Inc 35/36 Overview ISS Research/Utilization January 30, 2013 Gina Calderon Lead LIS Rep, Inc 35/36 Vlad Shargorodskiy LIS Rep, Inc 35/36 Jorge L. Sotomayor Lead Increment Scientist (LIS), Inc 35/36
Increment Research Team (IRT) and LIS Functions 4-W Research Overview 2 Agenda
All USOS Partners are represented in the Increment Research Team (IRT) CSAESAJAXA NASA The Increment Research Team, led by the Lead Increment Scientist, and supported by IP Increment Scientists: integrates priorities among all partner investigations in the tactical and execution phases develops recommendations on research requirement changes and issues resolution this includes evaluating impacts to potential program changes such as launch dates and EVA’s 3 Increment Research Team (IRT)
Inc - 12 months through Inc – 1 month – Familiarization with key science and operation requirements – Integrated Load Shed Table Priorities – Priorities for Preliminary OOS – Science Symposium – Science Requirements Tracking Database – Priorities for Final OOS – Crew Science Briefing & Voluntary Science Briefings – Cold Stowage Priorities 4 IRT Responsibilities - Tactical
Inc - 1 month through Increment end – Weekly prioritization of Activities (Trackable Requirements) – Weekly submittal of Weekly Science Summary (WSS) to crew – Replanning support as required – Management of Trackable (or Remaining) Science Requirements – Identify and recommend Voluntary Science Candidates 5 IRT Responsibilities - Execution
Collection of crew debrief questions Collection of 30 day reports Development of Increment Accomplishment Reports 6 IRT Responsibilities – Post Flight
The IPM, POM, and LIS form the team known as the Triad The Triad is led by the IPM The Triad uses the IRT priorities, along with rack and facility maintenance requirements to determine the optimum weekly scheduling of activities, while considering other ISS non- research activities and constraints 7 LIS Role in the Triad
The Weekly Science Summary is a product generated by the Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) Team Delivered to the on-orbit crew every Friday evening Also delivered to a wide distribution that includes all ISS Science Teams, JAXA, ESA, CSA, and various NASA centers and organizations 8 Weekly Science Summary (WSS)
Content Provides the following for current investigations: – Payload Name and general description (using “mouse over” feature) – Status of investigation/crew member performing – Total runs planned for the increment – Runs completed as of the end of the reporting week – Description of activities performed during that week – Supplemental information (when appropriate): graphs, pictures, video, other Provides “Top 3” investigations for the following week with the following information from the ISS Program Scientist Toolbox: PAO Summary, Earth Benefits, Space Benefits Provides “Breaking News” from the Program Scientist Office 9 Weekly Science Summary (WSS)
Schedule Wednesday AM - LIS Rep on console sends request for inputs Thursday 3PM - Inputs due to the LIS Rep on console for consolidation, review, and editing (if deemed necessary) Friday Noon – LIS and LIS Reps complete review and deliver to POD – Inputs for activities performed on Friday may be sent as early as possible on Friday or included in the following week’s WSS Friday Evening – WSS is delivered to the ISS crew Format Excel table with separate tabs for “Weekly Science Summary”, “Research Top 3” and “Breaking News”, other tabs as needed for highlights/pictures/graphs/etc “Mouse-over” feature pops-up brief summary of investigation – consistent with PAO summaries in the Program Scientist Toolbox (in-work) 10 Weekly Science Summary (WSS) cont.
Consistency Crew requested consistency across investigations – Some payloads provide extensive information about week’s operations, where others provide very limited information Include status and significance of activities performed Describe issues, potential source of problem (if known), “big picture” words on future related steps/activities (do not provide direction) Per crew request, use layman’s terms as much as possible; they use the information in this report to communicate ISS science to the public via PAO events The WSS does not/must not provide direction to the crew; information that may be interpreted as direction will be removed prior to uplink. 11 Weekly Science Summary (WSS) cont.
