Remote Sensing Section Global soil monitoring and mineral mapping from emerging remote sensing technologies Sabine Chabrillat and the group “hyperspectral remote sensing applications” at GFZ remote sensing section GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences Section 1.4: Remote Sensing Potsdam, Germany
Remote Sensing Section Reflectance spectroscopy from the field to airborne platforms Wavelengths [µm] VNIR 0,40,60,81,01,21,41,61,82,02,22,4 SWIR- IISWIR- I Reflectance Atmospheric absorption 1600/320 Pixels HySpex 416 spectral bands Spectral modeling & multi-scale approach Advanced optical remote sensing method: Imaging spectroscopy or hyperspectral imagery CA-06 : EO data in Mineral Resources Improved retrieval of relevant essential geo- variables Enhanced identification of geo- resources, derivation of mineral maps, quantification of soil variables and land surface composition Develop new EO tools based on reflectance spectroscopy Support to soil degradation mapping, environmental impact monitoring Contribute to more effective decision-making
Remote Sensing Section The EnMAP Program Environmental Mapping and Analysis Programme (GFZ/DLR) High quality VNIR/SWIR satellite imaging spectrometer for quantitative surface parameter retrieval at 30m scale Frequent coverage for monitoring on global basis Open data policy EnMAP-Box as free software platform Core funding from Germany‘s Federal Ministry Economics and Technology Currently under construction phase, launch ~mid 2019 CA-06 : EO data in Mineral Resources
Remote Sensing Section Soil properties (EnSoMap) and raw material (EnGeoMap) mapping: Software download at or gfz- Mineral mapping activities at GFZ Remote Sensing section Soil spectroscopy workshops, Leader Hyperspectral Expert Working Group, Special issues, Summer schools, Session at GSW Towards a global mapping of Earth’s Surface minerals Demonstration of potential of hyperspectral imagery for soil and raw material mapping: Simulation of satellite images, algorithm development, feasibility and expected accuracy of upcoming products Airborne (4m) Simulated EnMAP (30m) CA-06 : EO data in Mineral Resources Simulated EnMAP (30m)