Changes to be Cascaded
Part One as a starting point for all staff in schools to read and understand: The importance of a coordinated approach to safeguarding; Emphasising the fact it is everyone’s responsibility and all staff have a role to play; The importance of early help; Clarification on the role of the designated safeguarding lead and cover for the role; A new section to cover online safety; Clarifying training requirements for the designated safeguarding lead and staff; A new section covering children with special educational needs and disabilities. Key changes
Who is KCSIE-16 for? All schools whether maintained, non-maintained or independent, including academies, free schools, alternative provision, maintained nurseries, pupil referral units. All colleges including further education, sixth forms established under the Further & Higher Education Act Excludes academies and free schools as they are required to comply with safeguarding legislation by virtue of their funding agreement.
To read and understand All staff are required to read Part 1 – so they can know what to do. Need to think about how you can demonstrate that staff understand the document: – KCSIE 16 quiz – Signature list ‘read and understand’ – Signature list & comprehension question Keep accurate records, including absent staff
Early Help links All staff should identify children that may benefit from Early Help – ‘By deciding that the situation could be dealt with ‘in house’ the school negated their responsibilities to ensure that safeguarding children concerns were’ (SCR – Northamptonshire) – Standardised ‘Notice of Concern Form’ – Links to Right Service to Right Time – Understanding of the Early Help Assessment Process
It Could Happen Here Always to act in the ‘Best Interest of the Child’ Professional Curiosity Respectful distrust Early identification ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused – advice for practitioners’
Concerns about another member of staff Staff: refer concerns to Head Teacher/principal Head Teacher: refer concerns to Chair of Governors/Proprietor Proprietor: refer concerns to the LADO service Staff may consider discussing concerns with the DSL and make the referrals via them.
When concerns not taken seriously Must have a whistleblowing policy in place – Policy should include safeguarding concerns Training should include what to do if not dealt with – Need to know how to make a referral Where a staff member feels unable to raise an issue with their employer or feels that their genuine concerns are not being addressed other whistleblowing channels may be open to them – Safeguarding Advisors role
DSL role Explicit mention in the job description Expanded ‘role definition’ in annex A Appropriate authority – Time – Funding – Training – Resources – Support & Advice DSL should always be available, with appropriate deputy cover when away. Updated knowledge & skills – regular training (at least Annually) to keep up with developments relevant to their role
Staff Training All staff should receive regular refresher training – At least annually – At appropriate levels – As and when required, keeping up to date with changes
On-line Monitoring Policy on use of mobile technology On-line monitoring software Website blocking – does not lead to unreasonable restrictions as to what the children can be taught
Children with SEN & Disability Recognition of the additional safeguarding challenges this group can present. – Changes in behaviour, mood and injury should not just be attributed to the child’s impairment but should be investigated – Not necessarily going to show outward signs, therefore additional vigilance required – Awareness of communication barriers and difficulties and how to overcome these.