風格派: 抽象的知覺經驗與現代性 劉瑞琪 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示- 非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版授權釋出創用 CC 「姓名標示- 非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版.


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Presentation transcript:

風格派: 抽象的知覺經驗與現代性 劉瑞琪 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示- 非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版授權釋出創用 CC 「姓名標示- 非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版

De Stijl, Piet Mondrian ( ) Theo van Doesburg Gerrit Rietveld grid (格子)

Piet Mondrian, Evolution ( ) Olga’s Gallery

Piet Mondrian, Still Life with Ginger Jar ( ) Piet Mondrian, Still Life with Ginger Jar ( ) Olga’s Gallery

Piet Mondrian, ray Tree (1911) Piet Mondrian, The Red Tree ( ) Olga’s Gallery

Piet Mondrian, Flowering Apple Tree (1912) Piet Mondrian, The Flowering Apple Tree (1912)

Piet Mondrian, Flowering Apple Tree (1912) Piet Mondrian, Composition No. 2 (1914)

Piet Mondrian, Pier and Ocean, 1914

Piet Mondrian’s Paris Studio in 1926

André Kertéze, Photograph of Mondrian’s Studio (1926)

Piet Mondrian, Composition with Red, Yellow, Blue, and Black (1921) Piet Mondrian, Composition (1921) Olga’s Gallery

Piet Mondrian, Composition in Red, v.s. Kazimir Malevich, Black Square (1929) Blue and Yellow (1930)

Piet Mondrian, Lozenge Composition with Yellow, Black, Blue, Red, and Gray (1921)

Piet Mondrian, Broadway Boogie Woogie ( ) Olga’s Gallery

Piet Mondrian, Broadway Boogie Woogie ( ) Piet Mondrian, New York City ( ) Olga’s Gallery

Arnold Newman, Mondrian in His New York Studio, 1946

Piet Mondrian, Broadway Boogie Woogie ( ) vs. Piet Mondrian, Composition in Red, Blue and Yellow (1930) Olga’s Gallery

Theo van Doesburg, Abstraction of a Cow (1917)

Theo van Doesburg, Simultaneous Counter Composition Simultaneous Counter Composition (1929) vs. Piet Mondrian, Composition in Red, Blue and Yellow (1930)

Gerrit Rietveld, Schroeder House, Utrech (1925)

第一次世界大戰之後的法國: 戰後的秩序重建與現代性 劉瑞琪

WWI 之後的法國 “call to order” “reconstruction” 自然主義的繪畫在巴黎重新出現 Purism (純粹主義)

Pablo Picasso, Three Women at the Spring (1921)

Pablo Picasso, Mother and Child (1922) Pablo Picasso, Mother and Child (1921) Olga’s Gallery

Pablo Picasso, Three Women at the Spring (1921) V. F. Léger, Three Women ( )

Picasso, Seated Harlequin (1923) Gino Severini, The Two Punchinellos (1922) Olga’s Gallery

André de Segonzac, Still Life with Eggs (1921) Pablo Picasso, Glass and Bottle of Suze (1912)

Constantin Brancusi, The Kiss ( ) Constantin Brancusi, Adam and Eve ( )

Constantin Brancusi, The Newborn (1920) Constantin Brancusi, The Newborn I (1920)

Cover of L’Esprit Nouveau Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, Still-life with Pile of Plates (1920)

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, Still-life with Pile of Plates (1920) Paintings by Charles-Édouard Jeanneret and Amédée Ozenfant, L’Esprit Nouveau, no. 17, p. 1993, 1922.