12 Weekly Science Summary (WSS) cont.
1.What? – What are the investigations planned for Inc 35/36? – Scientific Disciplines included in the Research Plan 2.Where? – Where will these investigations be located on the ISS? 3.Who? – Who will be performing these investigations – Crew Assignment Matrix 4.When? – When will these investigations be performed on the ISS – Critical Science During the Increment Stage-by-Stage 13 Four-W’s Research Overview
Biology and Biotechnology Human Research Bone & Muscle Physiology Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems Human Behavior & Performance Integrated Physiology & Nutrition Neurological & Vestibular Systems What? Increment 35/36 Research Plan Spinal Ultrasound SARCOLAB (35S) Integrated Cardiovascular Ocular Health (HTV4) Vessel Imaging BP Reg, Vascular Journals Reaction Self Test Circadian Rhythms (35S) Reversible Figures Space Headaches (35S) SKIN-B (34S) Microbiome (34S, 35S) Nutrition, ProK, Repository ENERGY (SpX-2, ATV4, HTV4) Biological Rhythms 48h (HTV4) Microbiology Animal Biology Viable ISS High Eff Particle Filter AQH Microscope MEDAKA OSTEOCLAST MEDAKA OSTEOCLAST 2 Air, Water, Surface Monitoring Amine Swingbed DIAPASON (HTV4) UBNT JAXA TEM (Orb1) Avionics & Software DTN, SNFM Communication & Navigation Surface Telerobotics Orbital Environment HiMassSEE MVIS Robotics & Imaging 3DA1 Camcorder HET Smartphone Robonaut Plant Biology Radiation Measurement REM DOSIS-3D (34S) TRITEL (33S) Radi-N2 Area PADLES 10 Technology Demonstration Picosatellite Tech SPHERES-RINGS (HTV4) 14 Deployables JSSOD-Cubesats (HTV4) SPHERES Interact Commercial Pathfinder JAXA PCG Cellular Biology Cell Bio Tech Demo (SpX2) Cell Mechanosensing Space Pup (SpX2, HTV4) Stem Cells (SpX2) Macro Crystal Growth Vaccine Dev Astrobiology Passive Env. Control Sys. Physical Sciences Combustion Science Complex Fluids Fluid PhysicsMaterial Science FLEX-2 ICE-GA (ATV4) BASS BCAT-3,-4,-6 DECLIC-ALI BCAT-C1 ACE-1 (ATV4, SpX2) CFE-2 CCF CVB-2 (ATV4) DECLIC-HTI-R (ATV4) FASES (ATV4) Dynamic Surf (ATV4, HTV4) Ice Crystal 2 (HTV4) Marangoni EXP Marangoni UVP SpaceDRUMS CSLM-3 (SpX-2) MSL Batch 2a-2 (ATV4) Alloy Semiconductor Hicari Educational Activities Educational Demos Student Expts Competitions EPO Demos ISS Ham Radio EPO Parmitano EPO-10 EarthKAM Nanoracks Modules- 19, 20, 21, 22 (SpX2) CSI-06 (Orb1) Tomatosphere-III SPHERES Zero Robotics Cultural Activities Comm & Outreach Asian Seed 2013 (HTV4) JAXA Commercial (HTV4) Earth Remote Sensing CEO I-SERV Earth & Space Science ESA JAXA NASA CSA Key: Seedling Growth (SpX2) Resist Tubule (HTV4) Aniso Tubule (HTV4) BRIC-17 (SpX2) Characterizing Expt H/W Microflow (SpX2)
15 Human Research What? Increment 35/36 Research Plan Bone & Muscle Physiology Neurological & Vestibular Systems Bisphosphonates (Control) Functional Task Test Hip QCT Intervertebral Disk Damage SPRINT (Control) Manual Control CARTILAGE NEUROSPAT VC-Reflex Astrophysics/ HeliophysicsEarth Remote Sensing AMS-02 Solar-SOLACES/SOLSPEC MAXI MCE HREP-HICO/RAIDS SMILES Earth & Space Science Technology Demonstration Spacecraft Materials MISSE-8 SEDA-AP Communication & Navigation SCAN Testbed Vessel ID Robotics & Imaging RRM-P2 (HTV-4) Orbital Environment STP-H4 (HTV4) External Payloads Pre/Post-flight only Technology Demonstration CRUSADE (Postflight)
