Welcome to the Healthcare Virtual Career Platform and Capacity-Building Grants Orientation Webinar Series July 2010
2 Welcome to the Energy Training Partnership Grants Orientation Webinar Series February 2010 Play/Pause Forward & Back Skip Ahead Volume Control Attachments Table of Contents On/Off Outline Tab Thumb Tab Notes Tab Search Tab
3 Today’s Presenters Speakers: Jennifer Pirtle, Workforce Analyst, Division of Workforce System Support, Office of Workforce Investment Pam Frugoli, O*NET Team Lead, Division of Workforce System Support, Office of Workforce Investment James Stockton, Grant Officer, Division of Federal Assistance Brinda Ruggles, Grants Management Specialist, Division of Federal Assistance Moderators Jennifer Pirtle, SGA Lead, Division of Workforce System Support, Office of Workforce Investment
4 Jennifer Pirtle Workforce Analyst/FPO Division of Workforce System Support
5 Contact Information Once your key program point of contact is in place, please alert your Federal Project Officer. Your FPO should also be notified of all program contacts and any changes to program contacts during the life of the grant: –Send an to your FPO with all relevant contact information –Subject line of the should read: HVCP Program Contact
6 Next Steps: Future Training Step 1: Grantees will listen to 5 recorded/interactive sessions on the following topics (Please note: Grantees must be registered on Workforce 3 One to access the recordings). A.Introduction to Financial ReportingIntroduction to Financial Reporting B.Financial Management PrinciplesFinancial Management Principles C.Introduction to Grant Applications and BudgetIntroduction to Grant Applications and Budget D.Introduction to Procurement RequirementsIntroduction to Procurement Requirements E.ARRA 1512 ReportingARRA 1512 Reporting *It is suggested that both program and financial staff review this information
7 Next Steps: Future Training, Continued Step 2: Following the recorded sessions, grantees are to submit any questions or note areas where they need more clarification to the their FPO by August 13, Please submit any questions or note areas of concerns regarding the ARRA 1512 Reporting directly to your FPOs. In the subject line include the grant and subject that corresponds to the recorded/interactive sessions HVCP AACC – Financial Reporting HVCP Goodwill – Financial Management HVCP IAJVS – Grant Applications & Budget HVCP SER – Procurement Requirements Based on the types of questions submitted, ETA will determine the best method for responding and providing additional technical assistance (i.e., conference call, Webinar, or Frequently Asked Question document). We anticipate that follow-up will occur before the end of August.
8 HVCP Grant Overview The grant funds projects that use virtual service-delivery models to promote career opportunities, including the healthcare sector. Category 1 Grant (HVCP) funds the development and operation of a Healthcare Virtual Career Platform. Category 2 Grants (Capacity-Building) funds will increase access to virtual career exploration services.
9 HVCP Grant Awards HVCP is $6.6 million awarded to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Capacity-Building grants range from $2.2 million to $3 million awarded to: Goodwill Industries International International Association of Jewish Vocational Services SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc Grant summaries may be found here:
10 HVCP and Capacity-Building Grants
11 Roles and Support Pam Frugoli O*NET Team Lead Division of Workforce System Support
12 Update your Contact Information Any time the main point of contact for your grant changes, please remember to alert your Federal Project Officer. Federal Project Officers regularly sends out blasts to grantees. Please make sure your system does not confuse our communication as spam.
13 Your FPO Your FPO has several functions: –Develops the ARRA technical assistance plan –Reviews grantee performance reports –Periodically requests additional information about your grant
14 DOL/ETA Grant Officer The Grant Officer performs official grant duties: –Maintains official grant documents—modifications, extensions, etc. –Approves all purchases over $5,000
15 Product Dissemination and Replication Grantees may develop solutions-based models and products for dissemination –Will be shared with and implemented by other organizations and industry leaders –Grantees will receive training on preparing and packaging their “products” for dissemination
16 Technical Assistance Grantees can expect to receive the following technical assistance during the life of their grant: Technical assistance from Federal Project Officers Comprehensive training Grantee coaching Virtual Learning Events Technical Assistance Institutes
17 Grant Start-up Logistics James Stockton Grant Officer Division of Federal Assistance
18 The Grant Award Grant Award Letter Grant Agreement - Notification of Award Obligation Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Administrative Costs Solicitation Part I - Statement of Work Part II - Budget Information – SF424a Part III - Assurances/Certifications Part IV - Special Clauses and Conditions Additional Provisions
19 Acknowledgements of Award Payment Management System –Information and forms on under Payment Informationwww.doleta.gov/grants ETA’s online Grantee Fiscal Reporting System –SF 9130 –Information to access system on under Financial Reportingwww.doleta.gov/grants Passwords/PINs are sent separately after supplying the necessary information --- Once you receive them please DO NOT LOSE THEM! Grant Award Letter
20 Grant Agreement Notification of Award Obligation Project title –American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – HVCP Grants Grant awardees' identifying information DOL identifying information –Agreement # GJ-XXXXX A-XX Period of performance Award amount Regulations and costs principles Signatures
21 Notification of Award Obligation Regulations and Costs Principles Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) can be found at –Uniform Administrative Requirements 29 CFR Part 95 - Institutions for Higher Education 29 CFR Part 97 - State/Local Governments and Indian Tribes –Cost Principles 2 CFR 220 (OMB Circular A-21) – Educational Institutions 2 CFR 225 (OMB Circular A-87) – State/Local Governments and Indian Tribes 2 CFR 230 (OMB Circular A-122) – Non-profit Organizations –Other Requirements (As Applicable)
22 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Submitted by grant applicant Incorporated in grant packet
23 Statement of Work Grantee’s original proposal –Includes Technical Proposal, Abstract, and Timeline Budget
24 Special Clauses and Conditions Special Clauses –Budget Line Item Flexibility –Indirect Cost Rate and Cost Allocation Plan Special Conditions –Federal Project Officer –Equipment –Program Income –Intellectual Property Rights –Evaluation –Reports Quarterly Financial and Performance Reports
25 Introduction to Grant Modification and Procurement Processes Brinda Ruggles Grants Management Specialist Division of Federal Assistance
26 ETA Expectations Grant activities will begin immediately Submission of timely and accurate reports Grants will be monitored closely by Congress, the White House, and the public
27 What is a Modification? A modification is the formal process used to make changes to your grant agreement if necessary and appropriate. Changes to the grant agreement may not be implemented until official written notification of approval is received from the Grant Officer.
