1 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant “Forget injuries – never kindnesses.” Confucius “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop “Forget injuries – never kindnesses.” Confucius “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop
2 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Our Learning… Summarise Kant so far… Learn about maxims – the basis for Kants moral deliberations. Learn about imperatives… Our Learning… Summarise Kant so far… Learn about maxims – the basis for Kants moral deliberations. Learn about imperatives…
3 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Easy Matching Exercise to Start!!!
4 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Finish Reading Pages 19-21
5 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant We have freedom – therefore we need to be moral. Morality can’t be subjective Reason (intellect) is the ultimate judge / authority. Goodwill is the only intrinsically good thing. Duty is King for Kant. We have freedom – therefore we need to be moral. Morality can’t be subjective Reason (intellect) is the ultimate judge / authority. Goodwill is the only intrinsically good thing. Duty is King for Kant.
6 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Maxims – Page 23
7 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Imperatives – Page 24
8 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant An Imperative is a command. A hypothetical imperative contains an ‘if’. A moral imperative is a moral command which is conditional upon nothing else. A categorical imperative is what Kant used to test maxims. If the maxim passes, it is our duty to act.
9 MJP56021 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Our Learning… Summarise Kant so far… Learn about maxims – the basis for Kants moral deliberations. Learn about imperatives… Our Learning… Summarise Kant so far… Learn about maxims – the basis for Kants moral deliberations. Learn about imperatives…