Thurs Nov 12, 12:45 Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo, Egypt.


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Presentation transcript:

Thurs Nov 12, 12:45 Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo, Egypt

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Seismic Data Quality Control Rick Benson IRIS DMC Rick Benson IRIS DMC

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Why Routine Quality Control ? The sooner problems are detected the sooner they can be fixed Sensor malfunctions, misconfigurations, aging Digitizer & recorder malfunctions Vault problems: tilting, settling, etc Cable & connection problems Telemetry issues Timing problems Many, many other potential issues The sooner problems are detected the sooner they can be fixed Sensor malfunctions, misconfigurations, aging Digitizer & recorder malfunctions Vault problems: tilting, settling, etc Cable & connection problems Telemetry issues Timing problems Many, many other potential issues

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt QC at the IRIS-DMC The Challenge: A small number of analysts tasked to perform QC on hundreds of stations and thousands of channels (without routine event review). The Solution: Minimize manual analyst work (obviously) by automating as many measurements and monitoring systems as possible and making manual analysis as efficient as possible. The Challenge: A small number of analysts tasked to perform QC on hundreds of stations and thousands of channels (without routine event review). The Solution: Minimize manual analyst work (obviously) by automating as many measurements and monitoring systems as possible and making manual analysis as efficient as possible.

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt a Manual QC at the DMC Visual review of raw data for selected events and, importantly, selections with no events Visual review of filtered (e.g seconds) data where sensor problems can sometimes be detected before they are evident in the unfiltered data Polarity checks using large events and the quadrant method Check residuals between reviewed phase picks and predicted arrivals for gross time or location errors Review of measurements and alerts from automated systems Etc. Visual review of raw data for selected events and, importantly, selections with no events Visual review of filtered (e.g seconds) data where sensor problems can sometimes be detected before they are evident in the unfiltered data Polarity checks using large events and the quadrant method Check residuals between reviewed phase picks and predicted arrivals for gross time or location errors Review of measurements and alerts from automated systems Etc.

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Quick Horizontal Polarity Check The “quadrant method” allows an analyst to perform a rough check of 3-component sensor horizontal polarity. Compare the P wave first motion of a relatively large event between the 3 components to determine back azimuth: The “quadrant method” allows an analyst to perform a rough check of 3-component sensor horizontal polarity. Compare the P wave first motion of a relatively large event between the 3 components to determine back azimuth: 0º 90º 180º 270º N out Z out E outAll in phase * Assumes Z component polarity is correct. Aleutian Island event :: Texas, USA station (BA: ~317°)

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Automated QC at the DMC Quality Analysis Control Kit (QUACK) Automated QC measurements for incoming real-time data at the DMC Tracks a number of simple parameters (signal RMS, mean, gaps, overlaps, etc.) in addition to more complicated analyses (PSD/PDF, STA/LTA) Generates daily reports, using thresholds to control what information is included in the report in order to reduce the number of issues that need attention Automated QC measurements for incoming real-time data at the DMC Tracks a number of simple parameters (signal RMS, mean, gaps, overlaps, etc.) in addition to more complicated analyses (PSD/PDF, STA/LTA) Generates daily reports, using thresholds to control what information is included in the report in order to reduce the number of issues that need attention

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tracking Signal RMS

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Daily RMS Indicates Problems

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tracking Signal Mean

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tracking Data Flow

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tracking STA/LTA Values

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt PDF of Power Spectral Density

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Clickable PDFs to Find Time Dependencies

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt PDF Calculation Current implementations require Mini-SEED and SEED (RESP) system response information PDF calculation available in the new PQLX analysis package An older stand-alone PDF package is available: oftware/PDFSA.html oftware/PDFSA.html PDFs calculated daily for real-time data received at the IRIS-DMC, stored in database Current implementations require Mini-SEED and SEED (RESP) system response information PDF calculation available in the new PQLX analysis package An older stand-alone PDF package is available: oftware/PDFSA.html oftware/PDFSA.html PDFs calculated daily for real-time data received at the IRIS-DMC, stored in database

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tide Analysis Primary gravitational tides are predictable Most seismic sensors are not designed for such low frequencies & response information may not address them Pretty much only a true broadband sensor will record the tides The idea: compare recorded seismic data to predicted gravitational tides Tests both waveform data (polarity, shape) and metadata (instrument response) Primary gravitational tides are predictable Most seismic sensors are not designed for such low frequencies & response information may not address them Pretty much only a true broadband sensor will record the tides The idea: compare recorded seismic data to predicted gravitational tides Tests both waveform data (polarity, shape) and metadata (instrument response)

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tide Comparison at IU.SAML

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tide Comparison at TA.H02A

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tide Comparison at PR.ICM

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tide Comparison Without Response Information

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Tide Prediction Software syntides - Synthetic Earth Gravity Tides (IRIS-DMC) Output: Mini-SEED, SAC or ASCII tide synthetics Convolves instrument response (SAC format) Tide calculation a port of the SPOTL ‘ertid’ program SPOTL - Some Programs for Ocean-Tide Loading Output: ASCII text Includes software to calculate solid earth gravity tide, ocean loading components, etc. Written by Duncan Agnew, UCSD syntides - Synthetic Earth Gravity Tides (IRIS-DMC) Output: Mini-SEED, SAC or ASCII tide synthetics Convolves instrument response (SAC format) Tide calculation a port of the SPOTL ‘ertid’ program SPOTL - Some Programs for Ocean-Tide Loading Output: ASCII text Includes software to calculate solid earth gravity tide, ocean loading components, etc. Written by Duncan Agnew, UCSD

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt SEED Metadata Verfication verseed - verifies base SEED data structure and formatting (IRIS-DMC) Works with full SEED, dataless and Mini-SEED combined with dataless SEED (verseed -a) Includes multiple levels (1-4) of diagnostic information Basic metadata verification but not response evaluation C program that runs on Solaris, Linux and Mac OSX verseed - verifies base SEED data structure and formatting (IRIS-DMC) Works with full SEED, dataless and Mini-SEED combined with dataless SEED (verseed -a) Includes multiple levels (1-4) of diagnostic information Basic metadata verification but not response evaluation C program that runs on Solaris, Linux and Mac OSX

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt verseed example output

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Other verseed Examples

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt SEED Response Evaluation evalresp - evaluates system amplitude and phase response using SEED RESP format. C program that runs on Solaris, Linux & Mac OSX. JEvalResp - Java version of evalresp, runs anywhere Java is available. Reads either SEED RESP format or fetches response information from a DHI server. JPlotResp - evaluates and plots system amplitude and phase response using SEED RESP format. Reads either SEED RESP format or fetches response information from a DHI server. evalresp - evaluates system amplitude and phase response using SEED RESP format. C program that runs on Solaris, Linux & Mac OSX. JEvalResp - Java version of evalresp, runs anywhere Java is available. Reads either SEED RESP format or fetches response information from a DHI server. JPlotResp - evaluates and plots system amplitude and phase response using SEED RESP format. Reads either SEED RESP format or fetches response information from a DHI server.

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt JPlotResp Usage

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt JPlotResp Console

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt JPlotResp Output

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt JPlotResp Output Per Stage

Nov 8-17, 2009Data Management Workshop Cairo Egypt Other Quality Control Resources QC Forum collaborative web site: General use QC mailing list: New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP) from IASPEI: PQLX data analysis system (waveforms & PDFs): QC Forum collaborative web site: General use QC mailing list: New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP) from IASPEI: PQLX data analysis system (waveforms & PDFs):