KCMUCO : Three faculties and 2 directorates Academic staff 160 Academic Staff using LMS/E-learning 40 + Teaching Methodology :Blended and Pure face to face ICT team Members:6 members
Background [1]. The use of the Internet/Intranet and related technologies for the development, distribution and enhancement of learning resources. [2]. Learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered via electronics devices. Source [What is eLearning? Available at: (Accessed: 11 December 2015).] Note: Experts believe it to be the fastest growing education industry
OBJECTIVES To assess ICT facilities and how they enhance learning To assess staff experiences on the use of e-learning
METHOD USED Design: Self administered survey (quantitative) Time: End of January to Mid of February Population: 27 Academic Staff at KCMUCo Inclusion Criteria: Academic Staff Used e-learning Data Collection Method: Questionnaire Method
Results: Participants Characteristics ItemNo% No of staff Response Gender: Male Female Age Below 40 years Faculty Seniority Professor Senior Lecturer Assistant lecturer Missing = Teaching Experiences Less than 5 yrs More than 5 yrs
RESULTS …:Perception StatementS.D N (%) Disagree N (%) Agree N (%) N/A N (%) It is easy to plan a creative course using LMS 1 (3.7) 24 (88.9)1 (3.7) LMS is able to enrich my course content through its ability to include resources from internet --25 (92.6)2 (7.4) Using LMS alone is sufficient to implement the course I teach 5 (18.5)12 (44.4)10 (37)- LMS improves my communication with students 1 (3.7)3 (11.1)22 (81.5)1 (3.7) The ability to organize the content in to categories with LMS makes my teaching more organized -2 (7.4)20 (74.1)5 (18.5)
RESULTS:CHALLENGES FACED ChallengesYes N (%) No N (%) Lack of motivation8 (29.6)19 (70.4) Poor technology infrastructure4 (14.8)23 (85.2) Lack of awareness of the existence of such technology at the college2 (7.4)25 (92.6) low general proficiency in computer use2 (7.4)25 (92.6) Low competence level in using LMS10 (37)17 (63) Poor access to computers1 (3.7)26 (96.3) Poor internet connectivity18 (66.7)9 (33.3) Inadequate time to prepare and upload materials into LMS5 (18.5)22 (81.5)
SATISFACTION WITH THE LMS AspectVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedSatisfiedN/A Easy to use-3 (11.1)24 (88.9)- Access-3 (11.1)23 (85.2)1 (3.7) Navigation-3 (12)22 (88) Interactivity-1 (3.7) 25 (92.6) 1 (3.7) User friendliness1 (3.7)2 (7.4)24 (88.9)-
ACTIVIVTIES CARRIED OUT USING THE COMPUTING DEVICES Activities carried out using computing devicesYes n (%)No (%) Office application (word, excel, power point etc.)26 (96.3)1 (3.7) Writing and sending 26 (96.3)1 (3.7) Surfing20 (74.1)7 (25.9) Looking for educational information on the internet25 (92.6)2 (7.4) Entertainment (playing games, movies, etc.)3 (11.1)24 (88.9) Communication and social networking (chatting and Facebook)4 (14.8)23 (85.2) Learning local and international news19 (70.4)8 (29.6) Downloading software15 (55.6)12 (44.4)
Activities carried out using ICT facilities
EXTENT TO WHICH COMPTUTING DEVICES HAVE ENHANCED TEACHING StatementS.DDis-agreeNeither Agree or nor disagree Agree Computing devices have made my teaching easier 1 (3.7)-7 (25.9)19 (70.4) They have helped to solve time1 (3.7)-11 (40.7)15 (55.) I can use the to upload materials anywhere --11 (40.7)16 (59.3) Easier access of materials from different sources 1 (3.9)-9 (34.6)16 (61.5)
SUPPORT FROM ICT/LCMS TEAM 0-25 v.poor poor good v.good
Faculty orientation on LCMS+ and Computer utilization
SERVICES TO BE ADDED IN THE ICT SERVICE LIST Software: Plagiarism software (for checking medical students proposals) NVIVO Bacterial coding - API system so as to upgrade microbiology for especially MD students ACOG/ RCOG Quality evaluation software/systems
SERVICES TO BE ADDED IN THE ICT SERVICE LIST cont.’ Services: Institutional access to important e-books and journals videos of medical skills and improve internet services Tablets/iPads should be available to all academic members as they can be used anywhere around the college to access materials Publication database awareness Web page for each department showing department activities
ICT Services Virtual discussion with duke sideAnatomy class (Medical students)
KEY OBSERVATIONS Staff members have basic knowledge of IT Computing devices are very essential in medical environment in enhancing teaching Internet accessibility is still a major challenge Embrace technology (Despite the challenges faced technology is still very crucial Some Staff members are not aware of the services available eg Publication Database
ACKNOWLEDGMENT DANIDA BSU Coordinator at KCMUCo TOT Facilitators Partner Universities (SUA,UDSM,KNUST,SUZA )