D RILL 4/24 1. Please take out your intro (if you have it), body paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and your rebuttal paragraph, and place them on your desk (intro on top). If you had to rate your performance on this whole project so far, how would you rate yourself? Why? 2. Why do you think it’s best to reword your thesis in your conclusion instead of just copying it word-for-word from your introduction? 3. If you can think of one change that you’d like to see based on the argument you’ve built toward your topic, what would that change be? How might this change be put into place?
T HURSDAY, A PRIL 24 TH Agenda: Do NOW: place intro, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 rebuttal paragraph on desk in this order Mini-Lesson on Conclusions Craft Conclusion Paragraph Homework: Finish conclusion paragraph if didn’t have time in class. Reminder: Tomorrow’s Locations for Lab Time: 1 st period: 2 nd period: 3 rd period:
L EARNING T ARGETS : 1. I can use an advanced transition word or phrase to signal the beginning of my conclusion. 2. I can restate my thesis in a new way in the first sentence of my conclusion. 3. I can summarize and connect my main points that I made throughout the essay. 4. I can then extend beyond my main points to offer a unique or insightful solution to the problem as I see it. 5. I can craft a final sentence that calls my reader to action.
C ONCLUSION R EQUIREMENTS 1. Advanced Transition Word and Restatement of Thesis in a New Way (not verbatim) 2. Summarize what you see as the problems associated with your topic. 3. Offer your solution and explain why that would make the world a better place. 4. End by calling your reader to action Example: Clearly, alcohol abuse is endemic amongst American teenagers which demands that alcohol manufacturers be prohibited from advertising to youth, and requires the entertainment industry to censor their alcohol-related content. Just like tobacco companies, alcohol manufacturers know that the best customer is a life- long customer, so they naturally want to target the youth with their ad campaigns, as these campaigns have proved both effective and profitable for the companies. After all, % of all alcohol purchases are made by people under the age of twenty-one. But also like the tobacco companies, alcohol manufacturers contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to politicians every year, and because of those vast donations, Washington has been slow to pass any legislation that might harm their donor. Because the youth is currently exploited by alcohol campaigns, and because the alcohol manufacturers are in the pockets of the politicians, Americans cannot expect the government to solve the underage drinking crisis on its own. Instead, it is up to the American people to launch aggressive lawsuits against the alcohol industry until it has cost them enough to make them change their ways. Through a series of unrelenting lawsuits, and an onslaught of new legislation protecting America’s youth from alcohol ad campaigns and media influence, a new day will be won, and America’s youth will finally be protected. Sign the Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP) today!
C ONCLUSION S CALE Popcorn read the conclusion scale descriptions.