28 Prior written DOL approval is required for: –Budget transfers--when there are certain types of changes to your budget –Equipment purchases (greater than $5,000) –Changes to the approved Scope of Work Grant Modification
29 What is the Process? Any changes proposed must be discussed/reviewed by your Federal Project Officer Be certain that you base subsequent budget modification requests on the latest approved budget
30 What should be included in a modification request? For proposed scope of work changes, please include the following: Detailed justification regarding why the modification is needed, and identifying the challenges/issues that lead to the need for a modification Status of outcomes and deliverables, and what grant activities will take place to support the outcomes and deliverables, if the request is approved; An up-to-date timeline of grant activities that includes key activities and outcomes to be achieved for the time remaining in the grant if the modification is granted An updated budget and budget narrative as appropriate
31 What are some common problems with modification requests? Lack of detail regarding the nature and substance of the request Not signed or submitted by the grant signatory Mathematical errors Timeliness of submission Lack of response to requests for additional information or clarification Lack of justification regarding why a change is proposed
32 What Documentation is Needed? SF 424A for budget modifications Narrative justification & description Updated timeline for grant activities when appropriate Submit final modification documents to your FPO
33 What happens to my request once it has been submitted? FPO review and concurrence Concurrence from the National Office when appropriate Process in the region for approval - or-forward to the National Office Grant Officer for approval Notification, in writing, of the approval
34 Quarterly Performance Reporting Jennifer Pirtle Division of Workforce System Support
35 Quarterly Progress Reports All grantees are required to submit a Quarterly Progress Report to ETA, due 45 days after a quarter ends
36 Quarterly Progress Reporting Schedule QuarterPeriod CoveredDue 1Jan 1- Mar 31May 15 2Apr 1-Jun 30August 14 3Jul 1- Sep 30November 14 4Oct 1-Dec 31February 15 * Should the due date of the reports fall on a Federal holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, the report is due the Friday before.
37 The Value of Performance and Outcomes Reporting Tracking your progress and identifying any challenges you may be facing Reporting successes of high profile programs to Congress, Administration, OMB, GAO, etc. Demonstrating Grant Outcomes to investors and partners Illustrating Return on Investment (ROI) Building additional strategic partnerships and leveraging resources
38 Quarterly Narrative Report Quarterly Narrative Reports provide a detailed, narrative account of program activities undertaken during the quarter, such as: –Summary of Grant Activities –Status Update on Leveraged Resources –Status Update on Strategic Partnership Activities –Timeline for Grant Activities and Deliverables –Status of Deliverables and Capacity Building Activities –Key Issues and Technical Assistance Needs –Best Practices and Success Stories –Additional Information
39 Summary Three reports due each quarter 1.Quarterly Progress Report 2.Financial Report (ETA-9130 Form) Grantees will begin viewing Webinar tutorials on financial management training 3.ARRA 1512 Reporting Grantees will begin viewing a Webinar tutorial on ARRA 1512 reporting In addition Final Report due at the end of the grant
40 Division of Workforce System Support U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Room S-4231 Washington, DC Website: Belinda Ellis Sheree Finley Frank Gallo Jennifer Pirtle
41Summary Overview of the ARRA High Growth and Emerging Industries Grant Role of the FPO and Grants Office Review of the grant award and related documents Modification and Procurement Process Reporting process
42 Next Steps 1.Listen to the recordings for Introduction to Financial Reporting Financial Management Principles Introduction to Grant Applications and Budget Introduction to Procurement Requirements ARRA 1512 Reporting 2.Submit your questions to your FPO by Friday, August 13, 2010
43 Next Steps (cont.) We will have a conference call on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 2:00 Eastern During the call, we will: –Introduce grant recipients (Category 1 & 2) –Discuss MOU’s –Answer any questions that grantees have regarding the HVCP orientation webinar –Answer grantee questions about the grants
44 Conference Call Grantee Orientation Conference Call Tuesday, July 13, :00 PM Eastern Code: