Bob Weigel George Mason University
“We are still in the process of identifying characteristic behavior that identifies various modes as separate phenomena.” “We do not completely understand the solar wind conditions or internal state of the magnetosphere that allows a particular mode.” From FG13 (Modes of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Energy Transfer) Description:
Response Mode definition and some named magnetosphere response modes Model and Mode ID using a “System ID” approach Three examples of Model and Mode ID using SID Other Mode ID approaches
A type of coupling to the solar wind (depends on different physical energy transfer process ) Unique observational characteristics in a magnetospheric measurement (e.g., a “type” of response). Presumably explainable by solar wind energy transfer process/and magnetosphere preconditioning. Functional definition: Mode ID is used to develop better model of system
Storms Substorms Steady Magnetospheric Convection Sawtooth Injection Events Poleward Boundary Intensifications Pseudo-break-ups HILDCAA …
Mode definition and some named magnetosphere modes Model and Mode ID using a “System ID” approach Three examples of Mode ID using SID Other Mode ID approaches
Start with data and some physical guidance and derive model structure. Does model structure reveal mode? This is referred to as “System Identification” in statistics and engineering literature (e.g, Ljung, 1999) (note implicit definition of mode here)
a) G(t) = p 0 + p 1 S(t) b) G(t) = p 0 + p 1 S(p,t) c) dG/dt + f 1 (p 1, G) = f 2 (p 2,S(t)) d) G(t) = p 0 + p 1 S(t-1)+…+p T S(t-T) e) G(t) = p’ 0 +p’ 1 S(t-1)+…+p’ T S(t-T) G(t) is an averaged measurement centered on time t and S(t) is an average solar wind measurement centered on time t p represents a vector of free parameters. p’ represents free parameters that depend on another variable. Model structure is represented by p and S
1. Integrate over all time, compute error (prediction efficiency of predicted vs actual). 2. Modify parameter(s) and goto 1.
G(1) = p o + p 1 S(0)+p 2 S(-1)+…+p T S(1-T) G(2) = p 0 + p 1 S(1)+p 2 S(0)+…+p T S(2-T) G(3) = p 0 + p 1 S(2)+p 2 S(1)+…+p T S(3-T) G(N) = p 0 +p 1 S(N-1) +p 2 S(N-2)+…+p T S(N-T) … One approach is to solve d) using a “sort” variable, e.g., amplitude of G or N sw in a given time range. OLS – “Ordinary Least Squares” Usually N >> T Bargatze et al., 1985 early example of this. d) e) G(t) = p 0 +p 1 S(t-1) +p 2 S(t-2)+…+p T S(t-T) G(t) = p’ 0 +p’ 1 S(t-1) +p’ 2 S(t-2)+…+p’ T S(t-T)
G(1) = p o +p 1 S(0) + … G(2) = p 0 +p 1 S(1)+p 2 S(0) … G(3) = p 0 +p 1 S(2)+p 2 S(2)+p 3 S(0) … G(4) = p 0 +p 1 S(3)+p 2 S(2)+p 3 S(1) +p 4 S(0)… If S(0) = 1 and S(t)=0 otherwise, only p 0 and boxed terms are non-zero Plot of p is usually referred to as an impulse response - shows coefficients and has a dynamical interpretation
Mode definition and some named magnetosphere modes Model and Mode ID using a “System ID” approach Three examples of Mode ID using SID 1. ID of MeV response modes 2. Un-ID of a mode 3. ID of N sw mode Other Mode ID approaches
1. ID of MeV response modes Assume a model of form d) (impulse response) Select S(t) that gives best prediction Model parameter and input dependence on L- shell reveal modes 2. Un-ID of a mode 3. ID of N sw mode
Impulse in V sw at t=0 Although main driver is V sw - modes P1 and P0 have different dependence on B z. Compare with Li et al. [2001] diffusion model? Vassiliadis et al., [2003]
1. ID of MeV response modes 2. Un-ID of a mode Failure of model of form a) inspires search for new mode. Use of form d) indicates new mode may not be needed 3. ID of N sw mode
Russell and McPherron [1972]: Semiannual variation in geomagnetic activity explained by semiannual variation of effective solar wind input. Mayaud [1973] – Problem because diurnal (UT) prediction Cliver [2000] – Problem because of day-of-year amplitude plot (see next slide); Could be angle between V sw and dipole Newell et al. [2002] – Could be “UV insulation” effect Russell et al. [2003] – Could be day-of-year variation in reconnection line length effect
Blue only predicts about 33% of actual semiannual variation. (0% for AL) (Implied) Model of SW/M-I coupling is: 3-hour average of geomagnetic index = 3-hour average of Bs Is remaining 66% explained by Change in reconnection efficiency? Conductance effects?
Weigel [2007] ~66% of variation explained when time history of B s is included. ~75% when solar wind velocity is included In auroral zone, result is 50% of semiannual variation is explained by solar wind (up from 0%) am(t) = p 0 +p 1 B s (t-1)+…+p 24 B s (t-24) am subset where B s available All available am
1. ID of MeV response modes 2. Un-ID of a mode 3. ID of N sw mode Model c) gives different result than e)
Does solar wind pressure or density modify geoefficiency?
Many studies have looked at modifying input, S(t), in Burton equation Most recent finding is that modifying S(t) by P dyn 1/2 gives improvement. New mode? Others have looked at modifying What if you don ’ t constrain to Burton eqn, but constrain to be linear response? D st (t) = p 0 +p 1 S(t-1)+p 2 S(t-1)+…+p 48 S(t-48)
Can repeat with Vsw to argue N sw modifies response efficiency, not P dyn. Weigel [2010] Burton model is constrained to this response function Normalized D st response Time since impulse [hours]
Storms Substorms Steady Magnetospheric Convection Sawtooth Injection Events Poleward Boundary Intensifications Pseudo-break-ups HILDCAA … See McPherron et al., 1997
Define constraints on magnetospheric conditions Look for time intervals that satisfy Quantify solar wind behavior during intervals Ideally analysis will allow us to say: under these solar wind conditions, this mode will occur with some probability or this behavior implies modification of existing model necessary How do we get here?