Created by DELFO (Dietetic Educator Leaders Forum of Ontario) 2013
DO: ◦ READ the application package and the “Tips for your Internship Application” included in the package. ◦ READ the program brochures and website information ◦ TALK to past interns get a perspective of the program ◦ THINK about program location, if you will require a car, where you will live ◦ THINK about what the program offers: pediatrics, acute care, long term care, etc. ◦ CHOOSE a program based on the program and not the coordinator. ◦ CONSIDER overall costs/expenses associated with the internship year (tuition, living expenses, food). ◦ CHOOSE you references based on how well they can speak to the skills that you bring to the program. ◦ APPLY to where you want to go and think you will be a good fit.
DON’T: ◦ Ask questions that have been answered elsewhere (ie. Internship application package, program brochure, website) ◦ Contact the internship coordinator without having reviewed all information about the program (as above). ◦ Waste an application. Ensure that your package meets the eligibility criteria.