HREP/HICO, RAIDS SMILES SEDA-AP MAXI MCE Facility Acronyms CB – Clean Bench CBEF – Cell Biology Experiment Facility CGBA – Commercial Generic Biology Apparatus CIR - Combustion Integrated Rack EDR - European Drawer Rack EMCS - European Modular Cultivation System EPM - European Physiology Module FIR – Fluids Integrated Rack FPEF – Fluid Physics Experiment Facility FSL – Fluid Sciences Lab HRF – Human Research Facility KUBIK - Incubator LMM – Light Microscopy Module MARES – Muscle Atrophy Research and Ex Sys MDCA – Multi-Drop Combustion Apparatus MELFI – Minus Eighty deg. Laboratory Freezer MSG – Microgravity Sciences Glove box MSL – Material Science Lab MSPR – Multi purpose Small Payload Rack MSRR - Materials Science Research Rack MVIS – Microgravity Vibration Isolation System PCRF – Protein Crystallization Research Facility WORF - Window Observation Research Facility MSG CSLM-3, CCF, BASS US LAB - Destiny EXPRESS Rack-1 CGBA-4/ MAMS, SAMS-II EXPRESS Rack-2A CGBA-6/CSI-06, ABRS GLACIER1, Platereader Microflow MSRR MSL/Batch2a-Set2 WORF EarthKAM, ISERV FIR LMM/ACE-1, CVB MELFI-3 ELC4 ELC2 MISSE-8 S3Truss AMS-02 EXPRESS Rack-8 Robonaut-Teleops, Amine Swingbed, CGBA-2/NLP Vaccine21 EXPRESS Rack-5 SpaceDRUMS RYUTAI FPEF/ Marangoni EXP & UVP PCRF/JAXA PCG, Ice Crystal-2 EXPRESS Rack-4 NanoRacks Platforms/ Modules-19, 20, 21, 22 DECLIC-ALI, HTI-R MELFI-1 Space Pup Stem Cells SAIBO CBEF/ Cell Mechanosensing; Resist Tubule; Aniso Tubule MELFI-2 JEM - KIBO MSPR AQH/Medaka Osteoclast-2 KOBAIRO Hicari Area PADLES-10, Asian Seed 2013, Bio Rhythms-48h, BCAT (3, 4, 6), BCAT- C1, RADI-N2, CFE-2, Commercial, CubeSats, DIAPASON, EPO-10, Ocular Health, SNFM SPHERES-RINGS / Zero Robotics / Interact / HET Smartphone TEM EDR KUBIK/ BioLab HRF-1 SLAMMD/ ICV, Ocular Health, Spinal USND, Vessel Imaging EXPRESS Rack 3A GLACIER3, EMCS/SeedlingGrowth ISS Ham EPM BP Reg, DOSIS-3D, ENERGY MARES SARCOLAB Columbus Vessel ID Solar BCAT (3, 4, 6), BCAT-C1, Circadian Rhythms, Comm&Outreach-2, DIAPASON, DOSIS-3D, ENERGY, EPO-Parmitano, Journals, RADI-N2, Reaction Self Test, Reversible Figures, Space Headaches, Skin-B, TRITEL, Vessel ID Express Rack-6 GLACIER2, MERLIN EXPRESS Rack 7 GLACIER4 Robonaut ELC3 STP-H3, SCAN Testbed ELC1 STP-H4 VIABLE FGB FSL FASES MVIS/ FASES CIR MDCA/FLEX-2, ICE-GA AMS laptop, BCAT (3, 4, 6), BCAT-C1, BRIC-17, CARA, Cell Bio Tech Demo CEO, CFE-2, Comm&Outreach-2, DTN, EPO Demos, Hi Eff Bact Filt, HiMassSEE, RADI-N2, REM, Robonaut, SNFM, SPHERES-RINGS / Zero Robotics / Interact / HET Smartphone, Surface Telerobotics, TomatosphereIII, UBNT HRF-2 PFM/PAM, RF BP Reg, ENERGY, Microbiome, Nutrition, ProK, Repository, Vascular 16 Increment 35/36 Investigation Locations External Facility / Payload Where?
