Learning objectives: To understand what you will study in A/S and A level English Language To understand some of the ways language choices vary and why.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning objectives: To understand what you will study in A/S and A level English Language To understand some of the ways language choices vary and why

What is English Language? Just the same as GCSE – only more difficult? No. English Language at AS and A Level is a very different subject.

Why choose AS/A Level English Language ? You’re interested in …

You want to become an expert on how language works …

You want to learn how to write for different audiences, purposes and genres … (really well)

Course Structure AS English Language Paper 1: Language and the individualPaper 2: Language varieties What’s assessed: Textual variations and representations Methods of language analysis are integrated into the activities What’s assessed: Language diversity Writing skills Methods of language analysis are integrated into the activities Assessed: Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes 70 marks 50% of AS Assessed Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes 70 marks 50% of AS Questions: Textual variations and representations: Two texts, linked by topic or theme. A question analysing one text (25 marks) A question analysing a second text (25 marks) A question comparing the two texts (20 marks) Questions: Section A – Language diversity A discursive essay on language diversity, with a choice of two questions (30 marks) Section B – Language discourses A directed writing task on attitudes to language (40 marks)

Course Structure A Level English Language Paper 1: Language and the individual society Paper 2: Language diversity and change Non exam (coursework) Language in action What’s assessed: Textual variations and representations Children’s language development (0-11 years) Methods of language analysis What’s assessed: Language diversity and change Writing skills Methods of language analysis are integrated into the activities What’s assessed: Language investigation Original writing Methods of analysis are integrated into the activities Assessed: Written exam: 2 hrs 30 minutes 100 marks 40% of A Level Assessed: Written exam: 2 hrs 30 minutes 100 marks 40% of A Level Questions: Section A Textual variations and representations: two analytical questions on two texts plus a comparison. Child language: discursive essay Questions: Section A – Diversity and Change Evaluative essay Section B – Language Discourses One analytical essay, one writing task Assessed: Word count 3500, 100 marks 20% of A Level Assessed by teachers Moderated by AQA TASK A language investigation A piece of original writingl

Write down as many synonyms (words that mean the same as another word) as you can for ‘drunk’. Try to cover a range of registers (levels of formality). Rank order your synonyms from most formal to least.

What groups of people might use these words? Regroup your words in order of who might use these. For example, which ones might be more likely to be used by older or younger people? Which might be used by men or women? Which might be used by people from a higher social class or a lower social class? Which might be used by people who work in healthcare (e.g. doctors/nurses/addiction specialists)?

Language alters depending on lots of factors: Age Social class Gender Occupation Accent and dialect (the geographical area you live in)

Accommodation Theory Founded by Howard Giles 1973

Convergence Characteristics Mirror other person’s vocabulary, accent, speech rate, grammar, voice etc. Match other person’s gestures, mannerisms, dress, hair, etc. Often based on attraction, charisma, credibility and motive Gains or motives Improves effectiveness of communication Makes other person more confident and willing to respond Maintains positive self-identity and brings approval Makes ourselves more like those we are attracted to and engenders their liking

Divergence Characteristics Works in opposite direction to convergence Speaks and gestures differently from other person Can be based on disdain for other person (or their behaviour) and desire to remain different from them Gains or motives Accentuates differences between the parties Reinforces individual or group identity Discourages a relationship or from engaging in lengthy conversation

tch?v=JpgVokQEchA How does the following video showing comedian Catherine Tate’s South London schoolgirl character ‘Lauren’ and an exchange with her science teacher reveal either convergence or divergence?

Another area you will look at is how children learn to speak, read and write. To get a sense of the complexity of children’s language, look at the keywords handout. These keywords represent the most important words teachers expect children to understand and use by the end of reception. TASK: Try to have a conversation with the person next to you using only the key words.

Why was this task so difficult? What else do children need to learn linguistically to be able to converse well? Why do you think these key words have been chosen? What has doing this task taught you about how learning to speak effectively?

Summer holiday work and assessment task. 1) Read through your AS language booklet and look up any of the terms that you don’t know in the booklet. Write down definitions of these terms in a glossary. 2) Read the car advert titled ‘Text C’, and annotate to answer this question: ‘How does the advert use language, images and layout to present the car in a positive way?’