I. PCR- Polymerase Chain Reaction A. A method to amplify a specific piece of DNA. DNA polymerase adds complementary strand DNA heated to separate strands DNA fragment to be copied PCR cycles 1 DNA copies etc. 16 etc.
Go to Section:. B. What is needed? 1.Template: A starting piece of DNA. 2. Primers: Tells DNA where to begin the extension. (PRIMER MIX) 3. DNA Polymerase: Enzyme that allows the addition of nucleotides and can stand the heat of the thermocycler. (TAQ) 4. Master Mix: Contains the A, T, G, C’s (dNTPs) needed for the extension process and buffer. 5. Thermocycler: AKA PCR machine. This machine heats and cools DNA.
II. Steps to PCR 1. Denature: Heat pulls apart the 2 strands of DNA 2. Anneal: The primers bind 3. Extension: The A, T, G, C’s add III.PCR product I.Round 1: 2 strands II.Round 2: 4 strands III.Round 3: 8 strands Round 4: 16 strands We do 45 rounds!