MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it. Find the appositives in the sentences below and write them on your paper. The insect, a cockroach, is crawling across the kitchen. The insect, a large cockroach with hairy legs, is crawling across the kitchen table. Class Activities: Ray Bradbury back ground information BM0ezMpSdjFhsEJFFjrJGgrTmXbH8/embed?hl=en&size=m&slide=id.p22Transitions Respond to the prompt Should the Internet be censored? If so, who should decide what Internet content is deemed “inappropriate?” Explain your position in a 3 paragraph essay.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: What is a coordinating conjunction? Give examples of a coordinating conjunction. Class Assignments: Vocab Review Vocab 9/10 Quiz What is a compound sentence? Vocab #11 sentences using the vocab words need to be compound sentences for full credit. Read and annotate “Book War” Complete a “SIFT” of “Book War”, and 2 quote journal entries
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: Define and use beseech in a compound sentence. Class Activities: Close Read- See hand out attached
CLOSE READ STEPS In the passage complete the following steps. For each step you will need to reread the entire passage. Read the entire passage without stopping. Mark any questions you have in the margin (unknown words, places clarification is needed). Mark all similes Mark all symbols Mark any figurative language Choose one simile, symbol, and piece of figurative language and determine what it offers to the authors craft, and the significance of the passage.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: Define and use exigency in a sentence. Class Activities: Fahrenheit 451 Reading Quiz on Pages 1-20 Entry one quote from section of F451 into quote journal (skip a few pages so all the quotes can be together). Read and annotate “You have insulted Me” The Questions in the second column need to be answered. Complete 3 Quote Journal Entries
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: What is a text dependent question? Create a text dependent question from Fahrenheit 451. Class Activities: Read and annotate “Superman and Me” In small groups each groups will write 2 questions that pertain to “Superman and Me” (Must be text dependent questions, and one question needs to reference a literary device)
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: Define and use prowess in a compound sentence. Class Activities: Turn in Vocab Review “You Have Insulted Me” questions Answer questions generated from yesterday’s class.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: Define and use exigency in a compound sentence. Class Activities: Read “Learning to Read and Write”
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: Define and use injunction in a compound sentence. Class Activities: Continue “Learning to Read and Write”
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 TH,2015 Bell Ringer: Define and use behemoth in a compound sentence. Class Activities Reading Quiz
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 TH, 2015 Bell Ringer: What are some of the literary devices you look for in annotating Fahrenheit 451? Class Activities: Review Literary Devices Red and annotate “The Great Imagination Heist” Complete both activities in the packet Complete 2 quote journal entries
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 TH, 2015 Bell Ringers: What 3 words are you most unsure of on your vocabulary quiz? What are the correlating definitions? Class Activities: Vocabulary 11/12 Quiz Start Vocabulary 13 Close read of text
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 TH, 2015 Bell Ringers: What is your favorite thanksgiving food? Class Activities: Reading Quiz on pg Respond to the prompt: Describe a world in which there are not books. Should be at least 3 paragraphs, MLA formatting Happy Thanksgiving!