Daglig borerapport Project meeting March
Agenda 1. Status terminologi-definisjon - Presentere terminologi etter møter med BP, ConocoPhillips, Statoil, Hydro og programvareleverandører - Avklare behov for videreutvikling av terminologien 2. Planer for det videre arbeidet - Generering av XML-skjema - Tilrettelegging av LicenseWeb for daglig borerapportering - Produksjonssetting 3. Eventuelt
Current Plan DateTask Project meeting (1-06) Daily Drilling Report Terminology based on CDRS suggested Meeting Hydro Meeting Statoil Meeting ConocoPhillips Meeting BP Start updating according to feedback from meetings and review Project meeting (2-06) 31.03Terminology work complete xx days XML kick off, POSC, Capgemini, project participants 25.04Project meeting (3-06) ? 23.05Project meeting (4-06) ? 31.07XML schemas complete 01.08Start Pilot, and adjust 31.08Project meeting (5-06) – decision to recommends implementation?
Summary 1.Met and reviewed terminology with drilling experts and it-professionals from operators and vendors. Statoil Hydro Conocophillips Total BP Peloton Landmark 2.Approximately 140 issues and comments from meetings. To be resolved by PSA/OD, Operators and DNV
Open tasks in project 1.Issue resolution Phase 1:CDRS including minor changes from NPD/PSA and other project participants. Phase 2:Major gaps? 2.Create XML schemas Kick off meeting mid April with Capgemini, POSC and DBR participants 3.Pilots – how, where and when? Valhall one possible case + one other case
Review details Project meeting March
Review details 1 1.The information in CDRS will cover partner reporting 2.Clarification of terms and definitions GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION – relative to what? FORMATION PORE PRESSURE – is this measured or predicted? 3.Time codes/activities/operations SUPERIOR Not logical with BOP TEST MAIN OPERATION & SUB OPERATION Done differently from company to company DOWN TIME/INTERUPTION not linked to interrupted operation in CDRS Seems to be a need for more downtime details than CDRS provides Hydro has suggested new coding Complex job....
4.Suggested additional information Cement Period of operation “Drilling like” units of measure Hours in stead of minutes Inches in stead of meters Etc... Formation name – selection list Use Survey tools not “Single shot measurement indicator” Datum (reference points) Mean sea level Wellhead Casing type Tapered string Expandable Pressurized coring Indicator Review details 2
4.Suggested additional information (cont.) Well stimulation (At well testing) indicator “Shallow water kick” is a kick type Perforation - Shot density RIG ID RIGTYPE Bit data Side track Technical side track (BP) Geological side track (BP) Tight wells Review details 3
Phase 1 vs. Phase 2 - suggestion Phase 1 CDRS information Clarification of terms and definitions Use Survey tools not “Single shot measurement indicator” RIG ID Phase 2 Operation codes Cement Period of operation “Drilling like units of measure Formation name – selection list Datum (reference points) Casing type Pressurized coring Well stimulation (At well testing) indicator Perforation - Shot density RIGTYPE Bit data Side track Tight wells ++
Daily Drilling Report – suggested sections 1.Basic information 2.Status 3.Mud data 4.Pore pressure 5.Present operation 6.Survey 7.Operation/mode 8.Log 9.Core 10.Well production test 11.Well Formation Test (WFT) 12.Weather 13.Remarks – Removed from CDRS 14.Lithology 15.Equipment failure 16.Well Control Incident 17.Preliminary zonation 18.Perforation intervals