6 Best Practices for ERP Implementations By Rahul Vyas Believe me; There are Some Requirements Which are Essential for any of the ERP Implementation Project to Succeed.
Which are essential needs for any of the ERP implementation project to succeed?
How to conclude your organizational needs and objectives? Prepare a list of processes projected for automation Current issues associated with these processes Of course the people who are involved with these processes Expectations from this automation Which facts to be considered: Knowing your configuration requirements would work as a steroid when it comes to implementation & adoption. Knowing the end users will give you the opportunity, through inventory, to decide on to who will be responsible for ensuring that the new solution runs smoothly.
User Involvement: One of the biggest barriers, absence of which could lead to slow user adoption and in turn becomes a big hurdle to the success of Implementation. Human tendency is to not change the conventional ways of doing things, which make them feel comfortable. These incidents, though not pleasant, occur as end users are not able to foresee the advantages of automation. Facts to be considered: Involving end users from the initial project days to reach out to that comprehensive user inputs becomes mandatory. This also empowers them and you to provide, and be a part of all those ongoing training sessions and knowledge transfers that bring all users on the same platform and unique thought process. Apart from this, the ongoing trainings play a major role in engaging the users to the new software – bringing in that comfort level which they would compare with their conventional methods.
Assessing potential Risks Technological changes, organizational changes and project complexities in any major implementation project, poses various risks related to people or software which are not that easily visible. These risks ranging from operational complexities – inadequate user experience – insufficient role clarity – and a lot of other issues have been the trademarks to a lot of software implementations. Facts to be considered: Identification and classification of potential risks and challenges becomes really helpful. Categorize them in various segments such as schedule – budget – operational – technical and so on. List down all those risk and change management activities, well in advance, which will help you to implement necessary measures and actions proactively, resulting in minimal or no risk implications at all.
Being Resourceful Enough is equally important as we have been witness to a lot of companies who have liberally done hefty investments for the new software, but end of day fall short while assigning sufficient resources in terms of follow up budgets and manpower, one of the needs for the success of any implementation project. “Delegated Leadership becomes much more necessary as the management upon approving the purchase of the software solution, made way for priorities to shift and divert attention and resources. A leader would be the one to focus on end results – the success of the entire implementation process.” Facts to be considered: Sufficient resource planning or team building activity: Building a team possessing requisite skills for the project. Non-labor resources that empowers the entire team to complete the project.
Expectation Setting Plays a major role, may it be real life scenario or developing projects. Establishing a clear understanding about attainable goals among all the stakeholders ranging from executive leader to end user is important. A very good example, as you are not supposed to underestimate User Involvement, Assessment of potential Risks & Resource crunches, you also should be cautious about the time that would be needed to accomplish the project. Facts to be considered: Realistic time frame will help you succeed when you give due weightage consultation, validation and other services needed for seamless implementation Managing expectations or setting realistic expectations and keeping them on top priority for all those involved in the project helps you in maintaining viewpoint across the project.
Checks & Balances Checks & Balances are supposed to be the integral part across stages of the implementation project; that includes once the solution goes live. The dynamism of software implementation is known to all of us. This makes it all the more important for us, the project leaders, to develop landmarks, observe and raise a flag about the progress consistently as and when required. Facts to be considered: Realistic time frame will help you succeed when you give due weightage consultation, validation and other services needed for seamless implementation Managing expectations or setting realistic expectations and keeping them on top priority for all those involved in the project helps you in maintaining viewpoint across the project.
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