The UK today is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society and the biggest religious group are Christians – many Christians are of black African or Caribbean origin There are significant numbers of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs – originating in the Indian subcontinent. Muslims, Hindus and black Christians are more likely than white Christians to see religion as important. Among Christians, black people are more likely than white people to be found in Pentecostal churches – 40% Modood found some decline in the importance of religion for all ethnic groups.
One reason for the ethnic differences in religiosity is that most ethnic minorities originate from poorer countries with traditional cultures, both of which produce higher levels of religious belief and practice. When they arrive in the UK they maintain the pattern they brought with them from their country of origin.
Ethnic Minorities use religion as a way of coping with oppression in a racist society, for example, black African and Caribbean Christians found that many white churches in the UK didn’t actively welcome them.
Cultural Transition Religion can be used to help ethnic minorities by providing support and a sense of community during their period of migration - everything else has changed, but their religion is the one thing that stays the same. Pryce’s study of African Caribbean community in Bristol shows both cultural defence and cultural transition have been important.