17 MISSE-8RRM-P2STP-H3, SCAN Testbed SMILES, SEDA-AP MAXI, MCE HREP-HICO RAIDS Vessel ID, Solar EXPOSE-R2 on Zvezda STP-H4 Where? External Workstations
18 Who? Increment 35/36 - Crew Assignment Matrix Note: Human subject experiments list may change based on results from Informed Consent Briefings. The information on this chart is NOT final. Updated per CQRM 12/19/12. I34-FE5 Hadfield I34-FE6 Marshburn I35-FE3 Cassidy I36-FE6 Parmitano I36-FE5 Nyberg Human Research Bisphosphonates (Control)XX X BP RegXX X Biological Rhythms 48XX Cartilage (Pre/Post)XX Circadian RhythmsXX X ENERGYXX X FTT (Pre/Post)XXXX Hip QCT (Pre/Post)TBD X ICVOprSubOpr IVD (Pre/Post) X Journals X Manual Control (pre/post)X X MARES/Sarcolab (biopsy P/P) X Microbiome TBD NEUROSPATXOpr Nutrition X Ocular Health XTBD Pro KXXXXX Radi-N2X Reaction Self TestXX XX RepositoryXXXX Reversible FiguresXX X Skin-B XTBD Space HeadachesXX X Spinal UltrasoundXXXXX Sprint Control (Pre/Post)X VascularX X VC Reflex (pre/post)X Vessel Imaging X
19 Note: The information on this chart is NOT final. Updated per 12/19/12 CQRM. New investigation training still TBD. Who? Increment 35/36 - Crew Assignment Matrix I34-FE5 Hadfield I34-FE6 Marshburn I35-FE3 Cassidy I36-FE6 Parmitano I36-FE5 Nyberg Biology & Biotechnology AQH Microscope C/O BRIC-17 JAXA PCG XX Seedling Growth Viable Physical Science Alloy Semiconductor BASS X BCATX XX BCAT-C1X CCF CFE-2 XX X CIR/MDCA/FLEX-2 XXOprX CSLM-3 CVB-2 DECLICX X Dynamic Surf FIR/LMM/ACE-1 XX X FSL/FASES XXX ICE CRYSTAL2 XX X ICE-GA Hicari X X Marangoni UVP MSL/CETSOL, MICASTX X PCG X X SpaceDRUMSX X X Earth & Space Science AMS-02 XX X CEOXXXXX ISERV
20 Who? Increment 35/36 - Crew Assignment Matrix I34-FE5 Hadfield I34-FE6 Marshburn I35-FE3 Cassidy I36-FE6 Parmitano I36-FE5 Nyberg Technology Demonstration Amine Swingbed Area PADLES X X DIAPASON DOSIS-3D XXX JAXA TEM J-SSOD Radi-N2X REM RobonautX XX Robonaut TeleOps XX X SPHERESXXX X SPHERES-HET Smartphone SPHERES-Interact SPHERES-Rings SPHERES-Vertigo XX X Surface Telerobotics TRITEL XX Vessel ID System XXX UBNT Education & Outreach Asian Seed 2013 X Comm & Outreach EarthKAMX XXX EPO DemosXXXXX EPO Parmitano X ISS Ham RadioXXXX JAXA Commercial SPHERES Zero Robotics Note: The information on this chart is NOT final. Updated per 12/19/12 CQRM. New investigation training still TBD.
21 Who? Increment 35/36 - Crew Assignment Matrix I34-FE5 Hadfield I34-FE6 Marshburn I35-FE3 Cassidy I36-FE6 Parmitano I36-FE5 Nyberg Facilities BiolabX XXX EDRXXXXX EPMXXXXX FCF/CIR XXOprX FCF/FIR/LMM XX X FSLXXXXX HRF RacksXOprX X HRF UltrasoundXXXXX MARESXXXXX MSGXOprXX SLAMMDXXXXX WORFXUserXXX Note: The information on this chart is NOT final. Updated per 12/19/12 CQRM. New investigation training still TBD.
