Prisons Prisons vs. Jails Prisons – serving more than a year Jail Serving less than a year Awaiting trial (denied bail / couldn’t afford)
Recidivism Definition – the percentage of inmates who return to prison after they have been released. This is usually measured within 3 years of their release. Oregon – 40% National – 60%
Prisoner Responses Inmates can be grouped into three categories / responses when entering prison: Gleaning – inmates who take advantage of prison programs to better themselves Doing Time – inmates who view their prison term as an inevitable break in their criminal careers. Jailing – inmates who cut off the outside world and construct a life within prison
Models of Prisons Custodial – a model that emphasizes security, discipline, and order (PUNISH) Reintegration – a model that emphasizes maintaining the offender’s ties to family and community as a method of reform. Inmates will return to society Rehabilitation – a model that attempts to fix / reform the prisoner (education, treatment, and or skills)
Prison Population
Cost per Inmate MethodCost per Year Prison$17,794 Jail$12,494 Probation$869 Day Reporting$2781 House Arrest$402 Electronic Monitoring$2011 Halfway House$12,494 Boot Camp$23,707
Estimated Time to Be Served (Prisons) Crime Average time servedmonths Murder127 Robbery51 Assault36 Property Offenses20 Burglary24 Larceny17 Drug Offenses20 Possession17 Trafficking21 Weapons Offenses21
Prison Population
Prison Population by Race