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Session Plan TopicLeadTime Welcome and IntroductionsKevin3 Minutes What is the responsibility of the Governing Body? Judith15 Minutes What is the responsibility of individual Governors? Rachel5 Minutes What is the responsibility of the Headteacher? Sarah5 Minutes What is the role of the community?Kevin10 Minutes How do all groups fit together? And what are the boundaries? Judith5 Minutes The life of a governorKevin10 Minutes Quiz to test understandingRachel15 Minutes Summary, Close, Questions, and Answers, comments circulate expression of interest forms Kevin12 Minutes (more if needed) 2
Welcome and Introductions (Kevin) 3
What is the Role of the Full Governing Body (Judith) 4
What is the Role of the Full Governing Body 5 ‘... governing bodies have become the strategic leaders of schools. They are rightly responsible and accountable in law and in practice for major decisions about the school and its future. Governing bodies are equal partners in leadership with the headteacher and senior management team. We want to see them taking a full part in driving the improvement and culture of the school’. They must be prepared to account for the school’s overall performance and to explain its decisions and actions to anyone who has a legitimate interest. (Governing the School of the Future. 2004) The school, Headteacher and staff, are accountable to the Governing Body: for the quality of education provided by the school, as well as for the way the school is run.
6 To help schools to provide the best possible education for their pupils by: Setting the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making effective and creative use of resources. Monitoring and evaluating performance, acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher to challenge and support them in managing the school. Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs. Authority rests with the whole governing body. All governors are equal. The Chair of Governors can act in an emergency, but must inform the whole governing body at the earliest opportunity. What is the Role of the Full Governing Body
In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions: 1.Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; 2.Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff; and 3.Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. Governors’ Handbook January
Setting Standards (Target setting within LA /Gov) School Improvement Pupil discipline and staff conduct – staff discipline and grievances Safeguarding Monitoring pupil outcomes – and driving plans to improve these Finance – approving and monitoring the school budget Staffing – deciding on number of staff, appointing HT, setting policy on staff pay, performance management of HT Staff welfare Curriculum Appointing staff – appointing the head and deputy Headteacher, determining how other appointments will be made Special Educational Needs Behaviour – exclusions Attendance Health, safety, premises What are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body? 8
9 “Governance is strategic and management is operational. This distinction between governance and management needs to be clearly understood by all, so that governors are not asked to, and do not try to, involve themselves in day to day management. Governors are there to govern, not to carry out other work on a pro-bono basis. School leaders must not be micro-managed. The governing body should concentrate on matters related to strategy and school improvement, delegating to school leaders* those tasks which are operational (for example, drafting policies, making judgements about teaching quality, and recruiting and deploying staff below senior leadership level). The agenda of governing bodies should be driven by the strategic planning cycle.” What are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body? (*In practice, the head teacher) NGA-ASCL-NAHT Agreement on Roles 2015
10 What are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body? In Conclusion...The Governing Body… Holds the school to account for its performance Operates as a team of equals – parent, staff, co-opted, foundation, LA governors Works in partnership with Headteacher and staff Makes collective, corporate decisions Respects the need for confidentiality Has a real job to do … we’re not ‘just volunteers’
What are the Role and Responsibilities of an Individual Governor? (Rachel) 11
What is the Role and Responsibility of an Individual Governor? An individual governor has no authority or decision-making power – it is only in the formal GB meeting or Committee Meeting that a governor has a voting right. A Governor is expected to attend the Full Governing Body Meetings (6 times per year) as well being a member of at least one Committee (Finance and Staffing, Community and Premises or Learning and Teaching) Governors may also have other roles such as Chair of the FGB, Vice Chair, Chair of a Committee or a lead role such the Child Protection or Special Educational Needs Governor. Governors are expected to adhere to the confidentiality agreement they sign. Governors make informed decisions and are not there solely to represent their own interests or the interests of a particular group e.g. staff or parents Governors must remember at all times that their role is always only about what is in the best interests of the pupils. 12
What is the Role of the Headteacher (Sarah) 13
14 What is the Role of the Headteacher? The Headteacher is usually a member of the Governing Body. The internal organisation, management and control of the school. Formulating aims and objectives, policies and targets for the Governing Body to consider adopting Advising on and implementing the Governing Body’s strategic framework Giving governors the information they need to help the school raise its standards. Reporting on progress at least once every school year. (Roles of Governing Bodies and Head Teachers, DfEE, August 2000; SI 2000/2122)
What is the Role of the Headteacher As a member of the Governing Body: Strategic focus - to get the best outcomes for the children. Provide the knowledge to the governing body: in school updates - ‘how to’, and pupil data. To provide consistency for the school, a balanced approach. Ensure there is trust between Head and Governors and expectations of each other are clear from the start. To be open to critical friend challenge and constructive questioning from other governors which is focused on improving outcomes for children. 15 (questions video)
What is the Role of the School Community? (Kevin) 16
17 What is the Role of the School Community? Schools need to be built on partnership – between governors, staff (all staff), pupils and parents – and the local community To fully engage, work with and support the school fully at all times. To be open and honest and provide a clear voice: the pupil voice e.g.– school councils, pupil surveys, engaging pupils in planning, parent community questionnaires and feedback, feedback from the wider community (local church, parish council, local residents etc.) Parental involvement and parenting support – key element of the extended schools strategy, which still has relevance. Links to other schools and organisations – the school within the community – stronger partnership working etc. Local Authority: Strategic responsibility to ensure provision of capacity Accept that there maybe times when individual community members disagree with a leadership decision/choice but it is important that this is dealt with in the right and respectful way over a limited period.
How do all of the Stakeholders Fit Together? (Judith) 18
How do all of the Stakeholders Fit Together? Important that all groups understand and respect proper boundaries and do not work beyond these. (This is when problems occur) All groups need to have a shared vision and direction and be committed to working together to move things forward for the pupils. Important that each group contributes fully to the school’s improvement and serving the needs of the children. Examples of poor boundary working: 1. The Chair of Governors meets with the Headteacher to give some advice on a different way of teaching a lesson. 2. A Governor carries out a monitoring visit and feeds back about the quality of the teaching. 3. A school Parent Governor attends a Governing Body Meeting and following the meeting shared confidential information with other parents in the playground. 4. The Governing Body has made decision at its FGB meeting and members of the community feel that they should be able to change the decision. 19
The Life of a Governor (Kevin) 20
The Life of a Governor (All agreed as part of annual planning with the HT) Attend a school assembly – behaviour/collective worship. Participate in a Governing Body Meeting. Walk around the school with other governors (planned and agreed with the Headteacher) to monitor. Behaviour, books for learning objectives. Attend a committee meeting – where we can go into more detail on areas such as the pupil assessment data, school budgets, Health and Safety etc. Attend parent evenings to meet with parents and see how things are going. Meet with the School Council. Talk with the children at break-time about behaviour. Write up visit reports for any visits I have carried out and share with all governors – what have I learnt and what are the next steps ? 21
Quiz (Rachel) 22
Summary (Kevin) 23
24 The most important aim of having governing bodies is to help provide the very best education you can for all the pupils in the school Governing bodies need to be strategic and have the big picture You are not on your own, you are part of a team You work in partnership with the head and staff School needs your input Very exciting role very rewarding There will be more of you 10 governors to share the work! You will not be thrown in at the deep end. – A lot of support and care in place, induction plan, mentor, training, move at the right pace. Key Messages
A nice summary about the Governor role 25
26 Websites & other sources Oxfordshire Governor Services Others
Questions and Comments? 27