22 When? Increment 35/36 - Investigations by Stage * External or no crew time Items in Red: Critical/Mandatory Science Stage 35-3Stage 35-6 Romanenko (RS) Vinogradov (RS) Misurkin (RS) CDR/Hadfield FE6/Marshburn FE3/Cassidy NASACSAJAXANASACSAJAXA ACE-1ISSHamBCAT-C1Alloy SemiconductorACE-1MISSE-8*BCAT-C1Alloy Semiconductor Amine SwingbedJournalsComm & Outreach 2Dynamic SurfAmine SwingbedNanoRacks CubeSat-1BP RegArea PADLES 10 AMS*MISSE-8*MVISHicariAMS* NanoRacks Modules- 19, 20, 21, 22 Comm & Outreach 2Dynamic Surf BCAT-3, 4, 6NanoRacks CubeSat-1Radi-N2MAXI*BASSNutrition/ProKMVISJAXA PCG BRIC-17 NanoRacks Modules- 19, 20, 21, 22 ESAMCE*BCAT-3, 4, 6Ocular HealthRadi-N2Hicari Cell Bio Tech DemoNutrition/ProKENERGYMarangoni ExpCEO Radiation Environment Monitor* VascularMAXI* CEO Radiation Environment Monitor* MSL/Batch 2a-2Marangoni UVPCFE-2Reaction Self TestESAMCE* CFE-2Reaction Self TestSOLAR*SEDA-AP*DECLIC-ALIRepository CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS Marangoni UVP CSLM-3RepositorySPACE HEADACHESSMILES*DTN*RobonautDOSIS 3DSEDA-AP* DECLIC-ALIRobonautVESSEL ID SYSTEM*FLEX-2 Robonaut Tele- operations System (RTS) ENERGYSMILES* DTN* Robonaut Tele- operations System (RTS) Hi Eff. Bactiera Filter*SCAN Testbed*FASES EPO-DEMOSSCAN Testbed* HiMassSEE*Seedling GrowthMSL/Batch 2a-2 FLEX-2Seedling Growth HREP*SNFM* REVERSIBLE FIGURES Hi Eff. Bactiera Filter*SNFM* Integrated Cardiovascular SpaceDrumsSOLAR* HiMassSEE*SpaceDrums ISERV*SPHERES-VERTIGOSPACE HEADACHES HREP*SPHERES-VERTIGO ISSHamSpinal UltrasoundTRITEL Integrated Cardiovascular UBNT JournalsUBNTVESSEL ID SYSTEM* ISERV*VIABLE MicrobiomeVIABLEVESSEL IMAGING
23 * External or no crew time Items in Red: Critical/Mandatory Science When? Increment 35/36 - Investigations by Stage Stage 36-3Stage 36-6 CDR/Vinogradov (RS) Misurkin (RS) Yurchikhin (RS) FE5/Nyberg FE6/Parmitano FE3/Cassidy NASACSANASACSAJAXA Amine SwingbedMISSE-8*BCAT-C1Amine SwingbedNanoRacks CubeSat-1BCAT-C1Alloy Semiconductor AMS*NanoRacks CubeSat-1MVISAMS*NanoRacks Platform-1MVISAniso Tubule BASS Nanoracks Platform-3 & Centrifuge Radi-N2BCAT-3, 4, 6NanoRacks Platform-2Radi-N2AQH Microscope Checkout BCAT-3, 4, 6ProKESACCF Nanoracks Platform-3 & Centrifuge ESAArea PADLES 10 CEOOcular HealthMSL/Batch 2a-2CEOOcular HealthCIRCADIAN RHYTHMSAsian Seed 2013 CFE-2 Radiation Environment Monitor* SOLAR*CFE-2 Radiation Environment Monitor* DOSIS 3DBiological Rhythms 48hrs CVB-2Reaction Self TestVESSEL ID SYSTEM*CVB-2Reaction Self TestEPO-ParmitanoCommercial Inc35/36 DECLIC-HTI-RRepositoryJAXADECLIC-HTI-RRobonautMini ECCODynamic Surf DTN*RobonautAlloy SemiconductorDIAPASON Robonaut Tele-operations