ALL ROADS LEAD TO EMPLOYMENT Skills for Employment: Self-Determination PRESENTED BY: The Center for Change in Transition Services.


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Presentation transcript:

ALL ROADS LEAD TO EMPLOYMENT Skills for Employment: Self-Determination PRESENTED BY: The Center for Change in Transition Services

Registration 1) Everyone participating in the webinar needs to register by typing your name, , name of district and school, and your current position or title 2) CCTS will conduct a sound check at 2:30 and 2:40. We will begin at 2:45 and end by 3:45. 3) Use the “Chat Box” to type in questions and/or responses Thank you for joining us today!

Center for Change in Transition Services Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project Center for Change in Transition Services Improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington state Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project This webinar is closed-captioned. To view the captioning click on the CC icon just above the video.

Webinar Norms Raise your hand and wait to be called on by moderator You may ask questions by typing in the chat box or by raising your hand (if you have a microphone). If you have a microphone, please keep it turned off until called on.

SELF-DETERMINATION Your GPS Guide…to post-school success

Your GPS Guide: Agenda 1. Definition of Self-Determination2. Resources for Self-Determination3. Making it Practical4. Questions?


Self-Determination “the ability to identify and achieve goals based on a foundation of knowing and valuing oneself” Field, S., & Hoffman, A. (1994). Development of a model for self- determination. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 17,

Five Key Attributes Know yourself Value yourself Plan Act and experience outcomes Learn Field, S., & Hoffman, A. (2002). Preparing youth to exercise self-determination: Quality indicators of school environments that promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and beliefs related to self-determination. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(2),

Definition of Transition Transition services are a set of coordinated activities designed to be a results-oriented process that facilitates the successful movement from school to postsecondary living. These activities are based on the student’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interests.

Definition of Transition Transition services include instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school living objectives and, when appropriate, daily living skills. 20 U.S.C. § 1401(34)

IEP Team Participation Transition services participants, …the public agency must invite a child with a disability to attend the child’s IEP Team meeting if the purpose of the meeting will be the consideration of the postsecondary goals for the child and the transition services needed to assist the child in reaching those goals 20 U.S.C. § (b) (1)

Adult Services Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of the individual to live independently, enjoy self-determination, make choices, contribute to society, pursue meaningful careers, and enjoy full inclusion and integration in the economic, political, social, cultural, and educational mainstream of American society. U.S.C. 701(2)(a)(3)


CCTS Resources

The Air SD Assessment Focuses on capacity and opportunity Student, Parent, Educator Forms

The ARC SD Scale Assess the self-determination strengths and weaknesses Facilitate student involvement in educational planning Develop self-determination goals and objectives Assess student self-determination skills for research purposes

The ARC SD Scale determination-assessment-tools/arc-self-determination-scale.html


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Student Presentation This presentation was one done by students as part of a grant from the Center for Change in Transition Services, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington. Please provide this information when sharing these stories. Contact:

I’m Pooh. Pooh is right brain dominant. This duck is right brain dominant he wants to destroy every computer he sees. The only reson he doesn't like computers is because they are organized and he is not. He is more creative. Life by JEFF LEED

Learning styles Thinking & Learning I’m right brain dominant Multiple Intelligences Bodily Musical Interpersonal Modality Strengths Auditory Visual Kinesthetic Stress Going to the dentist Oral reports Being accused of lying

Attributes #1 Riding my 4-wheeler #2 Playing my Dreamcast  #3 Riding a snowmobile #4 Making friends

Interests #1 Riding a 4-wheeler #2 Socializing #3 Lifting weights #4 Reading books

Academic Accommodations #1 I don’t always ask for help. #2 I have problems with things that are unfair. #3 Somtimes I need a spellcheck or dictionary. #4 Special seating Modifications #1 Taking tests in a familiar environment

Magellan Career Survey Temperaments= I like to work alone and I like to work where things are exciting. Data skills=I don’t want to work with numbers People skills= Low, because I like to be bossed around by only one person and not by a group of people. Physical Skills= #1Motor coordination factor level of 3 #2Finger Dexterity factor level of 5 #3Manual Dexterity factor level of 5 #4 Strength factor 5 “very heavy” #5 Use of hands yes

Magellan Career Survey continued #6 Speaking= I’d dislike to have a job that requires a lot of speak Data= I dislike working with computers People= I don’t like to deal with other people’s situations. Temperaments= I would like a job that has a lot of variety Interests #1 Protective: protecting people and property; enforcing laws; safety and law enforcement; fire fighter; crime investigation

Magellan Career Survey continued Interests #2 mechanical: engineering; engineering technology; air and water vehicle operations; craft technology such as carpentry, plumbing; quality control; material control; all mechanical work.

Career Goals #1 Professional 4-wheel racer: sponsorship #2 Stock car racer: sponsorship

Conclusion I learned that I’m right-brain dominant. The Magellan survey can give good information if you tell the truth. If I had a choice I would probably try to start my one business and not be bossed around.


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