COVER SLIDE Thematic Networking/ Mainstreaming in EQUAL - Ireland “EQUAL differs from the mainstream ESF programmes in that it is a “laboratory” to develop new ways of tackling discrimination and inequality in the labour market”. (European Commission, 2003). context
FOOD FOR THOUGHT EQUAL CIP – IRELAND - Background Total Budget 34€million Round I – 21 DPs Round II – 22 DP’s Pillars Employability A – Facilitating access and return to the labour market (9 DP’s) Entrepreneurship C – opening up the business creation process to all… (3 DP’s) Adaptability E – Promoting Life Long Learning and inclusive work practices Adaptability F – supporting the adaptability of firms and employees to structural economic change (1 DP) Equal Opp’s G – reconciling family and professional life.. (2 DP’s) Asylum Seekers – supporting the social and vocational integration of Asylum Seekers (2 DP’s)
FOOD FOR THOUGHT EQUAL CIP – IRELAND – Background Average DP budget is – 1.08million€ ESF allocation average 750,000€ lowest ESF allocation is 215,495€ EQUAL is does not form part of mainstream ESF activity in Ireland Ireland has over 15 years experience of partnership in local economic and social development – at national & local level EQUAL is less about “Direct Delivery” and more about how systems are delivered. Focus is on “innovation” in programme design and delivery
COVER SLIDE What is Thematic Networking? It’s about… Creating a space for dialogue, shared learning, peer review, communities of practice, joint collaboration ….. Building a critical mass for mainstreaming purpose
PILLARS What is a Network Networks are groups of projects or bi-lateral arrangements between projects (formal and informal); Networks are constructed on the basis of themes, issues, methodologies, target groups, similar approaches to broad policy issues (practice and policy); Networks are resourced through your dissemination/mainstreaming budgets; Networks are driven by DP’s; Networks focus on solutions not problems. explanation
MATERIALS Equal DP Equal Thematic/ policy Networks Equal Mainstreaming Policy Group innovationlearning/joint collaborationmainstreaming Other policy opportunities Where is it located in the scheme of things? Formal Networking Informal Networking
COVER SLIDE Thematic Networks in Round II The Inclusive Workplace – Accommodating Equality and Diversity focuses on the demand side of the labour market, employers and the workplace Types of Activity: recruitment practices, in –work progression, challenging attitudinal barriers, organisational change to accommodate diversity Accommodating Equality and Diversity in Integrated Service Provision focuses on the supply side of the labour market, service provision (training, referral, employment services etc) Types of Activity: how services are directed and delivered to people experiencing discrimination, new approaches to labour market inclusion, client focused holistic service delivery
PRINCIPLES Thematic Networks in Round II Entrepreneurship – focuses on the non traditional entrepreneur, women, non nationals, LTU Types of Activity – access to credit and finance, training, mentoring supports Life Long Learning – focuses on innovations in delivery and approaches in a traditional educational environment Type of Activity – outreach education, progression in education, ICT strategies, teaching and learning methods, validation
PRACTICAL Exploring the potential of Bi-lateral Work between projects Some Examples: DP9 and WAM - disability profiling psychometric testing Equal Youth and DP9 + You’re EQUAL - Client Profiling Carlow, WAM and KWCD – Equality Awareness strategies Equal at work + Roma = cultural mediation competence Transition Support programme + Equal Youth = service delivery to young people
HANDBOOK Current Thematic Networking: Four Thematic Networks have meet 4 times- developing action plans; Deliverables by end of year into next; Ongoing educational input from policy makers (NDA, FAS, Dept of Justice Equality and Law Reform); Seen as a voluntary process – only going to facilitate DP’s who have capacity and commitment to be involved; Sometimes difficult to get continuity of membership: Involvement of Round I projects that are still involved in the programme – through mainstreaming funding;
HANDBOOK Thematic Networking and Mainstreaming: Active involvement in thematic networks should form part of your DP’s Mainstreaming Strategy; Mainstreaming is a process of identifying and extracting the important “impact” lessons from pilot activity; Happens at different levels; Mainstreaming demands good strategic planning; Mainstreaming demands a clear understanding of policy; A strong partnership is crucial; Demands an openness to engage in meaningful dialogue; Demands an ability to articulate or market the innovative policies of practice changes;
HANDBOOK Mainstreaming Example of Good Practice: Mainstreaming Policy Group – National Structure National mainstreaming groups within projects Equal North East/ Blanchardstown/SONAS/ Westmeath EQUAL/Equal at Work Programme Newsletter/ EQUAL Times/ Project Directory IdeasBank – Conferences Events – HELIX CD EQUAL Submission on the National Workplace Strategy EQUAL submission on Green Paper for Entrepreneurship EQUAL Submission on the Future Direction of the ESF post 2007