GCSE ICT 1 Unit 1 Examination
GCSE ICT Unit /11 One Tier Number of questions: Maximum marks for paper: 80 Date: 24 June 2011 Duration: 1½ hours
GCSE ICT Unit /11 Most questions contain a few sections Each section within the question is more demanding to the candidate than the previous section Paper is more akin to the legacy Paper 1
GCSE ICT Unit /11 Essay type question remains as the last question Responses are clear and accurate They use appropriate terminology and accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar Responses lack clarity. There are a few errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar Candidates simply list a range of points or give a brief explanation of one or two. The response lacks clarity and there are significant errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. 0Response not worthy of credit.
GCSE ICT Content /11 Data and information Data validation Verification (passwords and online data entry forms)
GCSE ICT Content /11 Home entertainment Interactive TV Gaming Basic digital photography Webcam services Social networking Music
GCSE ICT Content /11 Home and personal communication systems Broadband and cable services Wireless and Bluetooth technology Mobile phones PDA’s GIS systems
GCSE ICT Content /11 Home business Online shopping and searching for and on websites Booking online
GCSE ICT Content /11 Organisations: school, home, environment School registration systems Management information systems in schools Data logging in school activities Control systems ( non feedback ) Weather forecasting systems
GCSE ICT Content /11 ICT and learning Understanding the desktop environment Learning devices to support disabilities DTP Presentation and Multimedia software Database Spreadsheet Computer Control Online/distance learning services
GCSE ICT Content /11 Staying safe Online Health issues Issues concerning data protection Copyright Act: Issues concerning copyright misuse Codes of conduct for personal protection
GCSE ICT Content /11 Emerging Technologies Quality of written communication
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 Interactive digital televisions can receive many TV channels. (a) In addition to these extra TV channels, interactive digital television offers many other services. Tick( ) four of the following services which are available on interactive digital televisions. ServicesTick Pay per view services e.g. movies or sports Washing a shirt Voting / tele-voting Cooking a meal Lottery / gambling
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 (b) Give two disadvantages of using interactive digital television. [2] Exemplar responses Initial cost of installation, Run up large bills, Encourages ‘couch potato’ syndrome Not ‘makes people fat or unhealthy’ unless qualified Children could access ‘unsuitable’, material e.g. pornographic or watershed programmes. Technical problem with signal. Technical problem with the server (picture freezing) Bad weather interrupting the signal Disadvantage 1: Disadvantage 2:
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 A school PE department keeps a record of the fitness levels of its pupils on a computer database. Part of this database is shown below. Pupil NoNameActivityGenderFitness test score Date of Birth 474Davies SRugbyM612/12/94 387Khan SRunningF1104/09/95 210Jones RAerobicsM1000/13/96 109Robolski ARugbyM1215/09/94 078Evans LRunningF1317/04/96 321Jones WRunningM904/07/96 045Begum TAerobicsF704/06/95 029Smith RRunningF811/11/94 607Adams YRugbyF519/03/95 (a)(i)How many fields are shown in this database? 6 (ii) 'Pupil No' is the keyfield. State the purpose of the keyfield.
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 (b) The 'Gender' field contains a letter M or F. Describe one benefit of entering the data in this way? (c) The PE department want to find the details of all 'female runners'. Complete the table below to show how they can obtain this information from the database. FieldnameLogical operatorSearch criteria = FieldnameLogical operatorSearch criteria = AND
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 (d) The PE department sorts the 'Fitness test score' into descending order. Whose name would appear at the top of the list? (e) The phrase GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) is often used when referring to data. (i) Give an example of GIGO from the fitness database shown on the previous page. (ii) Describe how this mistake could have happened and describe a method of preventing the mistake.
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 The Smith family consists of David the father, Ruth the mother, Tom the son and Mary the daughter. Each family member has a laptop with access to the internet. (a) Tom spends a lot of time playing games on-line and has developed a repetitive strain injury (RSI). State two things Tom can do to avoid RSI when playing games. 1 2
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 (b) To access the internet the family uses a router. State two ways the family could prevent unauthorised access to the router. 1 2 (c) Mary uses a social networking site to share news, views and photos with friends. State one way Mary can limit access to this personal information.
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 (e) Ruth uses her laptop to buy clothes on-line. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying goods on-line.
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 Tick( ) the correct box to show which of these items is data, information or knowledge. You were travelling at 31 mph exceeding the 30 mile an hour speed limit The athlete who ran the race in 1 min and 15 seconds is the fastest 1 min 20 seconds 1 min 15 seconds The athletes times are sorted into order 1 min 15 seconds 1 min 20 seconds Items Data Information Knowledge
GCSE ICT Sample question /11 The use of ICT in school administration has increased over recent years. Describe four ways ICT has helped to advance this development. In addition point out at least four advantages or disadvantages of this change, including at least one of each. [15] Remember that the quality of written communication will be assessed in this question.