Foster support, interest and enthusiasm for interscholastic sports teams in the Westborough Public Schools Enhance and enrich the overall experience of all of our student athletes Promote the spirit of sportsmanship as an extension of the school curriculum Work directly with the Athletic Department to help improve and upgrade facilities benefiting all of our student athletes 2 OUR MISSION
Here’s some examples of how we contribute: Rangers Give Back Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Week of Lights Annual Scholarships Video Equipment, Training / Seminars Athletic Van Field and Facility Upgrades & Improvements And many others 3 WHAT WE DO
The new Board: We meet on the 2 nd Wednesday of the month in the school library at 7:00pm 4 WHO WE ARE PresidentLori Rota Co-Vice PresidentsPam Corcoran, George Conlin TreasurerMary-Beth Donovan Co-SecretariesCarrie Brown, Robin Solod Fundraising Committee ChairLinda Horsfall
Stop by our Boosters table tonight! Volunteer to be a Team Representative Mail your completed membership form to P.O. Box 627 Join by 10/1 to be eligible for an Activity Fee Waiver ($200 value) A new PayPal link on our website will be available soon Basic membership is required for scholarship eligibility 5 HOW TO JOIN
Come to our first official meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 9th Attend our Fall Fundraiser on Saturday, October 17th Look for our new 50/50 raffle during half-time Celebrate as members of the Westborough sports community are inducted into the Hall of Fame on October 17th 6 COMING ATTRACTIONS