Sheri Milinski Week Five Assignment EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research (NMJ1538A) Instructor: Kathy Hoover 10/15/15 Mock Action Research Proposal Presentation
The purpose of this study is to describe the effects of the process of teaching children about values that include honesty, confidence, kindness, equality, and respect. The goal is to guide children to become responsible, self-disciplined people. Problem solving, decision making, and conflict resolution are important parts of everyday life. 1. Write a focus statement
The participants in this study were chosen because they are a part of the school community. They have an understanding of what is being taught, social aspects and procedures and protocols. It is important to understand the subjects and in the time frame of the study will allow the best access to them. It will provide maximum information in a short amount of time. My children will be the variables due to the fact that I am not employed in a classroom. 2. Define the variables-understand the need
What strategies can I apply to incorporate the use of technology within the home and outside the home that will guide children to become responsible, self-disciplined people? What programs can be utilized to promote success and safety that will provide my children equitable access to success in an atmosphere that has positive and acceptable boundaries? What methods will engage the participants who are struggling with confidence to embrace values that include honesty, confidence, kindness, equality, and respect? 3. Develop research questions
The intention is to implement a check list of acceptable boundaries and guidelines for the participants to follow. There will be a continual process of evaluation in order to monitor the effects and process of the boundaries and how they improve the intended goal. 4. Intervention
Researcher: Sheri Milinski Participants: Claire Milinski age- 14 Sean Milinski age - 9 Videoographer: Sheri Milinski 5. Action research group
1) The first step in the action research study, in chronological order, is to implement the parental controls check list. 2) It will be necessary to monitor and reinforce proper use of the check list. 3)conduct interviews and have the participants write journals. 6. Describe the process that needs to be taken
I t is estimated to spend one hour per day for six weeks. Spending time interviewing the participants, journaling and working on activities will take approximately thirty minutes per participant per day. 7. Timeline
Parental controls Checklists Analysis of existing records Data Interview Journal 9. Ways to collect data
Smart phones Laptop Ipad Video recorder 9. Statement of resources
1) Acredolo, C. (1997). Understanding Piaget's new theory requires assimilation and accommodation. Human Development, 40(4), doi: / ) Couvillon, M. A., & Ilieva, V. (2011). Recommended Practices: A Review of Schoolwide Preventative Programs and Strategies on Cyberbullying. Preventing School Failure, 55(2), 96. doi: / X ) Mueller, T. (2014). The effects of a combined conflict resolution-mindfulness intervention on the positive peer interactions of primary school aged children. 4) Nixon, C. L. (2014). Current perspectives: the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent health. Adolescent Health, Medicine And Therapeutics, ) Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2012). School-Based Efforts to Prevent Cyberbullying. Prevention Researcher, 19(3), ) Smith, L. (2008). Ethical Principal in Practice. Retrieved from 45c6-9efe-67cdac7c2be2/Smith_L.__2008.__Ethical_principles_of_practice.pdf on October 1, ) Standford Prison Study. Retrieved from on October 1, Apology to survivors of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Retrieved from on October 1, ) Williford, A., Elledge, L. C., Boulton, A. J., DePaolis, K. J., Little, T. D., & Salmivalli, C. (2013). Effects of the KiVa Antibullying Program on Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization Frequency Among Finnish Youth. Journal Of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 42(6), doi: / References