System (RTS) MSL/Batch 2a-2Hicari EarthKAM Robonaut Tele-operations System (RTS) Dynamic SurfDTN*RRM-P2SARCOLABICE CRYSTAL2 EPO-DEMOSSCAN Testbed*HicariEarthKAMSCAN Testbed*SKIN-BMAXI* Hi Eff. Bactiera Filter*Seedling GrowthMAXI*HET SmartphoneSeedling GrowthSOLAR*MCE* HiMassSEE*SNFM*MCE*Hi Eff. Bactiera Filter*SNFM*SPACE HEADACHESMarangoni UVP HREP*SpaceDrumsMarangoni UVPHiMassSEE*SpaceDrumsVESSEL ID SYSTEM*SEDA-AP* ICE-GASPHERES-VERTIGOSEDA-AP*HREP*SPHERES-InteractSMILES* ISERV*Surface TeleroboticsSMILES*ICE-GASPHERES-RINGS ISSHamUBNTISERV*SPHERES Zero Robotics JournalsVIABLEISSHamSpinal Ultrasound MicrobiomeJ-SSOD CubesatsSTP-H4* MicrobiomeSurface Telerobotics MISSE-8*UBNT VIABLE
24 MRM1 SM Aft N2 Nadir FE-1 – O. Novitskiy FE-2 – E. Tarelkin CDR – K. Ford 3/15 32S Undock 32S Update Jan 11, Mar Stage 34-6 FPIP SSCN XXXXX, IDRD Rev A CR13583 Stage 36-6 (104 Days) E 35 CDR – C. Hadfield (Inc days) E 35 FE-4 – R. Romanenko (Inc days) E 35 FE-6 – T. Marshburn (Inc days) E 36 FE-4 – F. Yurchikhin (Inc 36 – 104) E 36 FE-5 – L. Parmitano (Inc 36 – 104) E 36 FE-6 – K. Nyberg (Inc 36 – 104) 3/30 34S Dock Stage 35-3 (15 Days) 9/11 34S Undock N2 Zenith DC-1 E35 FE-1 /E36 CDR - P. Vinogradov (Incr 35/ /120) E35/E36 FE-2 – A. Misurkin (Incr 35/ /120) E35/E36 FE-3 – C. Cassidy (Incr 35/ /120) Stage 36-3 (16 Days) Stage 35-6 (45 Days) RS #32 April 13 Mar-2013Apr-2013May-2013Jun-2013Jul-2013Aug-2013Sep Inc 34 Inc 37 51P 26-April 21-July 52P ATV4 1 – May RS #34 Aug‘13 MRM2 RS #33 June ‘13 Orb Sept Berth RS #35 Aug‘13 HTV4 20 Jul Berth 19 Aug Unberth 33S 14- May 34S 11-Sept 30- Mar 3/15 Undock SpX-2 2-Apr Unberth Increment 36Increment 35 35S 30-May 49P 15-Apr 50P 23-Apr Orb-D1 22-May Unberth 8-May Berth 5/30 35S Dock 5/14 33S Undock 26-July Critical science during each stage (loss of subject, irrecoverable loss of science/samples) Critical Science Stage 35-3 ACE-1 BRIC-17 Cell Bio Tech Dem CSLM-3 ICV Journals Nutr/Repo/ ProK Reaction Self Test Spinal USND Energy Space Headache Stage 35-6 ACE-1 ICV Journals Microbiome Nutr/ProK/Repo Ocular Health Reaction Self Test Spinal USND BP Reg Vascular (NET FD115) Circadian Rhythms Energy (L+3mo; >3weeks before return) Reversible Figures Space Headaches Vessel Imaging Stage 36-3 EarthKAM Journals Microbiome ProK/Repo Ocular Health Reaction Self Test Stage 36-6 EarthKAM Microbiome Ocular Health Reaction Self Test SPHERES Zero Robotics Spinal USND Circadian Rhythms SARCOLAB (TBD) Skin-B Space Headaches Biological Rhythms 48 hrs
Thank you for continued support to ISS Research With your support we will be able to meet all of the science program objectives and metrics 25 Closing Remarks