Self Revelation Shield Presentations
Requirements 1.All six categories must be explained fully. 1.Three words: explain why each was chosen as one of the top three things to describe you. 2.Pivotal moment: tell us the story. 3.Value/Belief: explain your values, and how they shape your life. Where did you get these values? 4.Talent: explain the background of this talent, and its importance in your daily life. 5.Future plans: tell us about them! What do you hope to do after high school? 6.Item to change: explain why it’s important to you to work on this change.
Reminder about grading Poster (roughly) points- pictures or artwork, which represent all six of the categories, are neatly displayed. points-few pictures displayed; poster board not large enough and categories are not represented. points- poster was handed in but student refused to do oral presentation. points-poster was clearly thrown together at the last minute without detail 0 points -student does not do assignment. Oral presentation (roughly) points – student shares all six categories, uses good eye contact and speaks clearly. points- student does not discuss categories in an organized pattern, has little eye contact but speaks clearly. points- student does not discuss all categories and does not use adequate eye contact. points-student does the presentation rushed, barely covering all topics without any thought to the presentation 0 points- student does not do oral assignment.