The information needs of Commissioners Erica Rae Public Health & Commissioning Librarian West Sussex Knowledge & Libraries 28 th January 2015
Session outline Brief overview of CWS CCG teams How are we currently supporting? Project management Our presence What information have they got? What information do they need? Search sources & tips Current awareness Useful links
Coastal West Sussex CCG Teams we currently work with Planned Care Services & treatments which are not carried out in an emergency, often those which patients are referred to by their GP Unscheduled Care Urgent health care services – A&E, Urgent Care, Out of Hours, Walk-in Centres, Minor Injuries Units Proactive Care Integrated Health & Social Care system for the frail, elderly & people with Long Term Conditions & complex health needs to prevent emergency admissions Medicines Management Work with local GPs, hospital teams and other partners to drive local decision making about what medicines are used in all local services Patient & Public Engagement Working with local people to have their say on local health services and how they can be improved
How are we supporting? Planned Care Research for Neurology & Cardiovascular services redesign workstreams Unscheduled Care Research for Accident & Emergency redesign Proactive Care Initially for Risk Stratification tool procurement, ongoing current awareness for Self-care, Telecare, Falls prevention Medicines Management New drugs, Medicines campaigns, Current awareness for Antimicrobial Stewardship & Medicines Optimisation
Project Management
Our Presence Intranet
Commissioning Guide – Research & Analysis Our Presence
What have they got? Lots and lots and lots of… So What? And lots and lots of… DATA Analysts Data= Evidence Analysts
Clinical Leads – Practicing or ex-GPs who advise on: - the clinical aspects of conditions – tests, treatments etc - types of services that will suit their patients, local population Anything else?
So what do they need? If data = the “So what” factor... Evidence from the literature to set the data in context How have others done it? - so we can borrow the ideas - is there someone we can contact? Will it work here?
What do they want? No Thanks! Long lists of abstracts/references Books Training
Yes Please The familiar... Evidence from Research Guidelines – UK & International Pathways Clinical Evidence Summaries Full-text of relevant articles without having to log in What do they want?
Yes Please The not so familiar... Service models - new/innovative/redesigns Service specifications Best Practice examples Examples of innovation Case studies Commissioning resources – Benchmarking tools, Costing tools: Trust Board Papers Internal meetings briefings Business cases Tender documents Someone we can contact in an exemplar service And more…
How can we find it? Usual suspects – NHS Evidence etc HMIC (Health Management Information Consortium) The Commissioning Handbook: Google
Google is your friend! It’s surprising what you find - Bookmark useful sites along the way BUT - Use advanced search methods or Borrow their terminology – The Commissioning Handbook gives ideas Use domain searches: site: (with space) ccg or clinical commissioning group Click Search Tools for further refining by country, date, verbatimSearch Tools Google Scholar Use Ctrl:F to search/highlight words/phrases in documents, web pages Lead your Commissioner by the nose to relevant sections/paras in long documents
Remember… This is Primary Care It’s about Population Health It’s about Community Services It needs to be current, up-to-date You won’t be able to PICO most of it
Be confident! You already have the search skills you need Think ‘out of the box’ Don’t be afraid to Google – just do it wisely Contact the Commissioning Mailing list for help, advice
NHS England The Learning Environment
Current Awareness Why? For Commissioners For yourself – – Learn more about the Commissioning landscape – Understand what’s going on in the system – Identify Hot Topics
King’s Fund Bulletins
NHS England
Pulse Magazine
NHS Networks
Useful Links The Commissioning Handbook NHS England Learning Environment HSJ Commissioning The Commissioning Review KnowledgeAlerts Blog King’s Fund bulletins NHS England bulletins Pulse Magazine
The information needs of Commissioners Erica Rae Public Health & Commissioning Librarian West Sussex Knowledge & Libraries