Paintings by Charles-Édouard Jeanneret and Amédée Ozenfant, L’Esprit Nouveau, no. 17, p. 1993, Amédee Ozenfant, Glasses and Bottles( )

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 Wiki Piet Modriaan /10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ FIU /10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ História da Cultura e das Artes PI/AAAAAAAAAk0/WJD8or3RGw4/s1600-h/4mondrian32.jpg 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery História da Cultura e das Artes s/b-sofC6ZSRc/s1600-h/5mondrian33.jpg 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ the Artchive ml ml 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ Wiki Piet Mondrian /10/11 visited ‧ pietmondrian.info glance/dipinti-grandi-480/flowering-appletree-1912-mondrian.jpg ‧ abcgallery /10/11 visited ‧ archivecezannepicassomondrian ‧ edgarclement 2zpxuvNgYpM/s1600-h/1912a_apple_tree_in_flower.jpg 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ abcgallery ‧ pietmondrian.info glance/dipinti-grandi-480/flowering-trees-1912-mondrian.jpg 2010/10/11 visited ‧ The Art File artfile.com/ArtFile/artists/mondriaan/complinecolor2.shtmlhttp:// artfile.com/ArtFile/artists/mondriaan/complinecolor2.shtml ‧ Nóvoa em Folha composition-in-line-and-color.jpg 2010/10/11 visited ‧ MoMA ‧ USC mages/699.html 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ FIU ‧場 場.viveka.id.au/mondrians-atelier/ 場.viveka.id.au/mondrians-atelier/ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Artnet kertesz.jpghttp://images.artnet.com/artwork_images_117186_240007_andre- kertesz.jpg ‧ Joanna Cooper g/agILk9AC9cU/s1600-h/34.jpg 2010/10/11 visited Met phs/a_corner_of_mondrian_s_studio_with_bed_stool_curtain_andre_kert esz/objectview.aspx?collID=19&OID= ‧ Luminous Lint /10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ American Academy of Achievement /10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ Passion Estampes eng.htmlhttp:// eng.html ‧ Radford University /10/11 visited ‧ Wiki Piet Mondrian /10/11 visited ‧ Wiki Piet Mondrian /10/11 visited ‧ Flickr RasMarley ‧ O seculopro digioso Y/6g1r2xUDcgY/s1600-h/mondrian_lozenge.jpg ‧ 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ Wiki Piet Mondrian g g ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ NTU ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ One Piece popuphttp:// popup ‧ 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 Wiki Theo van Doesburg /10/11 visited Wiki Theo van Doesburg /10/11 visited Wiki Theo van Doesburg /10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 Wiki Theo van Doesburg /10/11 visited Wiki Theo van Doesburg Composition_ _Theo_van_Doesburg.jpg 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Rietveld Schroderhuis ‧ USC CD3.jpghttp:// CD3.jpg 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Curso de História da Arte Rietveld-Schoder-House-Utrecht-Holanda-1924.jpg ‧ V&A p?id=11&parent=1&object=133&area=2&more=3 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ MoMA ‧ Picasa Bob Swain /10/11 visited ‧ The Athenaeum ‧ Aurlaea art_and_the_present_moment.htmlhttp:// art_and_the_present_moment.html 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ Pablo-ruiz-picasso.net /10/11 visited ‧ MoMA ‧ Picasa Nir & Irit Almagor 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ Olga’s Gallery ‧ Kunstmuseum picasso/ picasso/ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ BramArt ‧ Joma rized/2007/12/29/gino_severini_2.jpg ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Art Admirer and History Lover mI/lpnHUJISDC0/s1600/st+l+w+eggs.jpg ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Kemper Art Museum ‧ artst.org ml ml ‧ 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ‧ Nasher Sculpture Center ‧ la Republica Cultural ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ SRGF online/show- full/piece/?search=Adam%20and%20Eve&page=&f=Title&object= ‧ o seculo prodigioso Zt5guqrzw/s1600-h/gpc_work_large_332a.gif ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Flickr Remiss63 ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ MoMA ‧ Blog at WordPress.com ‧ 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明

作品授權條件作者 / 來源 FONDATION LE CORBUSIER &IrisObjectId=6690&sysLanguage=en- en&itemPos=57&itemCount=300&sysParentId=15 ‧ MoMA %3AE%3A3426&page_number=2&template_id=1&sort_order=1 ‧ Flickr Kenzo* ‧ 2010/10/11 visited ‧ Realism, Rationalism, Surrealism: Art Between the Wars, Yale University Press and the Open University Press, ‧ Tate ‧ o seculo prodigioso /5bwrHL-gNzM/s1600-h/T00551_9.jpg ‧ 2010/10/11 visited 版權聲明