Marketing 4.01B Explain the types of promotion
Product Promotion The specific goal of product promotion is to persuade customers to buy a particular good or service It is used to stimulate purchases of goods and services Create awareness of a good or service Inform customers about product features Encourage interest in and inquiries about a good or service Inform customers where a product can be purchased Build a reputation for a product Create excitement and motivate retailers and salespeople
Types of Product Promotion Primary: aims to stimulate demand or desire for an entire class or goods or services Emphasis is on the product and its uses, rather than on a particular brand Ex: TV ads for beef or pork normally come from the Cattleman’s Beef Board or the National Pork Board. They are not pushing a brand, just the competition between the two industries
Types of Product Promotion Secondary: also called selective product promotion, is used to stimulate demand for a specific brand of a product. Ex: Borden, Inc. advertises to promote its brand of milk, assuming the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council promotion is stimulating primary demand for milk Doritos Commercial Doritos Commercial Doritos 2 Doritos 2 Maybelline Maybelline
Institutional Promotion Also known as corporate promotion, institutional promotion does not attempt to sell a good or service. Primary goal is to create a certain image of the company in the customers’ eyes Accomplished by informing customers about the company, its ideas, and its philosophy Military commercial Military commercial Dove Evolution Dove Evolution Livestrong Livestrong
Types of Institutional Promotion Public Service: inform customers about noncontroversial issues that are in the public’s best interest Ex: community drug prevention or after school participation in sports Public Relations: created to deal with issues that are in the public’s interest but are also related to the company or its products Can be proactive (business promotes itself) or reactive (business engages in the activities in response to an external situation) Patronage: designed to promote a firm’s prestige or its features
Uses of Institutional Promotion Change a particular attitude toward a firm or its products Tobacco companies working with QuitAssist programs Inform customers of the company’s interest in social or environmental issues IBM’s membership in the Wildlife Habitat Council Inform the public about the company’s future
Uses of Institutional Promotion Inform customers of the company’s name and its type of business Show the company’s commitment to quality, technology, or research Enhance company morale and recruit new employees Build or reinforce a favorable company image Coca-Cola’s $5 million donation of bottled water to New Orleans in 2005
Advantages of promotional activities Contributes to the economy and society Supports mass media Benefits companies Encourages higher standard of living
Disadvantages of promotional activities Can be deceptive Can be manipulative Can be offensive Can create/reinforce stereotypes (women, minorities) Can play upon fears Personal-hygiene products Has limited abilities Cannot make up for poor quality or a good service Immediately achieve major success for a company or its products Substitute for salespeople who are talented and well trained