PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter What you will learn in this chapter Summary of the chapter Test your geographic knowledge by playing the GeoGame. 2 2 GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Summary GeoGame Main Ideas QUIT
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 Main Ideas continued... Section 1: The Earth Inside and Out The earth is the only habitable planet in the sun’s solar system. The drifting of the continents shaped the world we live in today. Section 2: Bodies of Water and Landforms Water covers about three-fourths of the earth’s surface. The earth’s surface displays a variety of landforms. GRAPHIC HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 Main Ideas Section 3: Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Internal forces reshape the earth’s surface. Internal forces shaping the earth often radically alter the lives of people. Section 4: External Forces Shaping the Earth Wind, heat, cold, glaciers, rivers, and floods alter the surface of the earth. The results of weathering and erosion change the way humans interact with the environment. GRAPHIC HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter What you will learn in this chapter Summary of the chapter Test your geographic knowledge by playing the GeoGame. 2 2 Summary GeoGame Main Ideas QUIT GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 Summary The Earth Inside and Out The earth’s interior is made up of a series of layers that float on one another. The exterior of the earth is the crust. The presence of air and water make life on earth possible. continued... HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 Summary continued... Bodies of Water and Landforms Almost three-fourths of the earth is covered with water. The hydrologic cycle circulates water. Landforms on the land and under the ocean are similar. HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 Summary continued... Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Huge plates on the earth’s crust move because of the circulation of magma. Earthquakes and volcanoes are the results of plate movement. HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 Summary External Forces Shaping the Earth Weathering and erosion cause changes in the earth’s surface and build soil. Actions of wind, water, ice, and gravity shape the earth’s surface. HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter What you will learn in this chapter Summary of the chapter Test your geographic knowledge by playing the GeoGame. 2 2 Summary GeoGame Main Ideas QUIT GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points Places & Terms 10 points The Earth Inside and Out 10 points Internal Forces Shaping the Earth 20 points Geographic Challenge Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points Bodies of Water and Landforms 10 points External Forces Shaping the Earth HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home Continents are the portions of the tectonic plates that rise above the ocean. 1.How are continents and tectonic plates related? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home in the mantle 2.Where is magma found? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home magma 3.Lava is a form of what? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home mountains, hills, plains, and plateaus 4.What are examples of landforms? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home A relief tells the elevation of the landform from the lowest point to the highest point. 5.What does relief tell you about a landform? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home It constantly circulates water on the earth. 6.What is the purpose of the hydrologic cycle? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) continued... GeoGame Home Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. 7.What causes earthquakes? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Places & Terms (5 points each) GeoGame Home Magma is forced out of the earth. A volcano is formed by lava, which is magma that has reached the surface. 8.How are magma and volcanoes related? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points 10 points 20 points Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Places & Terms The Earth Inside and Out Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Geographic Challenge Bodies of Water and Landforms External Forces Shaping the Earth
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame The Earth Inside and Out (10 points each) continued... GeoGame Home the core, including the iron and nickel core and the outer core; the mantle; and the crust 1.What layers are found in the earth’s interior? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame The Earth Inside and Out (10 points each) GeoGame Home The theory suggests the land was one supercontinent that has broken into many plates that have drifted apart. 2.What is the continental drift theory? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points 10 points 20 points Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Places & Terms The Earth Inside and Out Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Geographic Challenge Bodies of Water and Landforms External Forces Shaping the Earth
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Bodies of Water and Landforms (10 points each) continued... GeoGame Home Water flows through branching tributaries and major rivers into a drainage basin. 1. How does water reach a drainage basin? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Bodies of Water and Landforms (10 points each) GeoGame Home Topography shows the relief of an area, the distribution of landforms, and their relationship. 2. What is topography? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points 10 points 20 points Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Places & Terms The Earth Inside and Out Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Geographic Challenge Bodies of Water and Landforms External Forces Shaping the Earth
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Internal Forces Shaping the Earth (10 points each) continued... GeoGame Home convergent, divergent, and transform 1. What are three types of plate boundaries? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Internal Forces Shaping the Earth (10 points each) GeoGame Home The Ring of Fire is a zone around the rim of the Pacific Ocean where there is major volcanic activity. 2. What is the Ring of Fire? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points 10 points 20 points Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Places & Terms The Earth Inside and Out Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Geographic Challenge Bodies of Water and Landforms External Forces Shaping the Earth
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame External Forces Shaping the Earth (10 points each) continued... GeoGame Home Weathering is the mechanical or chemical process of changing rocks on or near the earth’s surface. Erosion occurs when wind, water, or glaciers act upon the weathered rock. 1. What is the difference between weathering and erosion? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame External Forces Shaping the Earth (10 points each) GeoGame Home wind, water, ice, and gravity 2. What are the three transporting agents of erosion? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points 10 points 20 points Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Places & Terms The Earth Inside and Out Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Geographic Challenge Bodies of Water and Landforms External Forces Shaping the Earth
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Geographic Challenge (20 points each) Running water creates v-shaped valleys, while valleys created by glaciers are u-shaped. GeoGame Home 1. How is a valley created by water different from a valley created by a glacier? continued... HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Geographic Challenge (20 points each) The movement of tectonic plates is the cause of earthquakes and some volcanoes. GeoGame Home 2. What is the relationship between tectonic plates, earthquakes, and volcanoes? HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A Living Planet Chapter 2 2 GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame Challenge! 5 points 10 points 20 points Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 10 points HOME GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK GEOGRAPHY SKILLS HANDBOOK Places & Terms The Earth Inside and Out Internal Forces Shaping the Earth Geographic Challenge Bodies of Water and Landforms External Forces Shaping the Earth