J.W. Alvey Elementary School September 30, 2013 Mrs. Sturdivant (Room 133) Agenda Daily Schedule Curriculum (Units of Study) & Testing Classroom Procedures Home/School Communication Parent Sign-up Questions
Daily Schedule 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM Language Arts 8:45 AM – 9:30AM Specials (PE, Guidance/Computer/Library, PE, Art, Music) 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Core Extension 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM Language Arts 11:30 AM – 12:08 PM Social Studies 12:08 AM – 12:38 PM Lunch 12:38 PM – 1:30 Social Studies 1:30 PM – 1:45 PM Recess 1:45 PM – 2:50 PM Math 2:50 PM – 3:05 PM D.E.A.R 3:05 Dismissal Strings: Wednesday
Instructional Strategies Virginia Standards of Learning are given in subject areas – Math, Science, and Reading. Instructional Strategies used to increase student learning include: direct instruction, hands-on learning, whole class and small group. An Agenda/Folder Binder has been organized containing a folder for Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, & Guidance.
Math Pacing Unit 1: (4 th Grade Review Place Value & Comparing and Ordering, Rounding) Unit 2: Addition & Subtraction of Whole Numbers & Decimals (includes Prime & Composite Numbers and Distributive Property) Unit 3: Multiplication & Division Whole Numbers Unit 4: Data Analysis and Statistics Unit 5: Measurement Unit 6: Fractions & Decimal Number Sense Unit 7: Probability Unit 8: Fraction Computation Unit 9: Decimal Computation Unit10: Geometry Unit 11: Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
Math Prince William County uses a Blended Math approach ( More Traditional Approach, Math Connects, and Math Investigation Approach). This approach emphasizes an understanding as well as using efficient methods to solve problems. All Math will be kept in their math folder Spiral Review completed daily in math journal Math Text Book
5 th Grade Curriculum Language Arts (Daily Five Framework) Reading – Comprehension, Vocabulary Nonfiction Fiction Writing (Composing, Written Expression, Usage & Mechanics) (Benchmark Writing) Research (Information Management Process) Clarifying Information needed, Retrieving information, Evaluating Resources, Analyzing & Recording information, Synthesizing information
Language Arts Reader’s Workshop Daily 3/5 Framework - Student Driven framework that offers high student engagement and provides opportunities for meaningful reading and writing. Writer’s Workshop
Daily Three/Five – Language Arts Mini-lesson(s) then students will rotate through: Reading to self (RTS) Work on Writing (WOW) Guided Reading Group (TM) Teacher Request (TR) (Practicing skills learned in mini-lesson)
Science Units of Study * Living Organisms * Matter * Scientific Investigation (Science Fair) Starting Late November – February * Light * Sound * Oceanography * Geology * 4 th Grade Science Review
Science Science assignments will be kept in a folder that is inside their binder. FOD – Fact of the Day (Students answer questions each day that reviews 4 th & 5 th grade science)*Quizzes Packets, study guides, FOD’s, and folder work will be needed to study for the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Social Studies Classroom Community Baldrige Geography (North America) Map & Globe Skills Geographic Concept Regional Study (U.S.A.) Northeast Southeast Midwest Southwest West Canada Mexico & Central America
Social Studies We have a packet for most Social Studies units. Please encourage your child to keep their packets. There will be a cumulative end of the year test in Social Studies.
Testing Beginning of Year: QRI Qualitative Reading Inventory (End of the Year 4 th Grade Data) Beginning of the Year Math Assessment, On-Demand Writing Quarterly: On-Demand Writings, IA Reading Comprehension Tests, & Reading Objective Checklist (MAC). December/January- Mid-Year Assessments in Math May/June SOL – Reading, Math, & Science QRI Qualitative Reading Inventory (End of Year) End of the Year Math Assessment We will also be using Interactive Assessment throughout the year for quizzes and End of the Unit Assessments and SOL Released Test Items and County End of the Unit Math Tests. Testing Data will be one of the measures used for flexible groupings in Math & Reading
Classroom Procedures Homework Policy: Homework is the extension of learning and provides practice and review of material learned in class. 5 th grade is 50 per night Monday-Thursday. Current Research: Questions benefits of regular every night homework assignments. PWCS Homework Policy will be posted to my School fusion page.
Homework Reading Log – students are given time in class to complete writing portion. Other HW assignments will be to finish work not completed in class, projects, quiz & test preparation, visit curriculum related websites.
Grading Assignments/tests/quizzes are given different values Class work: √,√−,√+ or a letter grade (√− signifies needs work) Quizzes: letter grades (Most Quizzes) Tests: 2 letter grades (Most Tests) Writing and Projects: Receive a letter grade. The weight of the grade depends on the assignment. NHI: Not Handed In – worth 0 points in grade book Late work: grades will drop each day an assignment is turned in late
Grading Scale A ( ) Excellent B+ ( ) Very Good B ( ) Good C+ ( ) High Average C (70 – 76) Average D+ (67 – 69) Below Average D ( ) Poor F (59 and Below) Failure
Differentiation We recognize that each child is unique and has his or her individual style of learning. Ways differentiation might look in the classroom: Centers – enrichment, on-grade level, and needs support Small group or individual lessons to meet individual needs (guided reading groups & Gifted Resource Teacher). Review and remediation of material for those students not mastering objectives. A variety of trade books used; leveled for the above grade level, on- grade level, and needs support student. Literature Circles and Book Clubs based on reading ability & Interests Questions asked range form the easier recall to the more difficult analyze and synthesize Projects with rubrics
Differentiation T.E.C. Time Think, Explore, and Challenge Time Team building challenges: promoting problem solving while developing team work. Materials, specifications, and instructions will be provided. They will have to formulate a plan and complete the constructions using their own brain muscles. Rubrics provided(students and teachers) Teams of five students(one from each classroom, changing mid-year) Once a month
Behavior All students are expected to follow the Prince William County Code of Behavior and Quality Student Discipline plan. School Wide Baldrige Framework. This framework emphasizes that: “Students are responsible for their own learning and they are response-able for the success of our class.” Defined Quality Teacher & Quality Student Students will be rating themselves & the teacher throughout the year. Classroom Name: Sweet Frog Allstars Vision: Be successful in school and succeed in our SOL’s. Mision: Be kind, and caring and ready for middle school.
Home/School Connection Classroom update will be posted on School Fusion: Please sign up for the Parent Portal and join our school fusion page. Notes Conferences Agenda
Parent Sign-up Parent Conferences (Dates posted on sign-up Sheet) PTA Parent Contact
Thank you for coming! Any questions, concerns, or comments We can be reached by **Also through the school fusion system J.W. Alvey’s front office phone: