Plotr Careers and Enterprise Roadshow: CIPD Workshop Summer 2015 Annie Peate, Campaigns & Policy Officer CIPD
Overview About the CIPD Learning to Work campaign Employer engagement - what we know Employer engagement - your experiences What employers tell us Employer resources Guide for parents’ and young people Steps Ahead Mentoring programme
About the CIPD The professional body for HR and people development HR & Learning and Development professionals at all levels – students to HR Directors Independent and not for profit, with a highly respected Royal Charter.
Our purpose Championing better work and working improving practices in people and organisation development......for the benefit of individuals, businesses, economies and society.
Learning to Work Programme Help employers to increase and improve their engagement with young people Help prepare young people for work Make organisations more youth friendly HR at the forefront of tackling youth unemployment, future skills shortages & talent development
Learning to Work Advisory Group
Youth Engagement Map
Outputs Research Guides Volunteering
Employer engagement CIPD Learning to Work Survey 2015: 57% of HR professionals say they worked with local schools or colleges to either organise programmes or volunteer staff time Only 35% of SME’s have (22% micro, 36% small & 58% medium) Most popular ways they are engaging with schools or colleges are: Organising work experience placements – 37% Staff volunteering in schools – 29% Organising workplace visits – 23% Setting up Apprenticeship programmes – 22%
Employer engagement Reasons they don’t engage: 42% said they had not considered it 21% said they were not sure what they could offer 8% said their organisation didn’t support it 5% said they didn’t know how to 4% said they had no response from schools
Employer engagement: your experience Questions: In what ways do you work with employers? Which employers do you engage with? How did the relationships come about? Do employers ever approach you directly? What works best from your perspective? What are the challenges?
What employers tell us works best Contact through recognised channels (i.e. Inspiring the Future) Coordinating with other local schools/colleges where appropriate Lots of notice Clearly defined requests Work experience placements (contact from the student) Careers insight talks CV & interview advice sessions (prepared students) Careers fairs (consider ratio of volunteers to students) Providing an opportunity to promote their opportunities (Apprenticeships) Responsibility typically falls to HR but sometimes community engagement/CSR teams
Best practice for employers Free resources available at:
Guides For young people For parents (Launch June/July 2015)
increase and improve their engagement with young people Help prepare Make more youth friendly For young jobseekers aged 18 to 24 A way to access HR expertise from CIPD members and increase their chances of success in the UK job market. For HR professionals (CIPD members) The opportunity to volunteer to build face-to-face mentoring relationships with young jobseekers in their local area A free, national programme especially developed by CIPD to register and match mentors and mentees via an easy to use online portal.
increase and improve their engagement with young people Help prepare Make more youth friendly Mentors recruited by CIPD and young people referred primarily by Jobcentre Plus (and other partners). Both register on CIPD hosted online portal. Mentors match themselves to up to 3 mentees in their local area and keep the portal updated on progress. Mentoring entails face-to-face sessions (around 6 meet-ups) on CV, interview, job search and employability skills at a chosen public venue.
Success to date “The mentors are far more than decent people who want to help out - they are HR professionals who know first-hand what it is that their organisations look for when recruiting young people.” Jo Gadian, Jobcentre Plus District SPOC South London 2,600 mentors registered Working with over 500 JobCentre Plus offices across the UK Over 1,200 mentees matches to date Steps Ahead Mentoring online portal launched in January ,500 mentees registered 73% of young people found employment after completing the programme
Any questions? Annie Peate