Preparing our students to excel in the 21 st Century Proceeding to the next step… 1 Technology in the classrooms: “All of our boys and girls will graduate from Edcouch-Elsa with the necessary technology skills to compete with any other student successfully in any college!” ~Dr. Richard Rivera
Chromebook Funding Sources 2 Funding Source Allocations Federal $ 200, Local $ 100, Total: $ 300,000.00
Estimated Chromebook Cost 3 Description Estimated Unit Cost Qty.Total Chromebooks $ $ 243, Charging Carts $ $ 54, Total Project Cost Estimate: $ 298,350.00
Purchasing Options: 4 *Purchase through DIR Contracts Bids Lease Options * CH-Legal: A district may acquire computers and computer-related equipment, including computer software, through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) under contracts with the DIR in accordance with Government Code Chapter 2054 or Education Code (i)
Staff Development 5 Grant recipients will model best practices Utilize built in Waiver Days for Staff Development Staff Development: Technology Academies Considerations: Employ Instructional Technology Specialist Stipend for providing staff development to staff Stipends for curriculum writing
Summary Chromebooks 39 Classroom sets (25 per cart) $298, Cost estimate for project. Purchase Options: DIR, Bids or Lease Considerations: Employ Instructional Technology Specialist Staff development stipends Curriculum writing Establish equipment refresh cycle