DAY # 11 Haifa Abulaiha February 29,
MICROSOFT EXCEL Homeworks 1, 2 and 3. MyITLab A and B: 50% till Monday 11/30. Exam 1. 2
ACCESS VS EXCEL AccessExcel Row DataLive Data Numerical and non-numerical dataNumerical data Store and retrieve dataArrange and analyze data Relations between tablesNo relations No duplication in dataDuplication Larger amount of data< 15,000 Rows 3
DATABASE Database: is a collection of data organized as meaningful information that can be accessed, managed, stored, queried and reported. Examples: –Registering for university, booking a flight, shopping online, etc. 4
DATABASE Tables –Column ->Field –Row ->Records –Keys Primary (unique identifier) Foreign Relations –Referential Integrity. Data cannot be entered into related table unless it first exists in the primary table. 5
MICROSOFT ACCESS Access is a database management system (DBMS). DBMS is used to create, maintain and use database. Relational database. Excel vs Access 6
IMPORTANT DATES Due Homework # 4Friday 04/01 Homework # 5Friday 04/08 7