastructure