Online Grants Management System: Budgeting, Coding and Management
Start Date of Grants The grants management system defaults to a 7/1/xx start date. The date needs to be changed to the date the application is submitted. For paper applications the date in GMS needs to be changed to the date the paper application is submitted to the DOE. The start date cannot be before 7/1/xx.
Title I Waivers Any district that requests a carryover in excess of 15% of the allocation will not be able to request a waiver for the next two years. (Districts receiving less than 50K per year are exempted). Any district that used their excess carryover waiver last year for funds will not be able to use an excess waiver for and funds.
Monthly Reporting All districts are required to submit monthly reports for their grants (even if zero balance) for every month of the grant’s life-cycle. When the final monthly report is being submitted, the “final report” box must be checked off so the NHDOE knows the grant is ready to close.
Food Costs Relating to Supplies Food costs are not allowable for meetings unless the meeting produces a quantifiable product or outcome (i.e., working lunch). Parent involvement is exempt from this restriction. integrated/documents/grant_funds_use_f or_conf_and_mtgs.pdf integrated/documents/grant_funds_use_f or_conf_and_mtgs.pdf
Indirect Costs Please double-check and recalculate allowable indirect costs each time a change is made to the budgeted amount of a grant. Always ROUND DOWN indirect cost to nearest penny. When ready to submit the final report, recalculate indirect cost based on final amount PAID and not amount budgeted.
Indirect Cost Calculation If full allocation is being budgeted: Full allocation amount divided by (100% + indirect cost rate) = allowable direct Full allocation minus allowable direct = allowable indirect cost Ex: the District is budgeting for the full allocation of $100,000 and the District’s approved indirect cost rate is 3.4% $100,000/1.034=$96, $100,000 - $96,711.79=$3, (maximum indirect cost that can be taken)
Budget Allocation If partial allocation is being budgeted: Add up all direct cost items and multiply by the Districts approved indirect cost rate. Ex: the District is budgeting for $87,500 of the full allocation of $100,000 and the Districts approved indirect cost rate is 3.4%. Direct cost line items (excluding the line identified as “indirect costs”) add up to $84, $84, X.034 = $2, (Indirect Cost allowed)
Budget Section of Application All activity narratives need to be consistent with budgeted line item codes and amounts; always cross-check narratives when making any changes to budget lines. Consolidating multiple activities under a single activity section is not permitted. All indirect costs need to be consolidated under one activity with the “Indirect Cost” category type chosen.
Budget Coding Travel expense (580): this code is for use only with travel related expenses (food, hotels, airfare) and not for the actual fees or registration costs for the related training or workshops attended. Stipends: Stipends should be coded to the salary expense code that the employee would normally use during their employment. Substitute Teachers: Substitute teachers should be coded under 120 (Salaries of Temporary Employees). New Computers and Communications Networking Equipment (734): this code should not be used for items as desks or storage equipment used to house or transport computer equipment.
Budget Coding DO NOT use the function codes in the 1200 series for Title 1 activities. Function codes should be consistent with the activity the funds are supplementing. Ex. “Regular Education Programs” 1100; “Summer School” 1430 etc.
Budget Coding Instruction function codes in the 1000 series should only be used for activities dealing directly with the interaction between students and teachers. Administration, Support Services, and Professional Development should use function codes in the 2000 series.
Categories A category must be chosen from the pull-down menu for EVERY activity in the grant.
MATTHEW WELCH (603) For Any Questions, please contact: