June 3, 2016 BANNER HR FORUM
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BANNER HR IS... Almost Here!!!!
IMPLEMENTATION DATES First pay date after July 1, 2016 Port HRS to Banner HR – Completed, Clean-up in progress HRS offline with close of FY 2016 business, June 23 Port of balances to Banner after HRS closes Web Time Entry (WTE) open June 19, 2016 Leave Reports and Leave Requests open June 16.
BANNER WEB ENTRY Time Sheets Leave Reports Leave Requests
TIME SHEETS Hourly Paid Employees – Positive time reporting Non-Exempt Employees, eligible for overtime Clock In – Clock Out Regular Staff, Temporary Staff, Students
Monthly Non-Exempt Employees Report Hours Worked each day Report Leave Hours taken Leave reporting period is the same as the biweekly pay period Monthly Exempt Employees Report Leave Hours taken Leave reporting period is the 16 th of the month to the 15 th of the following month LEAVE REPORTS
Continuing development LEAVE REQUESTS
ACCESSING BANNER WEB ENTRY Self-Service Banner (SSB) my.okstate.edu – single sign-on for all Banner, and other, applications using O-Key credentials Home tab Applications box
Displays a list of time sheets available to be viewed or input Title and Department Job Title, Position and Suffix Department Title and Organization Code My Choice – radio button to select the row Pay Period and Status Drop down box to select the specific period Dates are the begin and end dates of the period Time Sheet Status – Not Started, Pending, etc. TIME SHEET SELECTION
The Time Sheet is created, including the approval queue, the first time it is accessed: Status = Not Started TIME SHEET SELECTION
TIME SHEET SELECTION ERROR If a time sheet cannot be created for the employee, the message similar to the following will be displayed. Text will be updated to provide more specific guidance.
TIME SHEET DISPLAY Heading shows Title and Number: Job Title, Position and Suffix Department and Number: Department Title and Organization Code Time Sheet Period: Period Begin and End Dates – all dates may not be eligible for input depending on the job effective dates Submit by Date: Date and Time the time sheet submit period ends
Left Column Clock Icon – click to clock in or out Time is recorded on the earnings row the clock is on Time is rounded to the nearest quarter hour Earnings Column is a list of earnings the employee is eligible to report. Shift and Default Hours or Units Columns are not currently being used TIME SHEET DISPLAY
Total Hours is the sum of hours reported on that row Total Units column is not currently being used Days Grid Up to seven days are available for input on a page. Next and Previous buttons are displayed if additional days are available on a next or previous page. Days are only listed if eligible for input based on the job effective date. Watch the column heading to be sure input is on the correct date (days listed are frequently not a calendar week). Links are provided within each day / earnings cell for input. Hint text helps verify the correct cell for input. TIME SHEET DISPLAY
Student or Temporary Employee with only hours worked Regular Leave Eligible Employee TIME SHEET DISPLAY
Buttons Buttons displayed are determined by the current context of the time sheet status. For instance, there won’t be a Next or Previous button if there is not a Next or Previous page to go to. Position Selection – returns to the Time Sheet Selection web page to select a different time sheet if one is available. Comments – opens a comments box to provide general comments concerning the pay period. Preview – displays the full time sheet providing only the rows with data entered and summarizations by the different earnings reported. TIME SHEET DISPLAY
Buttons (continued) Submit for Approval – submits the time sheet into the approval queue. Restart – removes the current time sheet along with all of its time entries and rebuilds a new time sheet based on the current job data. Next / Previous – goes to the Next or Previous time sheet page when there are more days available for input on a next or previous page. Return Time Sheet – returns the time sheet from the approval queue for additional input or correction if the time sheet has not been approved. TIME SHEET DISPLAY
The Time Sheet Days Grid starts with the first day the employee is eligible to report time for the pay period, which is the later of the pay period begin date (Time Sheet Period: below) or the job start date. The Days Grid below shows a job that starts May 23 – one day later than the Time Sheet Period: begins. TIME SHEET DISPLAY
The Time Sheet Days Grid below displays the seven columns available but, because of when the job started during the pay period, the last two columns are empty since the end of the pay period was reached and no additional data is needed. TIME SHEET DISPLAY
Hint Text For Hours Worked: No Time Entry – either no time entry has been posted for a current or previous date or a clock in is only present so hours worked cannot be calculated Future Time Entry – the date is a future date based on the current date Number of hours reported for the day based on the clock in and out times. For Other Hours: Enter Hours – No time has been entered Number of hours reported for the day TIME SHEET DISPLAY
