1. What is a 2-house legislature called? 2. List the 2 houses in the U.S. Legislature. 3. What is another name for U.S. Legislature 4. How many members make up each house?
u-3 1. Bicameral 2. Senate /House of Representatives 3. Congress 4. House Senate 100 +D.C. 3 = 538
u-3 5. What are expressed powers? 6. List 4 expressed powers of Congress 7. What are implied powers? 8. List 3 non-legislative powers.
5. Powers listed in the Constitution belonging to Congress. 6. make laws, declare war, control commerce, coin money 7. not listed in the Constitution but which give Congress power to make all laws necessary and proper (elastic) 8. approve budget, approve pres. appts, impeach and remove executive and judicial officers
U-3 9. What are the qualifications for membership in the House? 10. What are the qualifications for membership in the Senate? 11. What are the rules for debate in each house? 12. Who are the presiding officers in each house?
9. House: 25 y.o. 7 yrs a citizen, live in district represented 10. Senate: 30 y.o, 9 yrs. a citizen, live in state represented 11. House Limited/Senate unlimited 12. House: Speaker/ Senate: Vice President or President Pro- Tempore
13. What are the terms of office for a member of the House of Representatives? the Senate? 14. What is the main responsibility of Congress? 15. How are the number of reps in the House determined? 16. How are the number of Senators determined?
13. House: 2 years Senate 6 years 14. Make laws 15.Population of each state based on census 16. Two (2) per state
17. List the steps (7) in the bill writing process. 18. What happens at the committee level? 19. What portion of each house must vote to pass a bill? 20.List 3 steps the President may take when presented with the bill.
17. write the bill, committee, debate, voted by both houses, passed by houses, conference committee, presented to President 18. researched, revised, studied 19. Majority 20. pass, veto, pocket veto
21. List 3 special powers belonging to the House only. 22. List 3 special powers belonging to the Senate only. 23. List 4 ways Congress is limited by the other 2 branches. 24. What is another name for the unlimited debate in the Senate?
21. begin all money bills, bring charges of impeachment, choose pres. if there is a tie 22. approve all pres.appointments and treaties, try charges of impeachment, choose vice president if there is a tie 23. pres. may veto bills, Supreme Court may declare laws unconst, pres. may call special sessions of Congress 24. filibuster