What is Working Memory? The ability to hold information and mentally manipulate that information over a short period of time The mind’s “post-it note” Not the same as short term memory as you are trying to remember details while completing a task
When do we use Working Memory? When we remember a PIN #, phone #, web address while we look for our pen Following spoken directions to a destination while driving Remembering an unfamiliar foreign name before having to introduce them to another person
Are there limits to Working Memory? Distractions or interruptions cause you to lose track of thoughts Trying to hold too much information Engaging in a demanding task ONCE INFORMATION HAS BEEN LOST FROM WORKING MEMORY IT IS GONE FOR GOOD
Working Memory vs. I.Q. Dr. Tracy Alloway followed a group of students from age 5 to age 11 More boys than girls have poor working memory she found that WM of a 5 year old was a good predictor of how that child would perform academically as an 11 year old and beyond The I.Q. of the child made no difference whether they were gifted, LD, ADHD etc…
WISC-IV The WMI section of the WISC-IV consists of two parts: digit span and letter/number sequence Digit span tests the student’s ability to repeat a sequence of numbers forward and backward after receiving them orally Letter/number sequence tests the student’s ability to reorganize and repeat a sequence of letters and numbers in correct alphabetical and numerical order
“Average Working Memory” How many items can be remembered? Average 5 year old-1 item 7 year old-2 items 10 year old-3 items 14 year old-4 items Average 25 year old can remember about 5 items
Does Working Memory vary between people? Increases with age However, children with poor working memory never catch up with their peers
Working Memory “Overload” Failure to follow instructions Difficulty in completing tasks that combine storage and demanding mental processing Problems in keeping track of their progress in complex tasks These frequent task failures impair learning in key academic domains
Students with Poor Working Memory Are well-adjusted socially but reserved in group activities, rarely volunteer Forget part or all instructions for a task “daydreamers” Unmotivated, disengage from learning as they get older (“I’m going to fail anyway so why try”) Are unable to complete assignments Make poor progress, especially in reading and math Approximately 70% of students with Learning Differences have very low working memory scores 98% of students with low working memory have low standardized test scores in reading and math * Poor working memory is noted on Learning Profiles in PowerSchool.
Learning Pyramid
How can you help your students? Repeat information when possible Break down tasks into smaller components For example: -( strongly encourage students to review 5 vocabulary words at a time) -Academic students might need to be assigned 5 words per night -Breaking down larger assignments/projects into parts
More suggestions Put less information on each power point slide Make font larger and use more space between items on tests and study guides(reformatting tests) Have them teach you the material Thorough explanation of unfamiliar words and terms
What can be done to increase Working Memory? Brain Training is a new area of research to “grow” the brain which uses interactive games to address certain areas of the brain.