The most common method of entering hours worked should be clicking the clock icon in the Clock In or Out column. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Clicking the Clock icon records the actual time the entry was made and rounds the entry to the nearest quarter hour. Buttons are provided to navigate back to the time sheet or other needed functions. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Overriding the clock in/out is also possible. Click the link in the day cell to go to the time input page. Enter the time as HH:MM to the nearest quarter hour and select the correct AM/PM (noon is 12:00 PM). A comment is required (60 chars). The system date and time the entry was made is recorded. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Banner web time entry will provide diagnostic messages when possible errors are encountered. In this case, noon was entered as 12:00 AM, which is midnight. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Leave hours are entered by clicking the link in the applicable day cell and leave category row. Clock in / out is required to enter the leave hours. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Leave hours entered on one day can be copied to other days by using the Copy button. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Hours copied successfully
TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS Copied hours as shown on the time sheet
For shifts that start before midnight and end the next morning: During the pay period, web time entry automatically enters a clock out at midnight on the first day and a clock in at midnight on the following day. When the shift crosses from one pay period to the next, the individual will need to clock out at midnight on the ending pay period, open a new time sheet for the new pay period, and clock in at midnight using the time entry override method, and then clock out. TIME SHEET ENTERING HOURS
Click the Preview button to review time sheet entries. REVIEWING TIME SHEET ENTRIES
Click the Submit for Approval button to enter the time sheet into the approval queue. SUBMITTING TIME SHEET
The employee can Return Time for corrections until it is approved by an approver. TIME SHEET APPROVAL
The monthly nonexempt leave report is very similar to the web time entry time sheet, except for: Employee is still required to maintain an actual, separate time sheet to record clock in and out times. Hours worked per day, in addition to the leave taken hours, are recorded on the leave report. Overtime compensation is calculated based on the hours worked per week. The leave report period is the same as the biweekly pay period. MONTHLY NONEXEMPT LEAVE REPORT
Clicking a link within one of the day cells opens an input box that identifies the earnings and date. Enter the hours in the box and click save. LEAVE REPORT ENTERING HOURS
REVIEWING LEAVE REPORT ENTRIES Click on the Preview link to review leave report entries. Once the review is complete, click the submit for approval button. Unlike time sheets, there is no Return Time option.
When approvers select the Time Sheet or Leave Report the following options are displayed. The default is Approve or Acknowledge time. This is also where the approver would identify s/he is acting as a proxy for another approver. APPROVING
Clicking the Proxy Set Up link opens a page that lists individuals set up as a proxy for the approver with a delete option. Also an alphabetic by last name drop down box is provided to select and add additional proxies. Make the necessary adjustments and click save. PROXIES
Approvers are provided a list of departments in which they have employees to approve for time sheets and leave reports. Using the radio button under My Choice, select the department entry to approve and click the Select button. APPROVER SELECTION
After clicking the Select button, Banner goes through all the jobs which the approver can approve and displays those entries in the order requested. Status: Pending – ready to approve In Progress – employee has started but not submitted the time sheet or leave report Not Started – the time sheet or leave report has not been started. In the right column, various options and notifications are displayed. By clicking the employee name, the approver can review the time sheet or leave report. APPROVER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY
REVIEWING FOR ADJUSTED TIME By accessing the individual time sheet, the approver can read the comments related to time adjustments made by the employee.
Various buttons are provided for different approver actions. Previous Menu – returns to the department list page Approve – approves the time sheet or leave report Return for Correction – returns the time sheet to the employee for correction. Change Record – allows the approver to adjust the submitted record. Add Comment – opens a comment box for input. Next – goes to the next time sheet or leave report APPROVER ACTIONS
After an approver approves a time sheet, a button to Return Time is available up to the approver deadline. The return time option removes the approval and the time sheet can be corrected as needed. All employee and approver actions are limited by the associated deadlines that display on the time sheet and leave reports. Once the approver deadline passes, only a super user can adjust or approve time. APPROVER RETURN TIME AND DEADLINE