Developing the multi professional team, new models of care
Thoughts from Today (about multi-professional working) The NHS is an inward thinking organisation – The 3 rd sector can deliver similar solutions (possibly quicker!) Lack of connectivity between professionals and also between the NHS and other organisations (and qualified but not professionally qualified personnel) Services can look integrated but mental health can struggle to be heard amongst competing priorities Cuts to local authority funding has affect both us and the organisations we interact with Retention is possibly more important than recruitment in terms of solving workforce problems Personnel with psychology background are a potentially untapped resource for recruitment Case workers (Band 4) are a under used resource Do we need to move away from separate professional groups and think more ’whole workforce’ This isn’t all about ‘medicalising’ or ‘nursising’ problems, early prevention is a powerful (and cost saving) tool Do we need a single professional code of conduct rather than divisions along professional lines? Peer support workers are valuable for both what they can add to a service and to help resolve workforce issues Do we fully understand the intricacies of peer support involvement with services Breaking through stigma (internal and external) might be key for both professionals and patients – why do we accept something that we don’t think is best? How do we move services from one way of working to another with the same workforce?
What are your triumphs? (What might other people want to know?) 1. Describe something you are very pleased with/proud of at work. 2. Why are you so pleased/with proud of this? 3. What did you do? 4. What did others do? 5. What can you learn from this and apply to one of the challenges you face?
Triumphs! Diagnosing early dementia – in-reach to GPs, education around diagnosis Improve training through feedback Clinical workforce can effect change by being aware of agendas at the top Co production works for both patients and workforce with managers Courage to counteract detrimental top down change with a ‘patient up’ approach Working with people’s values rather than with process Training is liberating across boundaries Supervision is vital Familiarity across boundaries reaps multiple benefits Education is energising
What’s happening in Dorset
1. What’s happening Wessex Wide? MH Leadership Associateships Dual training for Nurses (Adult + MH) Primary Care Taskforce Mental Health Taskforce Shape of Caring (Nurse + AHP) Advanced practice (Nurse + AHP) Consultant practice (Nurse + AHP) Apprenticeships QI Fellowships – individual and team Primary + Community Care training hubs IAPT Training numbers
What are we feeding back to the Mental Health Taskforce?