University of Helsinki (UH) Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention ( VERIFIN) Laboratory for verification of the chemical warfare agents Accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Coordinator of the International guidelines: Blue Books ; Recommended Operating Procedures for analysis in the verification of chemical disarmament, 1993, 1994, 2011 Editions Research focus on chemical warfare agents since 1973 Analysis of agents and their degradation products in environmental samples Analysis of exposure based on biomedical samples Research on agent metabolites Research on decontamination solutions Toxin research (main focus on ricin and marine toxins) Related fields of research Toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) Central Nervous System (CNS)-acting chemicals
University of Helsinki (UH) Laboratory of Radiochemistry (UHLR) Environmental radioactivity Transfer and migration of radionuclides in environment and food chains (radioecology) Radioactive deposition from nuclear weapons testing (1950’s ’s) Radioactive deposition from Chernobyl accident IAEA Safeguards support programs in Semipalatinsk and Iraq (wide area environmental sampling, plutonium and uranium isotope ratios) Development of analytical methods for determining radionuclides in the environment
VERIFIN Capacity to handle/analyse live-agents and toxic proteins e.g. ricin Synthesis facility for toxic chemicals 2 x NMR (500 MHz, 600 MHz, LC– NMR option) Gas Chromatography-based instrumentation 3 x GC–MS Q 1 x GC–MS/MS QQQ Liquid Chromatography-based instrumentation 3 x LC–MS n LIT, 2xQQQ 1 x LC–HRMS n Q-LIT-Orbitrap Laboratory of Radiochemistry Cyclotron FESEM ICP-MS and ICP-OES HR-ICP-MS’s Gamma spectrometers (3) Alpha spectrometers (30 chambers) Liquid scintillation counters (4) Gamma counters (2) Whole body counter HPLCs Beta-imager Particle size analyser Gamma irradiation source Research facilities