The Greek Educational system
Junior high school - Gymnasium GREEK EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Kindergarten (ages 4-6, compulsory) Primary school (ages 6-12, compulsory) Junior high school - Gymnasium (ages 12-15, compulsory) Senior high school General Lykeio (ages 15-18, not compulsory) Senior high school Technical Lykeio (ages 15-18, not compulsory) Universities Technological Institutes Jobs
Primary school Students are taught: Reading, Writing, Arithmetics As they get older, more subjects are added: History Geography Science Arts Religious Education (RE) Physical Education (PE) English
Junior high school Ages 12-15 Compulsory education More subjects are added in the curriculum, like: Ancient Greek language & literature A second foreign language (French or German) Chemistry Biology Informatics Technology
Then three roads are in front of them: One option is to stop going to school and start working A second option is to follow technical or vocational education . After this perhaps studies in a college or in a technological institute. The third option is to follow general education. After this perhaps studies in university or in a college.